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Best characters in Concord

Lennox near a wall of fire in Concord.
Firewalk Studios

Hero shooters, fighting games, and RPGs are the best examples of game genres where picking the right character makes the biggest difference. Each game wants to be balanced, especially competitive ones like Concord, but that only gets more difficult the more characters that are included. Concord has a large roster of 16 Freegunners, and no two are exactly alike. Each one has a unique weapon, two abilities, and tweaks on their movement options at least. Unlike a lot of other games in the genre, these heroes aren’t cleanly divided into roles like Tank, DPS, or Healer. Instead, you need to experiment with each one to figure out which you like and which always get you eliminated. That, or you could let us give you the inside info on which are the best characters in Concord right now.

Lennox — the best self-sufficient DPS

Did the author of this guide have a little bias toward Lennox before playing? Perhaps, but it turned out that he is actually one of the top DPS picks in the game. He comes with two different pistols, one more powerful and slow-firing and a secondary with a shorter range and faster rate of fire. The first can essentially snipe enemies if you can line up the shots, while the second covers you if someone gets in close. His passive takes away his biggest flaw: reloading. If you swap weapons as you run out of ammo, that gun you swapped out will automatically reload when you switch back to it. His exploding knife skill is deadly and easy to integrate into combat, and his regeneration means you can keep yourself fighting even without a healer or health pack around.

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Haymar — the best zoning DPS

Haymar is a more technical character than most. Her bow only has one shot before needing a reload, so you need to be on point and not try to tank encounters head-on. The longer you aim your bow shot, the more damage it deals, so ambushing is the best approach. Blinding Flash has a ton of utility since it completely blinds anyone it hits, and Wall of Fire can be placed to cut off routes or deal direct burning damage. Since she has such great air mobility, you can find all the best angles to control the flow of a match.

Kyps — the best support disruptor

A purple energy dome in Concord.
Firewalk Studios

One look at Kyps’ design will tell you almost everything you need to know. She’s a spy character and meant to be played as one. Her pistol deals good damage, but her low HP pool means you want to stay out of direct firefights. She’s best for objective game modes since she can place traps around the map that will ping enemies if they pass through to reveal their locations. Her other tool is a grenade that shreds shields and disables enemy abilities. If things get a little too hot, she also gets temporary invisibility after a dodge to make a sneaky getaway.

Emari — the best offensive tank

There are a few tanks to pick from in Concord, but Emari is the most balanced in our opinion. She obviously has a ton of health and a passive buff that reduces damage to her body, but her scrap cannon can shred enemies in seconds at close range. If you stick to close-quarters areas, or need to defend an objective, she’s essential for your squad. In terms of abilities, Armor Generator grants any teammates in range armor to buff them up for a fight, and Projectile Shield is the standard energy shield you see in almost all hero shooters. It’s just as good here for leading a push through a chokepoint.

Jebali — the best support healer

Healers are a bit rare in Concord and tend to be restricted to pure support and are not all that fun to play. Jebali is a kind of hybrid healer who can hold his own. He’s got a flashy rifle that works best in close and midrange, but it’s his two orb abilities that you need to watch out for. Hunter Orb is a homing orb that deals damage to whoever it hits, while Life Pulse shoots an orb that creates a healing AoE for all allies. However, the trick is that the more damage you do with the Hunter Orb, the better the Life Pulse is. This lets you stay offensive and provide support for your team without having to completely withdraw from offense.

IT-Z — the best hit-and-run attacker

Two characters face off in Concord.
Firewalk Studios

IT-Z is a blast to play as, but a pain to play against. She’s already super fast and can rip you apart with her SMG, but she has so many movement and escape options that taking her out is no easy task. Her basic dodge creates a temporary illusion of her distracting enemies, and her Cosmic Slip ability lets her instantly teleport to wherever she launches an orb. If you lead with her Scramble Rebound you can disrupt an enemy’s weapon plus buff your own before sliding in for a quick kill. In the right hands, she will be the most annoying character for the opposing team.

Jesse Lennox
Jesse Lennox has been a writer at Digital Trends for over four years and has no plans of stopping. He covers all things…
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Practice against bots to learn your hero

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