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Elon Musk’s Hyperloop: Explained

For most of modern history, trains, planes, automobiles, and boats have been humanity’s four main modes of transportation. However, while these vehicles help get us from point A to point B, they’re also costly, harmful to the environment, and generally don’t move quite as fast we’d like. Just recently California moved forward on a $67 billion high-speed rail system in hopes of creating an innovative new way to move large groups of people in significantly less time. Though the project has moved forward, engineer, inventor and Tesla CEO Elon Musk has shared his disapproval alongside his own concept, the Hyperloop, which he claims will be faster and more efficient.

In this episode of Explained, Joshua Smith breaks down what exactly the Hyperloop is, what it means for the future of transportation, and more. Could Hyperloop end up changing the way we get around forever? Check out the video to find out!

Joshua Smith
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Just another not so ordinary kid living this thing we like to call life.
Elon Musk likes Newt Gingrich’s $2 billion moon base prize
Elon Musk

SpaceX CEO Elon Musk really likes former House Speaker Newt Gingrich's idea to award a $2 billion prize to anyone who can build and run a base on the moon.

According to a report by Politico, Gingrich proposed the contest, which would allow private space companies like SpaceX and Blue Origin to compete to see who can establish and run the first lunar base. 

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Elon Musk’s Boring Company plans to tunnel beneath another country
the boring company

Elon Musk has revealed he’s expanding his Boring Company to an overseas market: China.

The man who also founded SpaceX and Tesla (we can now add his brain-focused Neuralink company to the list, too) revealed in a weekend tweet that he’ll be officially announcing the move when he appears at the World Artificial Intelligence Conference in the Chinese city of Shanghai toward the end of this month.

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4 simple pieces of tech that helped me run my first marathon
Garmin Forerunner 955 Solar displaying pace information.

The fitness world is littered with opportunities to buy tech aimed at enhancing your physical performance. No matter your sport of choice or personal goals, there's a deep rabbit hole you can go down. It'll cost plenty of money, but the gains can be marginal -- and can honestly just be a distraction from what you should actually be focused on. Running is certainly susceptible to this.

A few months ago, I ran my first-ever marathon. It was an incredible accomplishment I had no idea I'd ever be able to reach, and it's now going to be the first of many I run in my lifetime. And despite my deep-rooted history in tech, and the endless opportunities for being baited into gearing myself up with every last product to help me get through the marathon, I went with a rather simple approach.

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