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Everybody hates Aquaman: Justice League movie roster drops to five heroes

Superman and Aquaman
Image used with permission by copyright holder

This morning, the good (and, more importantly, extremely reliable) people at Latino Review published a report which claims that when Warner Bros.’ film adaptation of DC Comics’ Justice League superhero team hits theaters in the Summer of 2015, the film will be primarily populated by a mere five of DC’s classic heroes. Those who made the cut are, in no particular order: Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, The Flash, and The Green Lantern.

Surprising? Not really. Those five are undoubtedly DC’s most popular heroes, and if the Justice League roster were to be expanded you’d next need to include characters like Hawkman, the Martian Manhunter, and Aquaman. Latino Review believes its possible that these three might appear in the film in either cameo or supporting roles, but beyond winking in the direction of his existence in DC canon, does anyone have any desire to see Aquaman on the silver screen? Hawkman and the Martian Manhunter are little-known to people outside of comic book readers, but Aquaman is notable thanks to his role in the Superfriends cartoon from the 1970s. Even at that time though kids always opted to look up to Superman and Batman, and we doubt anyone grew especially fond of the blonde guy who fights crime by discussing it with nearby trout.

Granted, Aquaman is more notable than Hawkman and as Latino Review points out, it’s more likely that we’ll see the former in a cameo. Then, if the Justice League film is a success – and Warner Bros. seems to be doing everything in its power to ensure this – it’s much more likely that Aquaman and any other lesser heroes would have prominent appearances in the inevitable sequel.

We’re still waiting to hear who might be cast for the Justice League movie adaptation, and we still require an official release date for the flick. Expect us to bring you all of that information as soon as Warner Bros. makes it known to the public. In the meantime, feel free to express your hatred of Aquaman in the comments below. We’re convinced that the man must permanently reek of brine and rotted aquatic life, so that’s a nice, productive place to start.

Earnest Cavalli
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Earnest Cavalli has been writing about games, tech and digital culture since 2005 for outlets including Wired, Joystiq…
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