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NASA is making ‘fetch’ happen with its Mars sample collection rover

Both the public and the space community are waiting with bated breath for the launch of the Perseverance rover this summer. The rover will travel to Mars and search for signs of ancient life, including collecting samples of Martian rock and soil.

However, even equipped with instruments including cameras and spectrometers, there is only so much science that can be done by a low-powered rover. To really analyze these Martian samples in full, we need to get them back to Earth.

That’s where the Mars Sample Return mission comes in. Organized by NASA together with the European Space Agency, the idea is to send another rover in Perseverance’s footsteps to collect up the samples and bring them to a spaceship on the surface of Mars which can carry them into orbit, where it can rendezvous with a second ship to carry them back to Earth.

The Sample Fetch Rover for this mission is currently under development by Airbus, involving engineers from both Europe and Canada.

Artist's concept of the Sample Fetch Rover approaching sample tubes
Artist’s concept of the Sample Fetch Rover approaching sample tubes NASA/JPL-Caltech

This plucky little rover is planned to be launched in July 2026, and will land in the area of the Jezero Crater close to where the Perseverance rover will be landing next year. Then it will trundle out across the planet to collect the tubed samples which have been prepared and left on the surface by Perseverance. This means the sample return rover will have to travel quite some distance, in total around 9 to 12 miles, which doesn’t sound like much by Earth standards but is a long way to navigate on an alien planet.

The hope is that the rover will be able to navigate autonomously, moving around 650 feet per day, and tracking down up to 36 samples left by Perseverance. To allow the rover to navigate autonomously, the engineers are developing algorithms which use data from the rover’s cameras to recognize the sample tubes even if they are covered in dust, which is important as high winds and a thin atmosphere make dust a common issue on the planet.

The rover will grasp the tubes using a robotic arm, then place them onto its body to carry them safely. Once it has carried them back to the sample return spacecraft called the Mars Ascent Vehicle, the rover will unload the samples using a different robotic arm into a safe cocoon so they can be launched into orbit. Then they’ll be collected by the Earth Return Orbiter and brought back to Earth for study.

Georgina Torbet
Georgina is the Digital Trends space writer, covering human space exploration, planetary science, and cosmology. She…
Curiosity rover battles up a 23-degree slope in its exploration of Mars
Curiosity Rover

The Curiosity rover is slowly making its way up Mount Sharp, a 3-mile-tall mountain on Mars. Mountains are useful to study as their steep slopes can reveal layers of material laid down over time, like a geological time capsule. But just like heaving up a mountain is a challenge for humans, it can be tricky for rovers too. Curiosity recently took on a particularly steep and slippery slope, marking its most challenging climb to date.

How difficult terrain is for a rover to pass depends on a number of factors, including how steep it is, how slippery the sand is, and what obstacles such as boulders or sharp rocks are present. This ascent, which the rover tackled through May and June, had all of the above including a 23-degree incline. “If you’ve ever tried running up a sand dune on a beach – and that’s essentially what we were doing – you know it’s hard, but there were boulders in there as well,” said Amy Hale, a Curiosity rover driver at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), in a statement.

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NASA lost contact with Mars Ingenuity helicopter for a week — but it’s OK now
NASA's Ingenuity helicopter.

NASA has announced that it recently lost contact with the Ingenuity helicopter on Mars for a week. Communications with the helicopter have now been restored, and it will continue exploring Mars's Jezero crater along with the Perseverance rover.

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Perseverance rover collects its first sample from Jezero delta
This image shows the rocky outcrop the Perseverance science team calls Berea after the NASA Mars rover extracted a rock core and abraded a circular patch. The image was taken by the rover's Mastcam-Z instrument on March 30, 2023.

Things are heating up on Mars, as the Perseverance rover begins its new science campaign. In its previous science campaign, the NASA rover explored the floor of the Jezero crater, but now it has moved on to investigate an exciting location called the delta. As the site of an ancient river delta, this region is a great location to search for evidence of ancient life and to find rocks carried from far-off locations by the river that was there millions of years ago.

Perseverance collected its first sample of this science campaign last week, on Thursday, March 30. This is the 19th sample of rock and dust that the rover has collected so far, with 10 of those samples carefully left behind in a sample cache on the Martian surface. The latest sample was collected from a rock named "Berea" which is thought to be made up of deposits that were carried by the river.

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