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What is the code to the Lizard’s lab in Spider-Man 2?

Dr. Connors, aka The Lizard, is forced back into his reptile state after Kraven injects him with his old serum in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2. This would be bad enough, but he’s also the only one who knows the truth about the symbiote and how to potentially get it off of Peter. Before that can happen, you need to track him down and inject him with the cure, and your search begins at his home in Queens. While exploring Connors’ home, you discover that he had his own laboratory built underneath it for his experiments. Naturally, he wanted to keep this secret and put a passcode on the entrance. There’s a small puzzle to uncover the code, and this isn’t a puzzle you can skip. Here’s how to open the lab.

How to open the Lizard’s lab

Spider man pressing keys on a tablet.
Sony Interactive Entertainment

After exploring Connors’ home and finding the panel to the lab, you will see a screen with four colored panels with one to four dots on each in order. Each one plays a tone, so the code is asking you to find the right musical tone. The clue here is the sticker of the barn on the upper right. If you visited the baby’s room on the upper floor, you will have heard the Old MacDonald song when interacting with a toy in the room. That’s the tone you need to recreate. The correct order to press the keys is 4,4,4,1.

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After pressing in the code, the path to the lab will open up and you can continue your hunt for The Lizard to hopefully restore him back to his human form.

Jesse Lennox
Jesse Lennox has been a writer at Digital Trends for over four years and has no plans of stopping. He covers all things…
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Every Incantation, effect, and recipe
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Incantation name

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The arcana cards menu in Hades 2.

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