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‘Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse’ will hit theaters next year

2017 has been a pretty good year for Spider-Man fans. Despite the frustrations over enduring yet another reboot, Spider-Man Homecoming was an enjoyable movie that managed to win over audiences and critics alike. On Saturday, Marvel announced another Spider-Man movie, but this one is a bit different than Homecoming.

Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse will feature Miles Morales, who replaced Peter Parker after the character’s death in the Ultimate Universe. Despite originally appearing in an alternative universe, Morales is one of a handful of characters who were brought into the Earth-616 universe after 2015’s Secret Wars storyline.

The trailer itself is a fun watch, and offers an interesting take on the Spider-Man universe. In terms of art style, it does look like a comic-book come to life, but oddly enough, not a traditional superhero comic. Rather, it brings to mind classic sci-fi comics. Based on what we can see, the art team has done an impressive job with this one, so hopefully, the entire movie looks as good.

The trailer didn’t give too much away in terms of plot, but the title is Into the Spider-Verse and it features the tagline: “Enter a universe where more than one wears the mask.” While Morales might be the main protagonist of this movie, it is looking like we’ll be meeting multiple Spider-Men in the course of Morales’ journey.

The film is being helmed by Phil Lord and Christopher Miller, who are responsible for the Lego Movie, so they have plenty of experience with big-budget animated features. Aside from that, we don’t know much about the duo’s plans for the film, though the video description promises that they will “bring their unique talents to a fresh vision of a different Spider-Man Universe, with a groundbreaking visual style that’s the first of its kind.”

Into the Spider-Verse is set to launch next year and will be receiving a theatrical release. This sets it apart from most of Marvel’s and DC’s previous animated movies, which normally go straight to DVD or streaming services. It’s likely the success of recent animated movies has prompted Marvel to take a chance on this one.

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