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God of War teased these 3 major hints about Ragnarok’s story

It feels like God of War came out forever ago, despite the fact that it was only released in 2018. That’s before the pandemic, before I worked a terrible food service job, and right when I graduated from college, which feels to me like a lifetime ago. However, after replaying it recently (a whim that was spurred on by my deal with a devil for a PS5), I’ve realized just how much of that game I forgot. I forgot how good it felt to throw Kratos’ axe and have it return to his hand, and so, so many of the tender moments he shares with his son, Atreus. But most of all, I forgot just how much the game alludes to the upcoming Ragnarok.

After beating God of War, it’s pretty clear that the next game would be taking place during Ragnarok, or at least lead up to it. However, there are tidbits of lore and one-liners throughout the game that hint toward the more specific details of Ragnarok, both the upcominh God of War game and the event itself. These details come pretty quickly, so it’s fair if you’ve missed them, but anyone who hasn’t played the game recently almost certainly won’t remember.

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Instead of going through all of God of War with your notes app open (like me), here’s a list of some of the biggest hints about what’s coming in God of War: Ragnarok.

We might see the birth of the World Serpent

The World Serpent in god of war
Image used with permission by copyright holder

I was surprised to learn that the World Serpent, the massive snake that wraps itself around all of Midgard, is actually from the future. According to the character Mimir, the Serpent was sent back in time after fighting Thor during Ragnarok, a battle that was so fierce that it splintered time and space, chucking the serpent into the distant past, to the time before it was born. In all likeliness, the World Serpent hasn’t been born by the time Kratos and Atreus start their adventure, although that’s probably because Atreus is Loki.

In Norse Mythology, Loki isn’t just the brother of Thor and the son of a god and a giant; he’s also the father of the World Serpent. If God of War: Ragnarok‘s version of Norse mythos keeps this part of Loki’s character, it’s possible that we might meet Atreus’ scaly child in Ragnarok. There is definitely some strange connection between Atreus and the World Serpent. According to Mimir, the first time the giant snake sees Atreus, it says that there’s something familiar about him, as if the two have met before.

Giants are going to return

Thor in God of War Ragnarok.
Image used with permission by copyright holder

The only Giants players ever meet in God of War are either dead or a massive snake. However, the race isn’t totally gone, at least according to the smartest decapitated head alive, Mimir. After being asked by Atreus if anyone lived in Muspelheim, the realm of fire, Mimir said that the land’s only denizens were fire giants, who would not return until Ragnarok.

If that’s the case, then players may see some towering giants in God of War: Ragnarok. Although Giants aren’t always enormous in stature, the only other elemental giant in the game was. Thamur, the ice giant whose corpse players explore during God of War, was massive enough to crush an entire village after he was killed by Thor.

Freya removes her curse

God Of War Ragnarok - PlayStation Showcase 2021 Reveal Trailer | PS5

God of War: Ragnarok‘s first trailer included a bunch of interesting details, but one that wasn’t subtle at all concerns Freya, who appeared to attack Kratos. It’s no surprise that the Goddess wants to see Kratos dead after he killed her son, Baldur, at the end of God of War. However, it’s surprising that she could even swipe at him with a sword. Freya and her history come up throughout God of War, including the part where Odin placed a curse on her after she left him. The curse, which keeps her trapped in Midgard, also prevents her from harming any single living thing, either with a spell or with a sword.

Clearly, that curse doesn’t hold up. It’s not clear how Freya manages this, although we’ll likely see it happen at some point in God of War: Ragnarok.

Otto Kratky
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Otto Kratky is a freelance writer with many homes. You can find his work at Digital Trends, GameSpot, and Gamepur. If he's…
The best video games of November 2022: God of War Ragnarok, Pentiment, and more
Kratos sternly looks at Atreus in God of War: Ragnarok.

