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Dragon Age: The Veilguard almost has too many customization options

Varric and Harding in Dragon Age: The Veilguard

BioWare is known for its character customization options, so the fact that Dragon Age: The Veilguard will have some isn’t noteworthy. However, the extent of those options is staggering, to the point where players can customize a lot of their experience.

In a series of interviews published in Game Informer this week, game director Corinne Busche delved into a ton of the customization options, from the difficulty and gameplay to character gear.

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An article published Thursday continued Game Informer’s breakdown of the character customization, specifically discussing equippable gear. According to Busche, players will be able to transmog (assign certain cosmetic characteristics to) different armor sets regardless of the character. Many players have come across a cool-looking piece of armor that doesn’t have the best stats or abilities, and this is set to fix that. However, the armor still has class designations, or can only be worn by your rook.

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You can also get a look at “aspirational armors” that the rook can get later in the game even if you’re just creating your character.

In another article, published Monday, Busche detailed the difficulty options. There were four available in the demo: Storyteller for story lovers; Adventurer for a balanced experience; Nightmare for way more of a challenge; and Unbound, which allows the player to customize their own. While many video games these days allow for some degree of gameplay tweaking — like the ability to turn off death or decrease damage dealt — there are some unique options here, like adjustable combat timing for parrying (great for people who don’t enjoy Soulslikes).

Busche said these options aren’t “a cheat,” but are there to “make sure players of all abilities can show up.”

Game Informer published details about character customization last week, and according to creative director John Epler, the team worked to respond to feedback regarding Dragon Age: Insquisition, like how certain hair colors looked terrible under game lighting.

This is some of the deepest customization we’ve seen in a video game. Many recent RPGs like Dragon’s Dogma 2 had detailed character creators, but few offer both a creator and robust accessibility options. We’ll get a more complete look at what’s in store closer to the game’s launch in fall 2024.

Carli Velocci
Carli is a technology, culture, and games editor and journalist. They were the Gaming Lead and Copy Chief at Windows Central…
How long is Dragon Age: The Veilguard?
A vista in Dragon Age: The Veilguard.

BioWare RPGs are known for being lengthy adventures. Whether it is one of the Mass Effect games or older Dragon Age titles, you can expect a hefty playtime full of adventure, charming companions, and side content. Dragon Age: The Veilguard is the first game in the series in 10 years and is far more action-heavy than previous entries, but does that mean it will lean on the shorter side? Or is this game a return to the old BioWare and something you can easily sink 40-plus hours into? There are a few ways to answer that question, and it will vary slightly from person to person, but here's about how long you can expect it to take you to beat Dragon Age: The Veilguard.
How long is Dragon Age: The Veilguard?

While it isn't quite an open-world game, Dragon Age: The Veilguard is still huge, with expansive hubs full of side content to explore. It also features incredibly customizable difficulty settings that can vastly influence your playtime. All that being said, if you were to take a balanced approach to exploring, doing side content, and playing on a difficulty level that challenges you a bit, expect the game to last you around 40 hours. You can probably shave off around 10 hours if you mainline the story, and maybe a bit more if you set the difficulty to the lowest level to just experience the story.

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Can you change classes in Dragon Age: The Veilguard?
Knights below a giant dragon in Dragon Age: The Veilguard.

Before you begin your quest to save Thedas in Dragon Age: The Veilguard, you need to make several important decisions. While you're making your character, you will customize your race, appearance, background, and more, but the most impactful decision is which class you pick. There are only three options: Warrior, Mage, and Rogue, but each one is highly customizable, with dozens of skills and ways to specialize them. We know that you can freely change your appearance after you've left the character creator, and there is an easy way to respec your skill points, but does the game also let you swap classes or do you need to give very careful thought when choosing?
Can you change classes in Dragon Age: The Veilguard?

Once you've made your choice between Warrior, Mage, and Rogue while creating your character, you're stuck with it. There is no way to change to a new class without restarting the entire game from scratch.

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Which class should you pick in Dragon Age: The Veilguard?
A wizard and night in Dragon Age: The Veilguard.

The character creator in Dragon Age: The Veilguard is incredibly deep. You can fully manipulate almost every aspect of your Rook, from their race down to their hair and eye color. Once you've finally settled on what you want to look lik,e you will need to make an even more important choice: what you want the game to play like. You will be presented with three choices for what class you want to be, each one with its own skill tree, specializations, weapons, and approach to combat. Unlike your skills or appearance, once you pick a class in the character creator, you're stuck with it. There's no changing your mind unless you are willing to start the game over with a new character. The game will give you a brief explanation of the classes, but it won't be enough to make an informed decision. Here's a detailed look at what you can expect from each class and whether or not it would be right for you.

The Warrior class is the tank of the group and is perfect for players who want to be in the heart of the action. They wear heavy armor and can swap between a sword and shield or a single two-handed weapon like an axe. You will still have some ranged options, such as throwing your shield and a few abilities, but the main focus is building up rage and unleashing strong melee abilities or areas of effect (AoEs).

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