What made the experience of Elden Ring so special was how it handled its open-world design. There was a bit of concern about FromSoftware combining the Souls-style combat and map design into an open world, but the result has become one of the most celebrated examples of how open-world design should be done. So, needless to say, everyone was itching for that map to get expanded with the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC. The Land of Shadows is a separate new zone added to the game, but it is far larger and more dense than anyone anticipated. As it was in the base game, just exploring the map won’t uncover the map for you. To do that, you need to find Map Fragments hidden around the world. There are five to collect to fully reveal the Land of Shadows, so go get them first to get a good lay of the land early.
All Map Fragment locations
As mentioned, there are five Map Fragments in total that correspond to five areas in Shadow of the Erdtree. We’ll go through them in the general order you should come across them.
Gravesite Plain
The first area you start in when beginning Shadow of the Erdtree is the Gravesite Plain. Simply ride forward across the field toward the pillar beside the road to collect it.
Scadu Altus
After you’ve passed through Castle Enis, go to the Highroad Cross Site of Grace and head north. This map is found right where the road forks.
Rauh Ruins
The Rauh Ruins is not so simple to reach. The best method we found is to go to the Moorth Ruins Site of Grace and go through a cave to the northeast just between the lakes on the map even though that appears to be in the wrong direction. It will eventually spit you out in the Rauh Ruins, and you can go snap up this Map Fragment.
Southern Shore
If you head south from the Scadu Altus map, you can swing down into this ravine. Follow it to the end and into the Ellac River Cave all the way to the Cerulean Coast where the Map Fragment is.
Abyssal Woods
The last map you’re likely to reach in Shadow of the Erdtree is the Abyssal Woods. The hardest part will simply be reaching the Abyssal Woods area since it is deep into the zone, but once you do, the path to the Map Fragment isn’t too tough. From the Woodland Trail Site of Grace, you just need to follow the path through the area to the map. However, you can’t use Torrent in this area, so be prepared to fight or spring your way past the enemies on the way.