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Hollywood doesn’t have a diversity problem, it has an ‘inclusion crisis,’ says new study

hollywood diversity problem new study leonardo dicaprio the wolf of wall street
Paramount Pictures
Hollywood’s lack of diversity has been in the spotlight lately, especially in light of the #OscarsSoWhite controversy. Although studies confirming that women and minorities are underrepresented in the industry are nothing new, we keep getting a clearer picture of the issue. Most recently, a recent study from the Media, Diversity & Social Change (MDSC) Initiative at USC’s Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism found that “the film industry still functions as a straight, white, boy’s club.”

The Comprehensive Annenberg Report on Diversity in Entertainment analyzed film, television, and digital streaming services, looking at speaking characters, the people behind the camera, and the CEOs and executives. All in all, the report examined 109 films from major studios and their art-house divisions, plus 305 TV and digital series from 31 networks and streaming services. In total, there was a pool of 11,000 speaking characters; over 10,000 directors, writers, and show creators; and some 1,500 execs.

Not surprisingly (but disappointingly), women, racial and ethnic minorities, and the LGBT community were found to be underrepresented in these areas. When examining speaking characters, for example, only 28.7 percent in film were female. Additionally, only 28.3 percent of speaking characters were not white, though they account for 37.9 percent of the U.S. population. (More than half of the content analyzed featured no Asian or Asian-American characters at all, and some 20 percent featured no African American characters.) Meanwhile, just 2 percent of speaking characters were lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender.

“This is no mere diversity problem. This is an inclusion crisis,” said Stacy L. Smith, author of the study and founding director of the MDSC Initiative. “It is clear that the ecosystem of entertainment is exclusionary.”

While the overall picture was bleak, some companies were found to be doing better than others at including underrepresented groups, whether that be on screen or behind the camera. Viacom, for example, scored well for its inclusion of female and underrepresented characters; Amazon was rated “fully inclusive” for hiring female directors; and Hulu’s portrayal of underrepresented characters ranked well.

It remains to be seen what steps — if any — studios will take to better include underrepresented groups. Hopefully, they’ll try out some of the report’s proposed solutions moving forward, which range from publicly setting inclusion targets to building inclusive consideration lists.

Stephanie Topacio Long
Stephanie Topacio Long is a writer and editor whose writing interests range from business to books. She also contributes to…
Uber is now arguing that it doesn’t actually have any drivers
An Uber App on a smartphone.

If you've been living a life where you thought Uber had “drivers,” it’s time to rethink your entire existence.
In 2017, Uber executive Nicholas Valentino, the operations manager for the company’s Atlanta operations at the time, repeatedly corrected the plaintiff’s attorney in a case when the latter referred to the people operating cars on Uber’s platform as “drivers,” the Washington Post reported Monday.
According to Valentino, they are not drivers. Instead, he wanted those individuals referred to as “independent, third-party transportation providers."
If that sounds like an off-the-cuff remark, think again. Apparently, Valentino repeated the claim a total of 16 times in the course of the case. The case, Jessicka Harris v. Uber, was filed by a woman who almost lost her leg when she was struck by a vehicle being operated on Uber’s behalf that she claimed had veered off the road.
In that same case, Uber was asked to “admit or deny that Uber is in the business of providing transportation,” to which the company’s attorneys also repeatedly “denied.”
Uber later settled the case out of court but has maintained throughout a number of similar cases that it does not employ its drivers, going as far as to say about one driver that it “never had an agency, employment, partnership, joint venture, or joint enterprise relationship with him.”
Gives you the warm fuzzies, right?
The transcript of the 2017 case comes as Uber is fighting a similar but different battle in its home state of California regarding whether or not its “third-party transportation providers” should be considered employees.
Last month, Gov. Gavin Newsom signed the bill AB5, which will give gig workers some of the same labor protections and benefits afforded to regular employees of companies, including health care subsidies, paid parental leave, overtime pay, and a guaranteed minimum hourly wage. It also gives employees the ability to unionize.
Uber strongly opposes the bill and said that the majority of the drivers on the platform would prefer to stay independent and have flexibility rather than be classified as employees.
“We expect we will continue to respond to claims of misclassification in arbitration and in court as necessary, just as we do now. But we will also continue to advocate for the independence and choice that drivers tell us again and again in surveys, polls, focus groups, and personal conversations that they value most,” Tony West, Uber’s chief legal officer, said in a blog post after Newsom signed the bill.
“Today, drivers have control over when, where, and how they work," West said. "They can choose to work for any of our competitors at the same time, and many do. In the U.S., 92% of drivers drive less than 40 hours per week, and 45% of drivers drive less than 10 hours per week. This would all change dramatically if they were employees. We will continue to defend the innovation that makes that kind of choice, flexibility, and independence a reality for over 200,000 drivers in California.”
AB5 is expected to go into effect on January 1, 2020.

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The Nubia Z20 is an Android phone that doesn’t fold, but it has two screens
nubia z20 review back screen selfie

If you like innovative new designs and impressive spec sheets packed into affordable devices, then you may have come across Nubia before. This Chinese brand started as a subsidiary of ZTE and it's also behind gaming phones like the impressive Red Magic 3. Its latest is the Nubia Z20 and the headline feature is a dual display, but unlike the recently revealed Microsoft Surface Duo, the two screens in the Nubia Z20 are back to back.

There's a regular, big display on the front and a secondary, smaller display on the back below the triple-lens camera module.
Dual-screen design
As phone manufacturers have raced to shave down those bezels and achieve an all-screen front they've moved from notches to smaller notches to hole-punch designs to pop-up cameras or flip-up cameras, but Nubia has an entirely different approach. The Nubia Z20 has a dual-screen design, with a main 6.42-inch, AMOLED screen and a secondary 5.1-inch AMOLED display on the back.

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Bitcoin has a massive carbon footprint. This clever new cryptocurrency doesn’t
A broken Bitcoin over a grey background.

Bitcoin is undoubtedly exciting, but, as much as it might promise to solve some of the problems associated with global finance, it’s also responsible for creating problems of its own. The most concerning of these is the environmental impact of mining cryptocurrency due to the huge amounts of electricity it requires. This, in turn, results in tens of millions of metric tons worth of carbon dioxide being pumped into the atmosphere.

That’s a big cause for concern, and it’s something that researchers at Switzerland’s Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne have been working to come up with a solution for. In contrast to the large electricity consumption and carbon footprint of Bitcoin, they are developing a new approach to cryptocurrencies they hope could lead to a near zero-energy alternative.

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