Times change, and so do people. What was an expression of your personality a few years ago may not hold true today. So, what can you do if you’re looking to give your Snapchat username a fresh update? Is it possible to change the username others see when they see your profile?
Instead of wasting time trying to figure it out in the app, let us give you the scoop on how to alter your username on Snapchat.
How to change your name on Snapchat
To change your name to something more appealing, open the app, then tap on your profile icon. Next, tap on your current name, which is right below your Snapcode. A box will pop up with the option to change your name. Type in your new name and press Save to finish.
What happens when you change your snap name on Snapchat
Now that your name is changed, your friends will see it when you send them snaps, when they look at your story and when new friends search for you. No one is sent an alert when you change your name, and there isn’t a time limit to how often you can make a change, unlike other social media apps. So feel free to change your identity as often as you like.
If you really want to change your username
If you’re set on changing your username, there’s only one way to do it. You’ll need to delete your account and start from scratch. Just be warned, if you go this route, your current username will be trashed forever. No one, including you, will be able to use it ever again. Not to mention you’ll have to re-friend everyone and all of your saved snaps will be gone. If you’re 100% sure you want to go ahead with wiping everything out and starting fresh, head on over to our guide to learn how to delete your Snapchat account.