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Gearbox wants you, for Borderlands 2!

Fame, fortune, the chance to be digitally controlled by hordes of fans… it is the dream come true for video game fans. After all, who doesn’t want to be in a video game? Don’t lie, you know you do. Well, now Gearbox Software is giving you the chance to do just that.

Gearbox is holding open auditions, and the person chosen will serve as the model for Lilith in the upcoming Borderlands 2. Auditions are open to everyone that meets the requirements (see below), but you must have your online application submitted by December 3, or be able to make it to Dallas, TX on December 7 for a live audition.

Application Requirements:

  • You must be female, between the ages of 18 and 30.
  • You must able to provide your own transportation and be on-set in the Dallas, TX area for testing and shooting during the first three weeks of December.
  • You do not need to have any past acting or modeling experience, but you will be expected to follow direction and exhibit a range of facial expressions and emotions for the camera.
  • We will choose a candidate that has sufficient plausible resemblance to the character Lilith from the video game Borderlands.
  • In the Borderlands universe, a Siren can project a live-action image of herself into the minds of those she wishes to communicate with. Your look need not be exact, but expressive of Lilith in the mind’s eye – similar to how the Guardian Angel was portrayed in the original Borderlands.
  • Lilith sample poses
  • Guardian Angel footage

Gearbox is quick to point out that this is not a contest, but rather an actual audition for paid work. The person chosen will be paid $1,000 per day of shooting, with a minimum of 1 day guaranteed. Once shooting has completed, you will then appear in the game as the live action version of the character. Gearbox may also invite you to appear in promotional events and trade shows. Details on that will be provided to the selected applicant.

For more information on how to submit your application, as well as further details on the requirements, click here.

For those that don’t know the character, Lilith was one of the four playable characters in the original Borderlands. One of only six sirens in the galaxy, she had superhuman powers and abilities.

Borderlands 2 is scheduled to be released on PC, PS3, and Xbox 360 on September 1, 2012.

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Ryan Fleming
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Ryan Fleming is the Gaming and Cinema Editor for Digital Trends. He joined the DT staff in 2009 after spending time covering…
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