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Latest by Mariella Moon

mozilla to bring 3d browser games firefox gaming

Mozilla to bring console-quality 3D games to Firefox browser

Mozilla announced it's working on a technology that could have us playing high-end, console-quality games in Firefox without any plugins and installations.
Will Microsoft Office 2013 Steve Ballmer

Next-gen Microsoft Office code-named ‘Gemini,’ comes with modern UI apps

Rumor has it that the next-gen of Microsoft Office apps, codenamed "Gemini," will likely be modern UI versions that'll work better on touchscreen devices.
599 ultrabooks hitting market by 2013 holidays 00

Intel: Expect $599 Ultrabooks to hit the market this holiday season

Speaking at a conference earlier this month, an Intel exec claims we'll see $599 Ultrabooks hitting the market as soon as this holiday season.
Google Chrome

Google updates Chrome with improved spelling and grammar checker

Thanks to an updated spelling and grammar checker, Google's latest version of Chrome will warn users who make themselves probable targets for Grammar Nazis.

Microsoft officially talks about Windows Blue, announces BUILD 2013

Microsoft is expected to talk about and demo its new OS and W8 successor, Windows Blue, for the first time at the company's yearly BUILD conference in June.
Lenovo ThinkPad Tablet 2 Review windows 8 apps

Windows 8 app store now has 50,000 apps to choose from

The Windows 8 app store reached a new milestone: With 50,000 apps in its store, it now has more than twice the number of apps it had just three months ago.
twitter launches app for windows 8 and rt comes with new features

Microsoft to roll out Windows 8 Mail, Calendar, and People app updates

Microsoft's updating its Windows 8 Mail, Calendar, and People apps tomorrow, making them more useful and much easier to combine your work and personal life.
microsoft to further improve windows blues touch capabilities blue watercolor

Microsoft plans to dramatically improve Windows Blue’s touch capabilities

If a statement made by a Microsoft exec is to be believed, Windows Blue might play a lot better with touchscreens than any of the older OSes ever did.
new mac trojan horse serves you affiliate ads on chrome firefox and safari flickr tama leaver

New Mac OS X Trojan infests Chrome, Firefox, and Safari with ads

A new Mac OS X malware disguises itself as a video player for movie trailers and serves you affiliate ads on Chrome, Firefox, and Safari.

Reddit, Craigslist, and over 30,000 websites launch new anti-CISPA campaign

Over 30,000 websites have put up anti-CISPA banners that people can use to send their representatives automated messages protesting the bill.
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CIA reportedly makes $600M deal with Amazon to build cloud computing system

Amazon and the CIA may have worked out a now not-so-secret $600 million deal that'll have the e-commerce company building a private cloud for the agency.

Microsoft entices Windows app developers by paying $100 per published app

Microsoft's "Keep the Cash" promo will give developers $100 per app and could lead to more quality apps in the Windows and the Windows Phone Store.

IBM helps tech-inept CEOs cope with the modern world

The person occupying the very top seat in a company doesn't always know every single detail there is to know about running a business. If a CEO needs to learn anything tech for their firm, IBM has a boot camp where they can learn whatever it is they need to.
google reader plus traffic vs

Google Reader drives more traffic to websites than Google Plus, according to BuzzFeed

A network of websites with more than 300 million users sees more traffic from Google's ill-fated RSS reader than from its fledgling social network, which the company claims has at least 100 million active users.
apple boot camp support relieves mac users of windows 7 mayhem win on imac

For Mac users who can’t escape Microsoft’s hold, OS X Boot Camp now supports Win 8

You can now install and boot into Windows 8 on your Mac, thanks to the newest update to Mac OS X 10.8.3 (Mountain Lion). In addition: bug fixes.
outlook com leaves preview

Microsoft: Outlook and Hotmail outage is due to overheating data center

Microsoft's data center got so hot earlier this week, it knocked Outlook, Hotmail, and SkyDrive offline for 16 hours, this according to the Microsoft Windows Services vice president.
Google Reader

Google+ may have ultimately killed Google Reader

The Reader will exist no more by July 1, but what's the real reason why Google is killing a product that's never made money in the first place? According to a former Google Reader manager, it might be because of Google+.
microsoft usb vulnerability patch stick flickr molotalk

Microsoft issues fix to address Windows USB vulnerability

You can protect your computer from being infected by malware introduced via USBs by installing Microsoft's newest Windows update that contains a patch to fix your system's vulnerability.
ipad idaho elementary school

iPads invade an Idaho elementary school, replace all textbooks

A school in Idaho recently became recipient to a program that equips students with iPads. The tablets, according to its teachers and principal, have bought an amazing positive change in their classrooms.

