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See the surface of Mars in 3D thanks to the Ingenuity helicopter

On its 13th flight, the Ingenuity helicopter skimmed low over the surface of Mars, imaging one particular area of rock. Unlike previous flights, which had covered multiple targets over larger areas, this flight was to investigate one target in-depth — and now NASA has released a 3D image from that flight, showing a portion of the South Seítah region of the Jezero Crater.

A 3D view of a rock mound called “Faillefeu” created from data collected by NASA's Ingenuity Mars Helicopter.
This 3D view of a rock mound called “Faillefeu” was created from data collected by NASA’s Ingenuity Mars Helicopter during its 13th flight at Mars on Sept. 4, 2021. NASA/JPL-Caltech

“Best viewed with red-blue glasses, this stereo, or 3D, view (also called an anaglyph) was created by combining data from two images taken 16 feet (5 meters) apart by the color camera aboard Ingenuity,” NASA writes. Though if you don’t have 3D glasses, not to worry, as there is a 2D version of the image available as well.

An image of an area the Mars Perseverance rover team calls “Faillefeu” was captured by NASA's Ingenuity Mars Helicopter during its 13th flight on Mars on Sept. 4, 2021.
This image of an area the Mars Perseverance rover team calls “Faillefeu” was captured by NASA’s Ingenuity Mars Helicopter during its 13th flight over Mars on Sept. 4, 2021. NASA/JPL-Caltech

Unlike previous images captured by the helicopter, which have largely been from a higher altitude, this image was captured just 8 meters (26 feet) from the surface. That means it shows the surface features in greater detail, including the main target: An area nicknamed Faillefeu after a medieval abbey in the French Alps.

“About 33 feet (10 meters) wide, the mound is visible just north of the center of the image, with some large rocks casting shadows,” NASA wrote. “Stretching across the top of the image is a portion of ‘Artuby,’ a ridgeline more than half a mile (900 meters) wide. At the bottom of the image, and running vertically up into the middle, are a few of the many sand ripples that populate South Seítah.”

Since it arrived on Mars with its companion Perseverance rover, the Ingenuity helicopter has been performing increasingly complicated flights. Its first mission phase was intended as a technology demonstration, meaning it was just a test to see if a helicopter could fly in the thin Martian atmosphere, but has proved such a success it has moved onto a new phase of operations in which it investigates how helicopters can support future rovers.

Georgina Torbet
Georgina is the Digital Trends space writer, covering human space exploration, planetary science, and cosmology. She…
NASA video maps all 72 flights taken by Mars Ingenuity helicopter
NASA's Ingenuity helicopter.

NASA has shared a video (above) that maps all of the flights taken on Mars by its trailblazing Ingenuity helicopter.

Ingenuity became the first aircraft to achieve powered, controlled flight on another planet when its rotors fired up for the first time to carry it above the martian surface in April 2021.

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Final communications sent to the beloved Ingenuity Mars helicopter
NASA’s Ingenuity Mars helicopter is seen here in a close-up taken by Mastcam-Z, a pair of zoomable cameras aboard the Perseverance rover. This image was taken on April 5, the 45th Martian day, or sol, of the mission.

Earlier this year, the beloved Mars helicopter Ingenuity ended its mission after an incredible 72 flights. Originally designed as a technology test intended to perform just five flights, NASA's helicopter was the first rotorcraft to fly on another planet and was such a success that it has already inspired plans for more exploration of distant planets using rotorcraft. Its mission came to an end, however, when it damaged one of its rotors, leaving it unable to safely fly.

Even then, the helicopter was still able to communicate by sending signals to the nearby Perseverance rover, which acted as its base station. Now, though, Perseverance is traveling away from the helicopter to continue its exploration of Mars. So this week, the NASA team on the ground met for the last time to communicate with Ingenuity, bringing the mission to a final close.

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NASA needs a new approach for its challenging Mars Sample Return mission
An illustration of NASA's Sample Return Lander shows it tossing a rocket in the air like a toy from the surface of Mars.

NASA has shared an update on its beleaguered Mars Sample Return mission, admitting that its previous plan was too ambitious and announcing that it will now be looking for new ideas to make the mission happen. The idea is to send a mission to collect samples from the surface of Mars and return them to Earth for study. It's been a long-term goal of planetary science researchers, but one that is proving costly and difficult to put into practice.

The Perseverance rover has already collected and sealed a number of samples of Mars rock as it journeys around the Jezero Crater, and has left these samples in a sample cache ready to be collected.  However, getting them back to Earth in the previous plan required sending a vehicle to Mars, getting it to land on the surface, sending out another rover to collect the samples and bring them back, launching a rocket from the planet's surface (something which has never been done before), and then having this rocket rendezvous with another spacecraft to carry them back to Earth. That level of complexity was just too much to be feasible within a reasonable budget, NASA Administrator Bill Nelson announced this week.

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