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You don’t need a gaming phone to seriously love mobile games

As an avid gaming enthusiast, mobile gaming has always appealed to me. However, despite my best efforts to get into gaming on my phone, I butted heads with it just about every step of the way because I found touchscreen controls to be truly awful. I figured that, unfortunately, enjoying games on a phone was reserved for people with the cash to buy luxury gaming phones with fancy shoulder buttons.

I couldn’t have been more wrong, and the solution was right in front of my face.

Early disappointment

Mobile gaming has been exciting for years, but I never quite felt like I was part of it for the longest time. This is partly because I didn’t end up with a smartphone until I was roughly 16 years old in 2014, and by this time I felt like I missed a lot of the app-based fun that I was constantly reading about online. By the time I did get a smartphone, a hand-me-down iPhone 4, I still didn’t really have a device capable of playing the cutting-edge titles being released as mobile gaming got more serious.

Man playing Asphalt 9: Legends on the Poco F4 GT.
Andy Boxall/Digital Trends

However, my excitement when I learned that I could play the iOS version of Minecraft was immense, so I downloaded the app and booted up the game (which seemed to run alright considering my phone), but was then met with disappointment.

I couldn’t play Minecraft Pocket Edition, not because of the lack of processing power chugging away from behind the display, but because of the terrible controls. It, like many mobile games, uses on-screen buttons to simulate a controller, just without any of the tactical feedback that comes from physically pushing a button. Given the fact that buttons are being removed from smartphones so fast you’d think their designers are afraid of them, this wasn’t the fault of the games, but was still an insurmountable issue for 16-year-old me.

Mobile games left me behind

I was crushed. It felt like I had finally gotten to experience the new frontier of gaming I’d been excited about, only to discover that I simply didn’t like it. Minecraft Pocket Edition wasn’t the only game I tried, but the problems I had with it were common. It ultimately turned me off from mobile gaming.

I didn’t need to buy a gaming phone in order to discover my love for mobile gaming.

From 2014 to 2021, I essentially wrote off mobile gaming as something I couldn’t engage with. I was constantly hearing about excellent mobile titles that I would try in the hope they would change my mind, but every time, without fail, I walked away defeated.

“People who love mobile games must just have expensive gaming phones with additional shoulder buttons that I could never afford,” I told myself. While that’s a possibility, it turns out that I didn’t need to buy a gaming phone in order to discover my love for mobile gaming this whole time.

Game-changing discovery

I bought a Backbone, a mobile controller that effortlessly plugs into my phone. I got it on sale expecting it to be the final nail in my mobile gaming coffin, but instead, it opened my eyes. Friends of mine had sung the praises of gaming on the go with recent titles like Genshin Impact, PUBG Mobile, and the huge library of premier console games ready to be streamed through Xbox Cloud Gaming. I didn’t understand how they were enjoying them until discovering many of them use a Backbone.

A Backbone controller held in a person's hands with an iPhone 12 inside it. On the screen of the phone, Genshin Impact is being played.
Image used with permission by copyright holder

From there, I realized it wasn’t specific gaming phones that enabled many mobile gaming enthusiasts to enjoy the platform, but lesser-priced controller peripherals that are as portable as smartphones themselves. I bought my Backbone for $60, a fraction of the price of a gaming phone like the Asus ROG Phone 5 or even the Poco F4 GT, and can honestly say that the value I’ve gotten out of it has far exceeded the initial buy-in price.

Obviously, part of the appeal of mobile gaming is the relatively low cost. All you’ll need is a decent smartphone and, in theory, you should be good to go, but the purchase of an additional peripheral can really change the experience for the better. For example, Apex Legends Mobile recently launched and, while being a faithful adaptation of the console/PC versions, it’s something of a nightmare to play when relying on the on-screen button prompts. It, like many other mobile versions of console games, simply has too many mechanics in place to smoothly transition to a purely touch-based format. Luckily, that’s where the Backbone comes in.

Instead of requiring players looking to get serious about competitive mobile titles like Apex Legends Mobile to invest hundreds of dollars into a phone made with gaming in mind, any phone can be a serious gaming phone with the proper peripheral. While the Backbone is my go-to because of its small size, there are other mobile controllers like the RiotPWR ESL out there, and they offer tactile feedback when pressing buttons, and clear up space on the screen that would otherwise be obscured by my thumbs.

Do you have a Backbone?

Deciding to finally invest in a mobile gaming controller seems like such an obvious choice now that I’ve made it, but had I not, I might have missed an entire platform of gaming that I’ve come to love. With the rise in prominence of mobile gaming over the last few years, I’ve had a lot to catch up on, but the Backbone has removed any stress from checking out new hit mobile games.

A Backbone controller with an iPhone 12 inside it. The devices are resting on a table and the Apex Legends Mobile logo is displayed on the phone's screen.
Image used with permission by copyright holder

Those on the edge of the mobile gaming space potentially looking to walk away forever because they hate touchscreen controls, or who don’t have an expensive gaming phone, do have another option. I should know, that was me for the longest time. If the on-screen controls are keeping you from enjoying the world of mobile gaming, consider investing in a controller. The Backbone has stole my heart, and opened the door for me to truly appreciate a platform that I felt was leaving me behind.

