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Marvel’s Avengers finally adds Spider-Man this month

After over a year from being initially announced, Spider-Man will be available as a playable character for PlayStation players in Marvel’s Avengers on November 30. There will also be a new event available for players as well as the game’s first raid: The Discordant Sound.

Spider-Man was first announced for Marvel’s Avengers back in August 2020. After that announcement, we got very little information about the wallcrawler. Crystal Dynamics’ road map for Marvel’s Avengers earlier this year was the only other time players were officially told that Spider-Man was still on his way to the game. Alongside the new hero, players also have a new event that they can play. The With Great Power Hero Event will act as a story campaign for Spider-Man and can be used as an introduction to the hero’s unique playstyle.

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Besides Spider-Man, Marvel’s Avengers players will finally get their hands on the game’s first raid, the Discordant Sound. Raids are known to be more difficult than the usual content and require more coordination and players in order to accomplish. Marvel’s Avengers will have players face off against Klaw and conclude his story from the War for Wakanda expansion. Crystal Dynamics promises that the raid will challenge players with combat and puzzles. Included in this new update will be more cosmetic options for players as well as a new enemy type known as echoes.

The new update including Spider-Man and the Discordant Sound raid will be available for Marvel’s Avengers on November 30. Spider-Man is only available for PS4 and PS5 players.

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Andrew has been playing video games since he was a small boy, and he finally got good at them like a week ago. He has been in…
Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 fixes one of its predecessor’s biggest flaws

Insomniac Games has always had a penchant for silky smooth controls, and while Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 doesn’t make any drastic changes to gameplay, the new Symbiote and Bioelectric abilities give both heroes (Peter Parker and Miles Morales) more options when taking on groups of enemies. Both Spider-Men are a joy to play as in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2. Traversal has also seen minor, but helpful improvements, with the addition of web swings and the ability to swing around corners, which ensure that almost no roadblocks to movement exist while playing as a Spider-Man.

That’s why I was surprised that some of the most memorable moments of Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 for me were moments where I wasn’t in control of Peter or Miles -- and I’m not just referring to the sequences where I controlled a drone or Spider-Bot. Some of the weakest parts of the first Marvel’s Spider-Man were the ones where I wasn't controlling the titular hero. That’s not the case in this sequel, though, making that one place where Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is a clear, drastic improvement over its predecessor.

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Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 lets its villains evolve in ways comics never could

Marvel's Spider-Man 2, like the best Spider-Man stories, leaves a lasting impact on its characters. In comics, events like Death of Gwen Stacy, the corruption of Peter with the symbiote, Peter's marriage to MJ, and the reveal of his identity during Civil War left a mark on both the web-slinger and readers because they were character-driven moments that felt like they would change Spider-Man forever. Not all of these moments were actually allowed to do that, though. To maintain a brand identity and accommodate an ever-revolving door of writers, Marvel Comics always tries to get Spider-Man back to a status quo after radical changes.

Most infamously, One More Day undid Peter Parker and Mary Jane’s marriage and the fact that people knew Spider-Man’s identity after Civil War. Although there are still plenty of excellent Spider-Man stories coming out to this day, personal stories with a feeling of permanence are rare unless the comic is set in an alternate universe like the excellent Spider-Man: Life Story.

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What is the code to the Lizard’s lab in Spider-Man 2?

Dr. Connors, aka The Lizard, is forced back into his reptile state after Kraven injects him with his old serum in Marvel's Spider-Man 2. This would be bad enough, but he's also the only one who knows the truth about the symbiote and how to potentially get it off of Peter. Before that can happen, you need to track him down and inject him with the cure, and your search begins at his home in Queens. While exploring Connors' home, you discover that he had his own laboratory built underneath it for his experiments. Naturally, he wanted to keep this secret and put a passcode on the entrance. There's a small puzzle to uncover the code, and this isn't a puzzle you can skip. Here's how to open the lab.
How to open the Lizard's lab

After exploring Connors' home and finding the panel to the lab, you will see a screen with four colored panels with one to four dots on each in order. Each one plays a tone, so the code is asking you to find the right musical tone. The clue here is the sticker of the barn on the upper right. If you visited the baby's room on the upper floor, you will have heard the Old MacDonald song when interacting with a toy in the room. That's the tone you need to recreate. The correct order to press the keys is 4,4,4,1.

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