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Better Together update for ‘Minecraft’ is rolling out now

minecraft better together
Image used with permission by copyright holder
We’ve known since E3 2017 about Mojang’s plan to bring as many versions of Minecraft as possible into step with one another, but now it’s finally time for the official rollout of the Better Together update. While its most compelling feature, cross-play, isn’t entirely ready, the update is now available to the first wave of players.

On September 19, Mojang’s Aubrey Norris announced that the Xbox version of the update was already live, and that the PC version was set to start winging its way to players on September 20. The Switch update will be ready later this year, but it’s still being perfected at this time.

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This means that Switch players can’t currently get in on the fun of cross-play. However, anyone using an Xbox One, Windows 10 PC, mobile device, or even a virtual reality headset to play the game can dive into their friends’ worlds and start building together.

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Mojang is introducing oodles of brand-new content to the game as of the update, too. A blog post published on the developer’s website to signal the release mentioned parrots, banners, armor stands, stained glass, and fireworks among the new craftables that can be taken advantage of from here on out.

If you’ve bought Minecraft digitally on any of the platforms included in this update, you’ll automatically be given access to it. However, if you’re using the physical version of the game for the Xbox One, things are slightly more complicated. You’ll need to play the game for more than five hours in the last 12 months before the cut-off date of January 30, 2018, or buy a piece of DLC before that same deadline, to be granted the update for free.

The outlook isn’t quite so bright for anyone hoping to play the latest iteration of Minecraft on the PlayStation 4. It has long since been announced that Sony didn’t sign up to bring this version of the game in line with the rest, and Mojang’s FAQ page about the update states that there’s currently no change to this situation — although the studio “would love to work with Sony to bring players on PlayStation 4 into this ecosystem as well.”

Brad Jones
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Brad is an English-born writer currently splitting his time between Edinburgh and Pennsylvania. You can find him on Twitter…
The best Minecraft seeds for 2023
how to find a village in minecraft

When you spawn into a Minecraft world, it uses a seed number to generate … well, everything. This seed is the core code that builds the world and decides your spawn point in it. The cool part is that if you find a world you really like, you can copy, save, and share the seed. The result is a growing collection of very useful or interesting seeds that are perfect for players who want something new -- but not entirely random -- to explore. Down below are some of our favorites!

Note: These seeds are designed to work with the Minecraft Java edition. There’s no guarantee they will work with other versions of the game. However, you can sometimes switch to the Bedrock version using seeds up to 2147483649 and then subtracting or adding 4294967296 to Java seeds higher than 2147483649. Seeds higher than 4294967296 and negative seeds won’t work in Bedrock. We know; it’s weird, which is why it’s best to use the Java version whenever possible for this trick.
All-biome world
Seed: 1083719637794

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All mounts in Minecraft Legends and how to get them
Four players stand together in the 4v4 PvP mode of Minecraft Legends.

In yet another genre-mixup following Minecraft Dungeons, Minecraft Legends brings the open-world survival and building game to the RTS genre. Unlike most traditional RTS games, where you control the action from a detached, overhead perspective, this game keeps you in the action by giving you a character to control on the field itself. To keep the action fast-paced, and make sure you can easily control and order your mobs around, giving your character a mount is essential. Just like in the original game that inspired it, there are multiple creatures you can use as mounts, and they all behave and function differently. While the world in Minecraft Legends isn't randomly generated, it can still feel overwhelming trying to find what you're looking for. Here are all the mounts you can ride in Minecraft Legends, what they do, and where to find them.
How to get every mount in Minecraft Legends

There are four different mounts you can tame and ride throughout your quest in Minecraft Legends. These include the horse, bird, beetle, and tiger. All you have to do to ride a new one is find it and press Swap Mount when near it, but finding them is the tricky part. Here's where each of them resides in the world, plus what makes them special.
Where to find the horse
You won't have to go looking for the horse since you begin the game with one. This is the classic mount and is made for getting you around the map much faster than on foot. The horse's special ability is being able to sprint indefinitely at a high speed.
Where to find the bird
A bird may not sound like a creature you could ride, and yet here we are. These rainbow-colored birds are quite small, but not hard to find in the Jagged Peaks biome. Keep an eye on your map for a clue as to when you're close to one since they will automatically be marked for you. Once you've mounted a bird, you will be able to jump higher than any other mount, plus slowly glide from any height by holding the jump button.
Where to find the beetle
Perhaps an even stranger choice for a mount, the beetle is much bigger than their real-life counterparts. These insects are native to the Jungle biomes, so venture into the trees to snag one. The Beetle has two special attributes, the first it shares with the bird which is being able to glide by holding jump in the air. The beetle's unique skill is that it can climb up any surface. So, while slow, it is very versatile and strategic.
Where to find the tiger
Now we're talking! If you want to play He-Man and ride your very own tiger, get yourself on a safari to the Dry Savanna biome to track one down. The tiger has the most simple ability, which is that it is simply the fastest mount you can get. However, this speed does come with a downside. Unlike the Horse, the Tiger doesn't have infinite stamina, so you will need to slow down eventually.

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You can now try out Google’s Bard, the rival to ChatGPT
ChatGPT versus Google on smartphones.

Google has just announced the launch of its conversational AI, Bard. Bard is Google's response to the ever-popular ChatGPT, now in use by Microsoft in its own products.

The tech giant rushed to release Bard, and it is now ready for testing. Google is inviting users to test the AI, but as it notes, it might make mistakes.

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