Peter Hunt Szpytek
A podcast host and journalist, Peter covers mobile news with Digital Trends and gaming news, reviews, and guides for sites…
Don’t expect Zelda’s $70 price to become the new Switch standard, says Nintendo
Link looks at his hand in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom will be Nintendo's first Switch game to be priced at $70. News that Tears of the Kingdom, a sequel to one of the bestselling and most critically acclaimed titles on the system, will have an increased price compared to its predecessor came as a surprise over three-and-a-half years after its announcement. It also raised questions about what the future of pricing for Nintendo games will be, especially as Sony, Microsoft, and third-party publishers all upped the cost of their new games in recent years. 
While Nintendo will release Tears of Kingdom at $70, a spokesperson for the company tells Digital Trends that this will not always be the case for its first-party games going forward. 
"No," the spokesperson said when Digital Trends asked if this is a new standard. "We determine the suggested retail price for any Nintendo product on a case-by-case basis." 
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom – Official Trailer #2
To get more insight into the price shift, I spoke to Omdia Principal Analyst George Jijiashvili, who explains what has caused the price of games to go up in recent years and how Tears of the Kingdom demonstrates that Nintendo will "remain flexible about first-party title pricing." Ultimately, Nintendo fans are finally starting to feel the impact of inflation that's been sweeping across the game industry, even if it's only "on a case-by-case basis" for now.
The price is right
Nintendo claims that not every one of its significant first-party game will be $70, and we can actually already see that in action. Preorders just went live for Pikmin 4, which launches on July 21, after Tears of the Kingdom, and it only costs $60. Still, Zelda's price tag indicates that going forward, Nintendo will at least consider raising the price of its most anticipated games to $70. But why start with Tears of the Kingdom?  
When asked why it chose Tears of the Kingdom as its first $70 Nintendo Switch game, a Nintendo spokesperson simply reiterated that the company will "determine the suggested retail price for any Nintendo product on a case-by-case basis." Still, it's a surprising choice for Nintendo to make that pricing change to just one exclusive game almost six years into the Switch's life span. Jijiashvili thinks the choice to do this with Tears of the Kingdom was a pretty apparent one for Nintendo, although it won't apply to everything going forward.
"If you are going to make a game $70, it's going to be the follow-up to one of your most critically acclaimed and bestselling games ever," Jijiashvili tells Digital Trends. "I don’t think that this means that $70 will become the standard price for all major Nintendo releases. It's worth noting that Metroid Prime Remastered is priced at $40. It's clear that Nintendo will remain flexible about first-party title pricing."

It makes basic financial sense for Nintendo to ask for a little bit more for a game it knows will be one of the biggest releases of 2023. But what factors in the game industry and world's economy at large caused Nintendo to make this decision? 
Priced Out
For more than a decade, people got comfortable with AAA video games being priced at $60. Of course, there were occasional exceptions to this rule, but it was seen as an industry standard until the dawn of the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X. Publisher 2K was one of the first to announce a price increase, and companies like EA, Sony, and Microsoft have all followed suit. Jijiashvili chalks this up to inflation-related pressure on game publishers.
"The games industry has already been experiencing a lot of inflationary pressure," he explains. "AAA games are much more expensive to make now than they used to be, but prices have actually been declining in inflation-adjusted terms -- if prices had risen with inflation since 1990, they would now be over $90. On top of that, we’ve had a big burst of general inflation, meaning that publishers are looking at big increases in everything from salaries to tools. It’s going to be really hard for most publishers to avoid passing on all those extra costs at some point."
Jijiashvili provided us with a graphic created by Omdia that "shows what the typical price points for each generation would look like if you adjusted for inflation." As you can see, the inflation-adjusted prices are only exponentially growing, and the big game pricing shifts the graph highlights were all technically not even enough to keep up with inflation when they happened. 

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I don’t want to see 5G on any phone in 2023
OnePlus 7 Pro 5G

I don’t want to see 5G on any phone in 2023. Why? It’s a complete waste of space, nobody actually uses it, and to the average person on the street, it means absolutely nothing. Yet, it has been a regular feature on new phones for years now.

Before everyone gets all uptight and starts stabbing out an angry email, I’m not talking about 5G, I’m talking about the tiresome practice of adding 5G to the end of phone names. We get it, it has 5G. So do the vast majority of phones out there, and it’s time to differentiate those that don’t, rather than those that do.
Enough already
Samsung Galaxy S10 5G. Julian Chokkattu/Digital Trends

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The best live service games of 2022: 10 ongoing games we couldn’t stop playing
A Sea of Thieves skeleton sits in front of text that says 2022 Best Live Service Games.

Some games are meant to be played once, savored, and then shelved for the next one -- not unlike a book or a movie. But many other games are meant to be played and replayed over a long period of time, offering wildly different experiences each time you sit down and boot them up. There were many ongoing games to pick from in 2022, a lot of which include live service elements like online multiplayer, microtransactions, and regular content updates -- though not all are worth investing your time into.

Even though there are plenty of stinkers out there to avoid, there were also several ongoing games that kept our attention in 2022, ranging across several genres. From globe-trotting online roleplaying games to far simpler games you can play at a café bench, here are 10 games that set the bar for live service in 2022.

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