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Where to find all the most sought-after and obscure materials in Grounded

Materials are the bread and butter of your ability to survive in Grounded. Without the basics like Woven Fiber and more advanced materials like Grub Hide and Berry Leather, some of the bigger critters roaming the garden will take your head clean off, or take far too much time to kill to really be worth the effort.

To help you survive long enough to become a true garden warrior, we’ve pieced together this handy guide on where to find some of the game’s most common and more lucrative materials, from the essential Grub Hide to the end-game Berry Leather.

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Where to find materials in Grounded

Woven Fiber

Where to find woven fiber in Grounded
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Used in:

  • Basic tools, weapons, and most armor
  • Canteen
  • Shovel
  • Gas mask
  • Torch

When you first drop into Grounded, Woven Fiber quickly becomes the go-to material. It’s the first craft you’ll need to fashion a couple of important items in the early moments of the game. If you analyze the wrong materials with your first three charges, you’ll end up needing the material without knowing how to even make it: So here’s how it’s done.

Where to find: Woven Fiber is actually a craft. It’s made up of nothing more than Plant Fiber. You’ll find these virtually everywhere. In fact, they’re so small, you’ve probably walked over dozens — if not hundreds — while out and about.

Plant fibers come in two different varieties, but both function exactly the same way. Look out for either tiny saplings sprouting from the ground, or twisty roots growing upward. Analyze one to discover the Woven Fiber recipe, then use three to make one. Easy.


where to find sap in Grounded
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Used in:

  • Torch
  • Fiber bandage
  • Acorn armor
  • Workbench

Sap is a common sight in Grounded and one you’ll need to craft important items like the workbench. Learning where it comes from can help you zone in on large quantities quickly.

Where to find: Sap is a byproduct of trees, so you’re most likely to find it secreting from roots and logs. It’s entirely possible to see small pieces of sap sitting on the ground around these types of foliage, but walk along branches and you should find even more.

Clusters can even form on the underside of tree roots, but you’ll need a basic hammer to shatter the cluster into stacks of the sticky stuff.

Grub Hide

How to get Grub Hide in Grounded
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Used in:

  • Grub armor
  • Canteen
  • Larval blade

Grub Hide is one of the first staple materials you’ll wonder where to find. You’ll probably end up bonking Soldier Ants and Gnats before coming across a Grub if you don’t know where to look, though the virtually nonexistent combat skill of the burrowing insects makes them a fine choice for building your first set of competent armor.

Where to find: To get Grub Hide, you first need to uncover a Grub. This is done by crafting an acorn shovel, unlocked by busting open an acorn and analyzing its shell. With the acorn shovel in hand, poke the moving dirt trails you’ll sometimes see in the ground.

By doing this at the current tip of the trail, you’ll uncover a Grub, which will pop out and land on its side, stunned and ready to whack into oblivion. Two hits with basically any tool or weapon should be enough to take it down, producing materials like Grub Hide. Analyze this and you’ll discover how to craft the grub armor set.


where to get Quartzite in Grounded
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Used in:

  • Repair tool
  • Dew collector

Another sought-after material is Quartzite. Like the boulder you break up to produce Pebblets, Quartzite comes from larger deposits. Quartzite can then be used to make all sorts of items. The ever-useful dew collector is a great asset.

Where to find: You’ll find plenty of  Quartzite deposits both small and large in the game’s underground tunnels. You’ll likely first come across this stuff when fending off the Lawn Mites from the Mysterious Machine’s damaged cable in the single-player mode.

Weed Stem

How to get weed stems in Grounded
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Used in:

  • Mushroom garden
  • Structures and traps
  • Dew collector

Weed Stems are another important component of the dew collector, but they’re also used to fashion the mushroom garden, too. All in all, keeping a stock of these close by can help you make the two most important structures for a self-sufficient playthrough, so it’s good to know how to get them.

Where to find: To get Weed Stem in Grounded, all you need to do is take your chopping tool of choice to a dandelion. Fell one of these tall, towering weeds and you should be able to pick up its Weed Stem.

You’ll need to haul these like Grass Planks, so set up a base nearby if you plan on using lots. If you’re having trouble finding tier-1 weeds like the dandelion, just look up. They’re tall, and their white, fluffy tops stand out.

Spider Silk

How to get Spider Silk in Grounded
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Used in:

  • Dew collector
  • Spider armor
  • Tier-2 insect bow

Spider silk can come either from swinging at webs or directly from a defeated spider. Calm down, though. You don’t need to take down a fully grown Wolf or Orb Weaver spider to get your hands on large quantities of this stuff.

Where to find: Spider nests are a great source of Spider Silk. Not because of the bigger spiders, but because Spiderlings practically give it away. Knowing this can help you dot dew collectors around the map to keep you hydrated as you travel.

You’ll need the stuff to craft high-tier spider armor once you get the hang of killing their parents, too, so stock up as soon as possible. You can read more about how to kill spiders in Grounded here.

Berry Leather

where to find Berry Leather in Grounded
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Used in: 

  • Tier-2 tools and armor

Berry Leather is a high-tier craft material used to make armor like the spider set. It comes from berries, obviously, of which you’ll find high up in the shrubs. Don’t worry about tracking these down early on; you’ll need some decent equipment to harvest them.