November 2022 was filled to the brim with some of the year’s biggest releases, which is typical of this time of year. Although not all of them lived up to expectations, others like God of War Ragnarok garnered critical acclaim and are must-plays for anyone gaming in 2022. Still, there are plenty of other games that released in November 2022 that also deserve admiration.
December 2022 will be packed with exciting games too, so you’ll want to check out these six titles before that rush begins. From well-known games like God of War Ragnarok to smaller indies like A Little to the Left, these are the November 2022 video game releases that you shouldn’t miss.
God of War Ragnarok

Sony Santa Monica followed up 2018’s critically acclaimed God of War with a sequel that is bigger in almost every way. While that doesn’t always work out perfectly for God of War Ragnarok, it’s still a massive and emotionally touching action game. It features many great accessibility options for players that need those too.
“God of War Ragnarok is much bigger than its predecessor, though not inherently better,” Gaming Editor Giovanni Colantonio wrote in his four-star review of the game. “It’s more reminiscent of the jump between the original God of War in 2005 and God of War 2, offering a largely similar experience down to its plot beats. That larger scope makes for a messier story that loses some of the previous game’s intimacy, but the trade-off is even sharper combat that further establishes the franchise as the God of action games.”
As God of War Ragnarok had the bestselling launch of any first-party PlayStation game ever, there's a good chance you're already playing it. If you haven’t checked it out, though, this sequel is a must for PlayStation owners. God of War Ragnarok is available now exclusively for PS4 and PS5.

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God of War Ragnarok shares a key strength with The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
The Hafgufa flies away in God of War Ragnarok.

God of War Ragnarok’s main story is memorable, but some of the smaller moments are what have stuck with me most since completing it. I'm not just talking about its moments of quiet, but its optional Favors as well. These sidequests can be entirely ignored, but skipping them is a mistake as they contain some of the game’s best scenes. It's a trait that God of War Ragnarok shares with The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, one of the best RPGs of the last decade.
In some large RPGs, sidequests can often boil down to boring fetch quests, or they simply may not have as much polish put into their writing. As a result, they can feel like content bloat that does more harm than good to the game’s pacing. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt and God of War Ragnarok avoid this problem by elevating these sidequests, making the entire adventure feel more cohesive and ensuring that the small moments stick out as some of the best.
More than a side thing
Like God of War Ragnarok, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt features a lengthy main story full of memorable characters, set pieces, and boss fights. While those alone would have made it a strong RPG, it’s remembered as an all-time great because of how rich its world is, something that's reflected in its side content. There were quests like Ghosts of Past, which pays off the character arc of Witcher 2 character Letho, but it's entirely possible to finish the game without ever seeing it.

Others, like Return to Crookback Bog, turn what could just be some fun supernatural fights into a chilling tale about abuse and broken families. While The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt’s main narrative is strong, these side moments are what make it a game that sticks with you years after release. I can already tell the same will be true of God of War Ragnarok, as some of my favorite missions in the game are entirely optional Favors.
An early game Favor called The Weight of Chains sees Kratos, Mimir, and Atreus freeing a giant Lyngbakr sea creature that Mimir imprisoned while working with Odin. They manage to break its chains, but find that it now struggles to move and do what it used to. This sidequest takes a series of somewhat standard combat encounters and puzzles and spins them into critical aspects of a memorable tale. The Weight of Chains reflects on how Kratos and Mimir’s reckless actions have had irreversible consequences, but they now have an opportunity to be better people in the future.
Another standout Favor called Secret of the Sands, where Kratos and Atreus free a trapped jellyfish-like creature called a Hafgufa, is also quite beautiful. The short story shows what Kratos will do to be able to spend more time with his son in the face of Ragnarok. However ordinary these sidequests may be from a gameplay standpoint, their narrative relevance and level of polish are on par with some of God of War Ragnarok’s main quests. This high effort even applies to some side missions that wholly exist with NPCs in the game’s overworld, ones that aren't even built around huge set pieces. For example, there’s The Lost Treasure quest.

