ORIGINAL POST: Sony released a mysterious trailer on the official Spanish PlayStation Blog for something called “Emagon.” According to the post, “PlayStation’s best kept secret” will be revealed on December 5, 2014 at the PlayStation Experience event in Las Vegas, which marks the console brand’s 20th year. Until then, all we know is from this lovely looking trailer:
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NeoGAF user Cess007 posted this translation of the Spanish narration:
“20 years. It’s a lot of time. Look around you and see everything you’ve obtained. You’ve ruled in infinite places, you’ve conquered and freed. You’ve built and destroyed. You’ve been the light against the darkness. However, this time is different; this time, it’s real. For the first time, your actions has real consequences. They need your help. I know you can hear them. The power to change things is in your hands”
It’s not a lot to go on, but at least the serene landscape is beautiful. Sharp readers might have already noticed that “Emagon” backwards spells out “No game,” which might be pertinent. It’s also worth noting that this trailer has yet to be hyped by any other Sony source that we’ve found.