Eye-tracking hardware is another level of input that can provide the edge gamers are looking for, making things like looking for cover or aiming at a target incredibly fast and leaving the gamer’s hands free to control the mouse and keyboard. On Friday, Tobii announced its own second-generation hardware, the Tobii Eye Tracker 4C.
The Tobii Eye Tracker 4C is a significant upgrade from its previous model, with five specific features and components aimed at leveraging the more than 40 titles currently supporting eye tracking and the total of 100 games expected by the end of 2017. Gamers can see which games are supported by visiting TobiiGaming.com and current titles include Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, Tom Clancy’s The Division, and the upcoming Watch Dogs 2.
The most significant upgrade incorporated in the Tobii Eye Tracker 4C is head tracking, an industry first, which allows the device to simultaneously track both head and eye movement for the utmost precision in gaming simulation. The Tobii EyeChip is next up, adding a dedicated application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) that offloads head and eye tracking from the PC’s processor.
The size and visibility of the illuminators was decreased and a new integrated USB 2.0 cable improves compatibility. Finally, general tracking performance and quality was improved.
Like the Tobii EyeX before it, the Eye Tracker 4C supports Microsoft’s Windows Hello biometric login. Add the tracker to a Windows 10 PC and log in just by glancing at the tracker.
If you are interested in stepping up your game, then you can pre-order the Tobii Eye Tracker 4C on Tuesday for $149. Shipping starts on November 25.