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Google creates world map for New Year’s resolutions, wants you to post yours

So, even though we’re only a few hours in, how many of you have already broken your New Year’s resolution? Easy to make though often hard to keep, the promise to change your ways from January 1 is a long-held tradition for many, and now Google is joining in with the launch of its global resolutions page.

Add your own resolution to the world map or browse through those of others. And if you don’t happen to speak every language known to man, it’s no problem – thanks to Google Translate, you can discover how people from all countries are hoping to change their lives in 2013.

The page allows you to filter through people’s contributions, with categories including health, career, love, finance and family.

Google’s map is already beginning to fill up with resolutions from around the world. As you might expect, a good many currently on the map relate to health and fitness – “go back to size 4 jeans”, says one. There are, however, a few slightly more obscure ones, including “do wine tasting”, “get a puppy”, and my personal favorite so far, “grow a mustache”.

The global resolutions page appears as part of Google’s Zeitgeist 2012 site, which looks at the past year according to online search trends.

If you’ve made a New Year’s resolution for 2013, how about adding it to the map – or check out what others have posted if you’re in need of some inspiration. That wine tasting one sounds like a good idea.

Trevor Mogg
Contributing Editor
Not so many moons ago, Trevor moved from one tea-loving island nation that drives on the left (Britain) to another (Japan)…
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