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Coca-Cola security camera ad shows us some of life’s lighter moments

While some may consider Coca-Cola’s latest viral video ad campaign to be as sickly sweet as the bubbly brown beverage it’s known for, others will finish watching it with a smile as large as the company’s recent quarterly profit figures.

The 90-second ad, made by production company Landia for Coca-Cola Latin America, features clips from security cameras located around the world. Now, your first thought might well be, ‘Why on earth do they want to make an ad featuring traffic accidents, robberies and people throwing cats into trash cans?’ But it’s not about that at all.

Set to a version of Supertramp’s upbeat ‘70s hit Give a Little Bit performed by Roger Hodgson, the video pulls together a bunch of nice clips (think acts of kindness) and adds some amusing little subtitles to help take the entertainment level up a notch.

So, for example, the ad starts with the words: “Security cameras around the world also capture people stealing….kisses” — CUT TO couple sitting on bench; guy gives girlfriend peck on cheek. Get the idea?

It also features ‘honest pickpockets’, ‘friendly gangs’, ‘harmless soldiers’ and, of course, a Coca-Cola-branded vending machine. It ends by asking us to “look at the world a little differently.”

“People tend to associate security cameras with negative events, but we wanted to disprove that assumption by demonstrating the abundance of happy events and actions they capture,” said Martin Mercado, the creative director behind the ad.

Hit-wise, the video’s doing well on YouTube, with almost 2.5 million views in just a few days. Whether it’ll help the company sell a few more cans of its popular drink, who knows.

You can check out the ad below.

Trevor Mogg
Contributing Editor
Not so many moons ago, Trevor moved from one tea-loving island nation that drives on the left (Britain) to another (Japan)…
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