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Win a copy of Driver: San Francisco!

OK people, let’s get down to brass tacks. We here at DT like gaming. If you are reading this article then you most likely enjoy gaming as well (or free stuff, which is fair). We have a bunch of games to give away, and so we had an idea. It was revolutionary. The first of its kind! We’ll give the games away to people and call it a “giveaway!” That’s breakthrough thinking right there.

Assuming your mind is not yet blown, then here is what we were thinking: Head on over to the DT Gaming section, then post your favorite gaming story you’ve seen recently in the comments below. We just want to know what you like, and what you want to see more of from the gaming news.

So that’s it — just comment below and let us know your favorite gaming stories that you read on DT gaming, and you will be entered to win a copy of Ubisoft’s Driver: San Francisco for the PS3, one of the best and most underrated games of 2011. Check out our full review.

The contest will run from now until Friday, April 13 at noon PST. We will then contact the winner, and once they have confirmed they are a genuine human being, we will let everyone know the contest is kaput… and there’s more.

We have a handful of games to give away, and each week for the rest of the month we will have a different game to offer. It may be for the 360, it may be for the PS3. We’ll keep it spicy, so check back each week for a new giveaway!

Update: Apologies on any confusion, but a winner has been selected and notified.  

We will be running more contests in the future, so keep an eye out for the next giveaway, coming soon!

Update: Hey all.  Just to be clear, we are looking for your favorite gaming stories that you read on DT’s gaming page, but all comments will be entered for a chance to win.

Ryan Fleming
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Ryan Fleming is the Gaming and Cinema Editor for Digital Trends. He joined the DT staff in 2009 after spending time covering…
Xbox’s multiplatform strategy is already paying off
Two men look at an election poster for Guybrush in Sea of Thieves.

If recent numbers are anything to go by, Xbox's recent strategy change, which involves porting some first-party Xbox games to other competing consoles, has already been successful after just a few months.

PlayStation revealed its top downloaded games for May in a blog posted on Thursday for both the PlayStation 5 and 4. While it doesn't list exact numbers, the top game for the U.S., Canada, and the EU is Sea of Thieves, which made its way over from Xbox console exclusivity on April 30.

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A game that’s just about clicking a banana is going viral on Steam
An illustration of a regular banana against an olive green b ackground.

A new game is rising on the Steam most-played charts, and it's not a new battle royale or Call of Duty game. It's a free-to-play clicker game where all you do is click an illustration of a banana.

At the time of this writing, Banana has around 434,000 concurrent players, but it peaked in the past 24 hours at around 480,000. Over the course of the day, it's risen in the charts above Apex Legends, PUBG: Battlegrounds, and Elden Ring, which are all regularly at the top of the Steam player charts. All of this information comes from SteamDB, a third-party site that tracks Steam data.

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Civilization 7: release date window, trailers, gameplay, and more
Figures walking through the dessert in Civilization 7.

The announcement of a new Civilization game is one of the only things that strikes both joy and fear into the hearts of fans in equal measure. On one hand, they know they're about to begin one of the most engaging, frustrating, rewarding, and deep 4X game ever created. On the other, they know that booting this game up has the mystical power to fast forward time multiple hours in the blink of an eye. You might start a game at 9 p.m. and only plan to play a few rounds, only to look back at the clock and see that it's 6 a.m. the following morning. Before you start coming up with excuses to get out of work and stockpiling microwavable food, here's everything we know so far about Civilization 7.
Release date window
The release window for Civilization 7 is currently 2025. If we were to guess, we would say it would be a fall or winter release that year, but more details will help narrow down the timeframe soon.

Even though 2025 will be the fifth year of the current generation of consoles, Civilization 7 is already confirmed to be a cross-generational game. It will be available for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PC, and even Nintendo Switch.
Sid Meier’s Civilization VII - Official Teaser Trailer

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