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The best skills to unlock first in Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn

Nor fights a Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn boss with her gun.
Kepler Interactive

Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn promises pulse-pounding action as you make your way through the world of Kian as your character, Nor Vanek. As you encounter deadly denizens, from vicious undead to heavily armored knights, you’re certain to make use of various abilities at your disposal. Here’s our guide on the best skills in Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn to help you choose the right perks for the campaign.

The best skills in Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn

When talking about the best skills in Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn, it’s worth noting that you should try to amass as much Reputation as possible. Reputation is a basic currency akin to souls or runes in other Soulslike games. Increasing your multiplier by performing moves and avoiding enemy hits allows you to earn more of this resource so you can unlock additional skills.

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The skill tree and skill reset mechanic

An image showing the skill tree panel in Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn.
Kepler Interactive

There are three skill trees in Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn:

  • Powder: Grants additional moves in conjunction with the use of firearms.
  • Magic: Adds new abilities when using Enki’s attacks.
  • Steel: Improves your prowess when wielding melee weapons.

Unlocking more skills that belong to a particular category also increases the type of damage that you deal. Alo, certain perks require you to unlock adjacent nodes before they can be purchased.

Note that you can unlearn skills at any point in time. However, you only receive a partial refund — i.e., a skill that costs 7,000 Reputation will only refund 5,600 Reputation when reset. Lastly, it’s possible to unlearn low-tier skills without resetting high-tier options that are adjacent to that node.

Best Powder skills

An image that shows the player using a Powder-type skill in Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn.
Kepler Interactive

Below are our suggestions with regard to the best Powder skills in Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn. Remember that you still need to unlock certain prerequisite nodes to learn some of these:

  • Destructive Descent: Allows you to perform a heavy aerial attack that consumes black powder charges. This is done by holding the left mouse button as you plunge to the ground, which then causes a shockwave that knocks back foes. The damage is increased if you fall from a greater height. Given that this is akin to a ground pound or aerial smash, you should get this so you can eliminate enemies down below.
  • Countershot and Poised Shot: Both abilities blast your target in the face. The former can be triggered by right-clicking after you parry and it doesn’t expend a black powder charge. The latter, meanwhile, can be done by right-clicking before an enemy’s attack lands, allowing you to follow up with a counter. Think of it as an alternative means of parrying a blow.
  • Piercing Shot: Ranged attacks pierce through enemy armor by 50%. Simply put, you deal more damage against armored targets (i.e., those with silver health bars).
  • Powder Handling: When your black powder charges are empty, you restore two charges instead of one. Given that you need to strike a hostile four times to gain a single charge, obtaining double that amount can be a lifesaver.

Best Magic skills

An image that shows the player using a Magic-type skill in Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn.
Kepler Interactive

Some of the best skills in Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn can be found in this tree. These greatly boost the use of Enki’s abilities in combat, as well as passive actions:

  • Taunt: Enki will sometimes distract enemies. We’ve seen this happen a few times, and the AI does get addled to the point that we were able to get a few hits in.
  • Restrain: Enki will sometimes restrain armored enemies, priming them in the process. This can be quite a game changer since Enki can disrupt your opponent’s attack sequences completely.
  • Knockdown: Enki will sometimes knock down a foe, which usually happens when you’re in grave danger. This is similar to Restrain in that it can interrupt most attack sequences, giving you a clear opening.
  • Curse Chain and Chain of Misfortune: Both of these high-tier options are amazing to behold. The former causes Enki’s curse to spread to nearby hostiles, and the latter triggers an explosion when you perform a critical attack against a cursed target — which also inflicts a curse on others in the blast radius.
  • Unleashing: Adds +2 Enki charges and speeds up the rate at which they regenerate. Needless to say, you’re going to need more charges if you want to keep spamming Enki’s curse-infused attacks.

Best Steel skills

An image that shows the player using a Steel-type skill in Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn.
Kepler Interactive

There are a few decent options that you can take advantage of among those that are available in the Steel skill tree:

  • Charged Attack: Hold the left mouse button to unleash a heavy attack. This is pretty good to have since there are weapon types that have additional effects when you perform a heavy attack.
  • Momentum: Landing a strike and initiating your next blow allows you to attack faster and deal bonus damage. Essentially, this is like speeding up your combo string.
  • Armored Poise: You gain extra armor synergy bonuses. When two matching armor pieces are equipped, you also gain the bonus from the third piece from a different set. We recommend having the two-piece bonus from the Warlock’s set active, especially for Magic-focused builds. Now, imagine having the third gear piece from the Sunderer’s set equipped, and getting the bonus that causes your dodges to teleport you for a short distance as well.