IBM’s Watson supercomputer has a new job, as a lawyer

Watson might soon be looking for digital evidence to be used in court, helping employees achieve their long-term career goals, and concocting the perfect treatment plan for a PTSD patient if the USC students who took part in IBM's competition get their way.
camboard pico gesture control

German firm demos super-accurate gesture control technology

A new competitor in the gesture control space was introduced by a German firm, and if the company's claims are to be believed, it's a lot more accurate than other technologies you've previously heard of.
google now privacy data

Google Now spotted in builds of Chrome browser for Windows and Chrome OS

Android's digital personal assistant, Google Now, might have a wider userbase in the future. The feature may make the leap from Android Jelly Bean devices into PCs and Chrome OS computers via the Chrome browser.
retina macbook windows 8 battery test which

13-inch MacBook Pro with Retina bests 18 Windows 8 laptops and a Chromebook in a battery life test

Looking for a laptop with a battery that won't die on you while you're out and about? A U.K. organization pits the 13-inch MacBook Pro with Retina and the Samsung Series 3 Chromebook against 18 Windows 8 ultrabooks and laptops to find out which has the longest-lasting battery.
best of ces 2013 gaming piston

Pre-order the Xi3 Piston Steam Box for $100 off until March 17

Would you buy a teensy "Steam Box" for $1,000? If your answer is yes, know that you can now reserve your very own Xi3 Piston and even get a (small) discount if make your purchase soon.
Mac 512 meets Siri

How to use Siri to mediate a conversation between an iMac and a vintage Mac 512K

An app developer with a fascination for a particular type of vintage iMac tweaks it to work with some of his more modern Apple devices, including the iPhone, the iPad, and the iMac.

Rapyuta, the cloud-based robotic brain, is now online

A group of European scientists might've just paved way for cheaper, smaller, and lighter robots by activating the earliest parts of a cloud-based database that robots can access for data in place of a traditional robotic brain.
brainpainting gtec brainpainting02

For a mere $16k you can paint with only your thoughts – new tech shown at CeBIT

Inspired by a paralyzed artist who wanted to be able to draw again, an Austrian company that specializes in mind-reading technology created a program that gives people the power to pain without the use of hands.
pc global traffic share adobe study web

People use tablets more than phones to surf the Web, but PCs still reign supreme

While Adobe's report focuses on the role of tablets and smartphones in marketing, one particular pie chart caught our eye: it puts laptops and desktops on top when it comes to global traffic share - but how long will the dominance last?
high tech pilates shirt drone move wearable computing

Futuristic Fashion: Pilates shirts that vibrate when you screw up and a cape that hides you from drones

Lady Gaga's clothes might look like they came right out of The Jetson's, but they sure can't hold a candle to these cell signal blocking, drone-proof garments and wearable computing clothes.
asus transformer book review  alternate

Asus to release a cheaper Transformer Book … in Japan

The first Windows 8 ultrabook convertible by Asus was a tad too expensive than people would've liked. Thankfully, the company will be releasing a cheaper version of the device this week - but only in Japan.
microsoft fined 731 million browser choice

Microsoft fined $731 million for locking European users into Internet Explorer, again

A supposed technical error that removed European users' option to choose a default browser brought about by a Windows 7 update in 2011 ended up being a very costly mistake on Microsoft's part - a $731 million mistake, in fact.
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Buying a Windows 8 ‘touch’ device? Scrounge up an old laptop and trade it in for up to $400

You can get up to $400 if you trade in an old gadget at Staples. The catch? You have to first buy a Windows 8 touch device.
pc holiday season sales decline for first time in five years pcs

PC sales expected to fall more in 2013, even though Windows 8 is growing slowly

It's not looking good for the PC market this year. Analysts and even PC hardware suppliers are expecting even more decline in sales after a less-than-stellar performance during the last quarter of 2012.
airwriting glove lets you text by writing in the air airwriter

‘Airwriting’ glove lets you text by writing in the air

Researchers from a German university show off a prototype glove that can be used to translate words spelled on air into actual messages on the computer.