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God of War Ragnarok has much healthier things to say about parenting

As young creatives in entertainment industries get older and have children, more stories about reluctant but caring fathers are popping up in mainstream media. On the film and television side, movies like Logan and shows like The Mandalorian and Obi-Wan fit this mold. Sony has championed this kind of story on the video game front with 2013's The Last of Us and 2018's God of War, both stories about complicated dads forced to take care of a child (whether their real kid or a surrogate one). God of War Ragnarok, on the other hand, is more than just a "dad game," as it has a solid message that anyone can learn from to improve their personal relationships.
Instead of glorifying a parent-child relationship with some abusive and manipulative tendencies, God of War Ragnarok stresses how important it is to respect, listen to others, and give people space when they need it. Even if you aren't a dad, God of War Ragnarok still has a poignant message about communicating that anyone can take to heart.
This article contains light spoilers for God of War Ragnarok.
Communicating the problem
The typical dad narrative follows a set premise: A fierce warrior with a troubled past must learn to love something on his own. By the end of their journey, they've shared some tender moments with their child, whether they be blood-related or found, and decide they'll do whatever it takes to protect them. While these stories can be emotional and entertaining, they often have some unsavory undertones. These stories tend to herald characters who are overprotective of those they are close to, but justify it by showing that it comes from a place of love.
As a result, some of gaming's worst dads can be over-glorified. The Last of Us' Joel, for example, ends the game as a selfish man willing to deprive the world of a cure just because he doesn't want to lose another daughter. Still, he's remembered as a hero within the series and its fandom, with one of his most misguided lines being used to promote HBO's upcoming TV adaptation ("You have no idea what loss is."). These narratives still work on the whole; they just aren't shining examples of healthy relationships.
Sony games have been getting more thoughtful about this. Joel suffers serious consequences for his terrible actions in The Last of Us Part II. On the flip side, God of War Ragnarok allows Kratos to improve as a person, critiquing his more ignorant actions and thematically offering lessons that anyone can learn from.
Although Kratos seemed to have a better relationship with his son by the end of God of War, we see that he's regressed back to being overprotective and restrictive to Atreus in Ragnarok. That behavior comes even as Atreus is getting older and trying to come to terms with his own identity. Throughout the game's opening, Atreus and Mimir constantly call out when he's not communicating, with Atreus going further and encouraging him to end Fimbulwinter.
Kratos makes it clear that all he cares about is Atreus' survival and spending as much time with him as possible before his prophesied death. He shocks Atreus by going out of his way to help his son free a trapped creature in an early side quest. Still, the first part of God of War Ragnarok highlights how Kratos ultimately struggles to communicate with Atreus, so his actions and comments feel spiteful and selfish, even when he wants to be helpful.

Kratos consistently pushes Atreus away at multiple points in the game, and so he goes on his own journeys. Kratos' failure is no longer because of inexperience; it's a communication issue. Throughout God of War Ragnarok, Kratos must learn that he can still be a guiding hand for Atreus but must also listen to his son and give him space when he needs it. Whether you're a parent or not, that's a good mindset to apply to any personal relationship.
In-game comms 
The dangers of a lack of communication also reflect in other parts of the game. In the side-quest The Lost Treasure, Kratos encounters a father who died while searching for treasure on his own to prevent his son from being hurt. Upon further investigation, Kratos learns that the son also died because he tried doing the same thing with another treasure and didn't let them know. In an effort to protect each other, that father and son didn't communicate and suffered because of it. This otherwise insignificant side-quest thematically stands as a warning for how Kratos and Atreus' relationship could end up if they continue to be dysfunctional and not communicate.
Kratos and Atreus do hit a rough patch before things get better. Atreus ultimately defies Kratos on one of his adventures, meeting a character that he quickly begins to see as a more ideal father figure. He's kinder and more communicative -- though it becomes clear that his comments may have insidious ulterior motives. God of War Ragnarok demonstrates that relationships can't be constructive unless everyone is honest and open with each other.

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