The OSVR headset is an open-source alternative to the likes of the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive, using technology that anyone can tweak and modify. Currently sold by the likes of Razer, the OSVR headset now comes in version 1.4, which includes a new faceplate that contains the Leap Motion tracking system, making it possible for users to interact in virtual reality using their real hands, without any controller tethering.
This additional faceplate will come as standard for anyone buying the OSVR headset from now on, but in April a standalone upgrade will also be released for those running the older 1.3 hardware configuration.
Along with this announcement, Crytek has detailed how it’s AAA engine, CryEngine, now natively supports OSVR, which should mean that we begin see new experiences brought to the open source headset in the near future.
Considering Crytek is producing both The Climb and Robinson: The Journey for two different VR platforms (Oculus Rift and PSVR), it is not too surprising to see that it is spreading itself more widely.
Other content also announced as being compatible with OSVR now includes InCellVR, Windlands, DCS World, and War Thunder. This is content that will be needed to flesh out the offerings for OSVR users, as both Rift and Vive gamers are to be inundated with new games and experiences as the commercial hardware launches at the end of this month.
You can buy the OSVR headset now on Razer’s store for $300.