Where to find: Berries and, by extension, berry leather, are found in the hedge area to the very south of the map. It’s a long walk from your initial stating location, so be sure to set up a lean-to once you get there and reassign your spawn point. A good landmark to look out for here is a massive water fountain/birdbath just past the swampy area you’ll likely have to swim through.

If you can’t get close enough to a berry to melee it down from a branch, a projectile like a Pebblet or arrow can work. Once the berry falls to the ground, you’re going to need to use a tier-2 axe like the insect axe to extract the berry chunks. It takes three chunks to make a strip of leather, so each berry should net you a single strip.

Josh Brown
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Josh Brown is a UK-based freelancer with devoted interests in video games, tech, film, and anime/manga. Just don't talk to…
Where to find Vendetta Flopper in Lego Fortnite
Characters fishing in LEGO Fortnite.

The fishing update to Lego Fortnite added, you guessed it, the ability to fish once you've made yourself a rod. Of course, since fish didn't exist in the game before this, an entire school of undersea life needed to be created. Every fish you can catch has a different benefit, from restoring a bunch of health when you eat it to giving you some kind of buff. The rarest and most useful fish is certainly the Vendetta Flopper, making it the most coveted catch in the game. While fishing is still heavily dependent on luck, you won't even have a chance at this fish unless you know where to cast your line.
Where to find the Vendetta Flopper

Before you even attempt to attempt this legendary catch, make sure you're ready with an Epic fishing rod and Epic Bait Bucket to give yourself the best chance at a rare catch. The nest step is to only cast into the glowing purple zones that indicate the presence of rare fish. Fishing in any other part of the water won't yield the Vendetta Flopper we're after.

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All Legendary Schematics in Palworld and where to find them
A giant pal uses a minigun in Palworld.

Despite featuring all the various types of Pals in Palworld so heavily, they are not actually the most effective way to fight. Sure, they will help you out, and a Legendary can certainly pull its weight in a battle, but you will mostly be relying on your own character to do the work. This is what makes crafting new weapons and armor so important. Most of these you can access simply by leveling up and getting the required materials to make them, but the best of the best can only be made after finding their schematics. If you want only the top-tier gear in Palworld, then you will be hunting for the Legendary Schematics. These will give you access to a range of otherwise unobtainable weapons and armor that can make you all but invincible. Here is how you can get these blueprints for yourself in Palworld.
All Legendary Schematics

There are only nine Legendary Schematics in Palworld, with six dedicated to weapons and the remaining three for armor. Each one is a drop from a specific Alpha Pal in the open world. Note that you are not guaranteed a Legendary Schematic drop. These are rare, probably below 10%, so you will almost certainly have to repeat these battles to get the schematics. Here is a list of your targets and where to find them.
Crossbow Legendary Schematic
The crossbow upgrade boosts your attack to 490 and can be picked up by defeating the level 23 Bushi. It is located at coordinates 1116, 491.
Handgun Legendary Schematic
The Legendary handgun completely transforms the nearly useless base model by upping its attack to 625. Get it by defeating the level 29 Beakon at coordinates 345, -253.
Assault Rifle Legendary Schematic
Who doesn't love the Assault Rifle? Make it deal 560 damage after taking down a level 49 Blazmut waiting at coordinates 434, 532.
Old Bow Legendary Schematic
If you want a bow that smacks enemies with 247 damage arrows, you need to grind out Kingpaca at coordinates 50, -460.
Pump-Action Shotgun Legendary Schematic
If you're a fan of CQC, the shotgun schematic will buff your damage to 385. Suzaku will hold it and is a level 45 Pal found at coordinates 404, 255.
Rocket Launcher Legendary Schematic
Look, sometimes you just need a problem-solver. A Rocket Launcher dealing 14,000 damage can't be argued with in that regard. You'll have to take on the level 50 Jetragon at coordinates 788, 320.
Cloth Armor Legendary Schematic
Not quite on the level as the following two, this schematic is great for the mid game with 112 HP, 24 Defense, and 250 Durability. You only need to beat a level 11 Chillete at coordinates 175, -420.
Pal Metal Helmet Legendary Schematic
This shiny new helmet offers 560 HP, 1,200 Durability, and 240 Defense. Grab it early to make getting the rest of the schematics easier, but you will have to overcome level 50 Frostallion at coordinates -355, 55.
Heat and Cold Resistant Pal Metal Armor Legendary Schematic
Both the Legendary Heat and Cold Resistant Pal Metal Armor drop from the same target. Both have equal stats and give 1,200 HP, 11,000 Durability, and 400 Defense. And, of course, they resist hot and cold weather respectively. You will need to take down the level 50 Paladius up north at coordinates 445, 680.

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All weapons in Palworld and how to unlock them
Sheep carry guns in Palworld.

We all know that Palworld is so much more than just "Pokemon with guns." Even ignoring all the crafting, breeding, and survival aspects, there are way more than just regular guns to unlock and make. You have melee options, spears, bows, handguns, explosives, and more at your disposal. If you want to keep up with the difficulty curve and hunt down the higher-level Pals, and especially the Legendaries, then you need the strongest weapons in your arsenal. Here are all the weapons currently in Palworld and how you can unlock and craft them.
How to unlock and craft every weapon
Weapons in Palworld unlock as you level up, but you don't just get them automatically. You will still need to gather all the resources and craft them yourself. Here are all the weapons you unlock in order as you level up, plus the recipe to make them.

Weapon  name

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