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All weapons in Palworld and how to unlock them

We all know that Palworld is so much more than just “Pokemon with guns.” Even ignoring all the crafting, breeding, and survival aspects, there are way more than just regular guns to unlock and make. You have melee options, spears, bows, handguns, explosives, and more at your disposal. If you want to keep up with the difficulty curve and hunt down the higher-level Pals, and especially the Legendaries, then you need the strongest weapons in your arsenal. Here are all the weapons currently in Palworld and how you can unlock and craft them.

How to unlock and craft every weapon

Weapons in Palworld unlock as you level up, but you don’t just get them automatically. You will still need to gather all the resources and craft them yourself. Here are all the weapons you unlock in order as you level up, plus the recipe to make them.

Weapon  name
Level required Crafting recipe
Hand Held Torch 1 2 Wood, 2 Stone
Stone Axe 1 5 Wood, 5 Stone
Club 1 5 Wood
Old Bow 3 30 Wood, 5 Stone, 15 Fibre
Stone Spear 4 18 Wood, 6 Stone
Fire Bow 5 40 Wood, 8 Stone, 20 Fibre, 2 Flame Organ
Bat  7 30 Wood, 30 Stone
Poison Bow 8 40 Wood, 8 Stone, 20 Fibre, 2 Venom
Triple Shot Bow 10 50 Wood, 12 Stone, 30 Fibre
Metal Axe 11 15 Stone, 20 Wood, 5 Ingots
Metal Spear 13 27 Wood, 12 Stone, 10 Ingots
Crossbow 13 50 Wood, 40 Stone,10 Ingot, 5 Nail
Fire Crossbow 15 50 Wood, 50 Stone, 15 Ingot, 5 Nail, 5 Flame Organ
Poison Crossbow 17 50 Wood, 50 Stone, 15 Ingot, 5 Nail, 5 Venom
Musket 21 25 Iron Ingot, 5 Oil, 30 Wood
Handmade Handgun 25 35 Iron Ingot, 10 Oil, 30 Fiber
Handgun 29 50 Iron Ingot, 15 Oil
Frag Grenade 31 10 Fibre, 10 Stone, 1 Gunpowder
Refined Axe 34 30 Stone, 40 Wood, 10 Refined Ingot
Refined Spear 34 36 Wood, 18 Stone, 10 Refined Ingot
Bolt Action Rifle 36 20 Refined Ingot, 5 Polymer
Double Barrel Shotgun 39 30 Refined Ingot, 7 Polymer
Pump Action Shotgun 42 30 Refined Ingot, 20 Polymer, 40 Carbon Fiber
Assault Rifle 45 40 Refined Ingot, 10 Polymer, 30 Carbon Fiber
Rocket Launcher 49 75 Pal Metal Ingot, 30 Polymer, 50 Carbon Fiber
Jesse Lennox
Jesse Lennox loves writing, games, and complaining about not having time to write and play games. He knows the names of more…
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