The Sims 4‘s “Vampires Game Pack” introduces a “Create-a-Sim” customization options, including glowing eyes, “creepy eye sockets,” and less “alive” skin tones so you can design your own undead creature of the night, and the pack also includes Vampire-specific powers, as well as new motives and needs. We assume most motives and needs will be “drink more blood,” as well as their desire to go down to the local Sim-Topic for some new ripped black shirts.
As far as the powers are concerned, EA gave us a little taste in the first screenshots. Mesmerizing a human Sim appears to be the first step in bringing them into your home for a late dinner.
The new game pack also introduced the “Forgotten Hollow” world, which comes with “creeping fog” and dying plant life outside, as well as a longer nighttime to allow for your vampires to complete more spooky activities. The moon looms overhead, large enough to turn even the most stoic werewolf into an uncontrollable killing machine — but there’s no sign that they will be around to cause problems for the vampires.
Decorations for inside the home look to be classic, Stoker-inspired vampiric goodness. Holes are burned through the red wallpaper lining a living room, mysterious drinks sit on the probably-not-coffee table, and characters discuss and contemplate on complicated topics such as blood plasma and sharp teeth. On the wall are three paintings of the same rose and both candles and a fireplace add ambiance.
The Sims 4‘s “Vampire Game Pack” will be available on January 24. All previous game packs cost $20, so expect it to follow suit.