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European Union looks to block Apple’s hardware ‘gatekeeping’

Apple is one of the biggest tech companies in the world, having a huge stake in both hardware and software products, but the European Union is looking to make the company share its toys. The Digital Markets Act is a provisional piece of legislation proposed by the EU earlier this week that seeks to block companies from “gatekeeping” others by withholding software and hardware features from being used outside of first-party products. When looking at Apple’s lineup of devices and software, it’s easy to see that the company would be hit hard in Europe by the legislation.

The DMA would essentially loosen the grip that Apple has on the tech world by allowing third-party developers to have a better shot at breaking into the mobile market. Up to this point, things like third-party app stores and payment systems have been barred from being published on iOS devices, but the new legislation would obligate Apple to allow them on its platforms.

Apple products are seen in the store.
Jakub Porzycki/NurPhoto/Getty Images / .

It doesn’t just start and end with the publishing of new apps, however, because the DMA also requires that companies make their messaging and calling services interoperable. As first pointed out by MacRumors, this means that companies with messaging apps like Meta’s WhatsApp would need to be given access to Apple’s iMessage framework upon request.

The EU has previously come down on Apple with antitrust claims regarding the company’s blocking of third-party hardware access. The DMA would solve that problem outright by requiring tech companies like Apple that develop hardware and software to share hardware features with third-party developers.

While it hasn’t officially been passed yet, the DMA is on track to be made law. It’s received near-universal support from EU governments and will receive final judgment by the European Parliament in July. From there, tech companies will have six months to meet the requirements that the legislation has in place meaning that the effects of the DMA will be seen by the end of the year.

Apple will likely be forced to make plenty of changes to its business model from here on out, which might have further implications for how the company behaves globally. Based on its previous actions, the company doesn’t seem likely to want to follow the rules of the DMA in regions where it doesn’t have to, so only time will tell if it makes alterations in American and Asian regions.

Peter Hunt Szpytek
A podcast host and journalist, Peter covers mobile news with Digital Trends and gaming news, reviews, and guides for sites…
This EU law could force Apple to open up iMessage and the App Store
Someone holding an iPhone 14 with the display turned on.

The EU's Digital Markets Act (or DMA) has gone into force today. It could force Apple to open up the iPhone's iMessage and app-buying platforms to third-party apps and services. Companies that fall afoul of the act could be fined up to 20% of global turnover. Apple has previously criticized the DMA for being a "blunt instrument."

The DMA aims to allow smaller services to compete more equitably with larger ones. This means that companies with a certain number of users, labeled as gatekeepers, would have to make their platforms interoperable with smaller ones. Large platforms like Facebook or iMessage, for example, would be required to open up, while something like Signal could scrape by.

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WhatsApp is copying two of Zoom’s best video-calling features
Call Links by WhatsApp

WhatsApp is taking a couple of pages out of Zoom's playbook. The Meta-owned company is rolling out the Call Links feature, making it easier for people to join audio and video calls with just one tap on the phone screen.

Mark Zuckerberg announced the new feature in a Facebook post on Monday morning. Starting this week, WhatsApp users will be able to tap the Call Links option within the Calls tab and create a link for audio or video calls to send to their friends and family, who will then tap on the link and join the call from there.

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The EU wants Apple and Samsung to make more repairable phones, improve battery efficiency
Repairing a Samsung phone

Environmental sustainability has been a hot-button issue for quite some time now and that's not changing any time soon. The European Union is looking to pass a new law that requires tech manufacturers to meet certain sustainability requirements before launching new devices. A trade association that represents the biggest names in tech — including Apple, Google, and Samsung — is pushing back on the legislation.

According to The Financial Times, the legislation would require manufacturers to provide additional spare parts for device repairs for at least five years following the device's launch. It also calls on companies to improve battery life so that batteries can survive 500 full charges before dipping below 83% capacity. Additionally, the law aims to make all devices display an energy effectiveness rating similar to those found in other common appliances.

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