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Latest by Mariella Moon

apple begins replacing 3tb hard drives for late 2012 imacs

Apple: You might have to wait to get your hands on a new iMac

Apple is struggling to meet market demand for the new all-in-one iMacs, and Tim Cook admits the shortage might persist throughout the first quarter of 2013.
china electronics lenovo logo

China unveils plan to dominate global electronics industry by 2015

China's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology wants tech companies to pursue mergers and acquisitions in order to reach Lenovo's current sales figures within a couple of years.
amazon more expensive that competition when it comes to most books

Amazon allows microtransactions in PC and Mac games

Amazon's new in-app billing service makes it super easy for you to make impulse virtual purchases.
apple mac pro arm processor concept zigich concept04

What would a Mac Pro with an ARM processor look like?

Designer Peter Zigich created a concept of the Mac Pro based on ARM architecture. Although it's likely just pipe dreams, it's still fun to ogle over.
microsofts surface windows 8 pro tablet available feb 9 microsoft pro01

Microsoft’s Surface Windows 8 Pro tablet available February 9 in the US and Canada

Microsoft's Surface Pro tablet and its accessories will hit the market on February 9. The Surface RT will also be released in 13 new markets in the next few weeks.

Microsoft increases Windows 8 Pro price from $40 to $200 starting February 1

The special introductory price for Windows 8 upgrades will no longer be in effect starting February – and the upgrades' permanent pricing is not exactly wallet-friendly.
hellosign gmail plugin hellosign01

HelloSign makes signing documents within Gmail a breeze, no printer or scanner required

Here's something all you productivity nuts will love: a way to easily and quickly sign documents directly within your Gmail account.
huge storage in a teensy form foremay announces 2tb 2 5 inch ssd

Foremay announces 2TB 2.5-inch SSD, offers huge storage in a teensy form

Good things sometimes really do come in small packages. Foremay's new tiny SSD can fit inside a laptop and has a humongous 2TB storage capacity.
13 inch macbook pro with retina pictures and 15 front view

Gartner: Mac shipments actually increased by 5 percent last holiday season

Despite reports that overall PC sales in the U.S. declined last holiday season, Apple's Mac shipments were up by 5 percent, according to research firm Gartner.

NEC showcases super-thin LaVie X Ultrabook at CES 2013

Japanese manufacturer NEC displayed its new LaVie X ultrabook, which was released in Japan in December last year, at CES 2013.
corsair voyager air ces2013

Corsair’s multitasking Voyager Air is an external HDD and streaming device in one

Corsair's Voyager Air can store files, sling them to tablets via Wi-Fi, and even share Internet access among up to five devices.
dell inspiron r ces ces2013

Dell announces Inspiron R laptop line refresh

In lieu of a new product reveal at CES, Dell has announced the HD version of the XPS 13 and a refresh of its Inspiron R line of laptops.

Sony announces touch-enabled VAIO T14 and T15 ultrabooks at CES 2013

Sony didn't have much to announce at CES 2013 by way of computers, but the company did expand its VAIO line to add more touchscreen options.
windows user needs to know mac os x mm imac mountain lion

What a Windows user needs to know about Mac and OS X

Are you a former Windows user making the switch to a Mac? Find out what to expect and learn the basics of using an Apple computer.
samsung ssd commercial featuring overly attached girlfriend gets over 1 million views

Samsung SSD commercial featuring Overly Attached Girlfriend gets over 1 million views

Making solid-state drives sound interesting is an advertiser's Everest. However, Samsung's latest ad for its SSD 840 series made us chuckle thanks to Internet star Laina Walker, the Overly Attached Girlfriend.