According to Samsung representatives at the event, and the content of the S6 Edge Plus’s introduction speech, potential big-screen smartphone buyers in the UK and Europe put considerable value in style and design, which makes the admittedly gorgeous S6 Edge Plus a potential winner. However, it’s an odd decision to give it the complete run of the region, rather than let the pair take the competition on together, tag team-style.
“The market availability of the Samsung Galaxy Note 5 will vary according to consumer needs and the specific market situation,” a Samsung spokesperson said, when questioned about why the Note 5 wasn’t going to be released in Europe. “The Galaxy Note 5 will be introduced in the U.S. and Asian markets in August, and we will look at further opportunities to launch the Galaxy Note 5 in other markets. For our European customers, Samsung’s portfolio will be centered on the Galaxy S6 Edge Plus, so as to better cater to their needs.”
Samsung’s not saying a blanket no to a Note 5 launch in Europe, but it’s certainly not going to be coming in the near future. Why? Because Samsung knows best, apparently. Well, not everyone agrees. Clove Technology, an online retailer in the UK, wants to let Samsung know that many of its customers would like the choice of an S6 Edge Plus or a Note 5. Not unreasonable, seeing as most others seem to have that option. To convince Samsung to sell both phones in Europe, it has set up an appeal page.
“We would like to think if enough people show Samsung their desire to buy the Note 5 in the UK and Europe, then it may make them reconsider,” the company said in a blog post, adding, “Samsung should listen to their prospective customers when they tell them how important the Note line is to Europeans.”
Clove will be selling the Galaxy S6 Edge Plus, of course, with deliveries expected at the end of the month, and prices start at a whopping £600/$940 for an unlocked 32GB model. If you’d prefer to spend that money on a Note 5, then go and sign the petition. It can’t hurt.