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Standout games from the Game Devs of Color Expo

The Game Devs of Color Expo, an annual event highlighting board and video games from “people of all genders, races, and sexual orientations,” held a livestream on September 18.

The roughly 40-minute video showcased games from this year’s attendees. The online-only expo starts on September 19 and runs through September 20, and the livestream acted as a preview to the festivities.

Quite a few games were featured in the livestream. Here are a few standouts that caught our eye:


ProtoCorgi - Announcement Trailer [NA]

Few things are more adorable than a cartoon corgi that shoots lasers. The game is a shoot-em-up retro title in the vein of Gradius, or other similar games from the 16-bit era. The games cutesy art style belies what looks like an involved shooter with lots of variety. It was developed by Kemono Games, is available on PC and releases next month on the Nintendo Switch.

Xenosis: Alien Infection

Xenosis: Alien Infection [EGX 2019] Trailer

This game is a dark, atmospheric top-down shooter that’s reminiscent of Dead Space and the Alien movies. It’s set on a dimly lit spaceship and comes out next year.

OneBit Adventure

Official OneBit Adventure Trailer

OneBit Adventure is a roguelike dungeon crawler that looks like an old-school Game Boy game, complete with the appropriate bleep and bloop soundtrack. It’s a mobile game with the primary objective of survival, and it’s available on the Google Play store and Apple’s App Store.

Museum Multiverse

Museum Multiverse Trailer

This is a game about a young kid who wakes up in an empty museum, from Made in Brooklyn Games. It has a variety of different gameplay modes and looks multi-layered and atmospheric, kind of like if Harry Potter was a kid from Brooklyn. Unfortunately, it doesn’t have a firm release date yet.

Don’t Give Up: A Cynical Tale

DON'T GIVE UP: A Cynical Tale Release Trailer 9/16/19

This game has a throwback retro pixel art style and covers topics of depression and daily struggle. Its cute visuals act as a contrast to its subject matter, but it also looks fun in an Earthbound sort of way, with some Undertale vibes thrown in.

The game was developed by Taco Pizza Cat Games, and it’s available on PC right now and coming to Nintendo Switch either by the end of 2020 or early 2021.

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