That does it for our guide on the best skills in Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn. Keep in mind that these are just our recommendations, so feel free to try what suits your playstyle. If you want to continue improving Nor’s survivability, we encourage you to check our Inaya Shrines/health upgrades guide.

Jason Rodriguez
Jason Rodriguez is a freelance reviewer and guides writer from the Philippines. It’s a country in Southeast Asia, where…
The best Wildcards in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6
Kill Order gameplay in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6.

The concept of a Wildcard might sound like a risky endeavor in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6, but this part of your loadout isn't random at all. We haven't seen this system since Cold War, and even those who remember it from that game will need to learn all the new cards there are in Black Ops 6. You can only equip a single Wildcard on your loadout, but they are powerful enough to completely redefine your playstyle. So far, there are only six to unlock while grinding through the levels with your friends, but picking just one is still a tough choice, especially if you want to use a permanent unlock on one after hitting Prestige. We've ranked all the Wildcards in Black Ops 6 so you can always have the winning hand.
All Black Ops 6 Wildcards, ranked

There is a level of personal preference in which Wildcard you will find better than others, but in most cases, the ones we've ranked as the best will help every player gain an edge in online matches. Here's our ranking of each Wildcard from best to worst, along with what level you unlock them at.
Perk Greed - Level 54
The last Wildcard you unlock is easily the most powerful. Perk Greed lets you unlock a fourth Perk to your loadout instead of being limited to three, which can borderline break the game if you choose the right set of Perks. It is also the most versatile of the Wildcards since it gives you the most options to play with instead of a specific bonus you may not find useful. It can also more easily unlock the special bonus buff you get for equipping three Perks from the same category.
Gunfighter - Level 33
Right in the middle of the unlock list, Gunfighter is one Wildcard you could easily make a case for over Perk Greed in some situations. This one increases your attachment points for your primary weapon by three. If you're rocking a top-tier weapon already, this Wildcard can let you tweak its stats even higher. We rank it second because it only applies to one weapon and thus is a bit more limiting.
Overkill - Level 24
For such an early Wildcard, Overkill is quite a powerful choice. This card lets you equip any weapon (except melee weapons) in your Primary and Secondary slots instead of the ones typically reserved for each. That means you can build a loadout with two Primary weapons and be far more versatile on the battlefield. Instead of having to trade off range, damage, rate of fire, mobility, or any other aspect of your game, you can cover almost all your bases by picking two Primary weapons that cover each other's weaknesses.
Prepper - Level 45
Field upgrades are powerful, don't get us wrong, but having two instead of one isn't always that much of a game-changer. It's a bit less useful than Gunfighter only because field upgrades are more situational and require more attention to use to their full potential. If that's you, then this is a great choice.
Danger Close - Level 38
Who doesn't want another grenade, Molotov, or combat axe? Is getting a second Lethal worth the Wildcard slot, though? Not in our opinion. Most of the time, Lethals are used in desperation or as a way to deny enemy movement for a time, and even then, they are risky because of how vulnerable you are while using them.
Tactical Expert - Level 15
The first Wildcard you get is better than nothing, but only just. It's exactly like Danger Close, only you can hold two Tacticals instead of Lethals. This is, by nature, a little worse since Tacticals don't have the ability to kill an enemy (unless you get super lucky and you directly hit an enemy with one who is on low HP). You can get some use out of them, but you're better off upgrading as soon as you have another option.

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The best Perk-A-Colas in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6
A screenshot from Call of Duty: Black Ops 6's zombies mode.

There's nothing more refreshing than taking a nice big swig of a Perk-A-Cola during an intense Zombies match with your pals in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6. Besides tasting great (we assume), these colas empower you with buffs that will keep you alive until the later rounds. These bonuses are just as important as the Pack-A-Punch, but come in a wider range of flavors. It is possible to stack them all, but that gets expensive very fast so you need to be thrifty about choosing which ones are most valuable early on. These colas come in eight different types that may or may not be worth your Essence to chug. If you want to know which ones are the best in Black Ops 6, check out our ranking.
Best Perk-A-Colas in Black Ops 6

We're ranking these Perk-A-Colas based on their base bonuses, not any additional effects you can get if you Augment them, from best to worst.
You can never go wrong with the classic Jugger-Nog. Increasing your health by 100 is useful for the entire duration of a Zombies mode, but especially in the early rounds. Going down is at best a major setback and at worst a cascade into defeat. This extra health allows you to get out of a bad situation that would otherwise end your run.
Quick Revive
This Perk has two components, with the less useful one being the ability to revive teammates 50% faster. Ideally, that shouldn't be needed but is nice. However, what makes it rank so high is the 50% shorter delay on health regen. Your health will come back over time in Zombies but at a dreadful pace. Starting to heal faster means less time running and kiting zombies around and more time in the action helping the team.
Speed Cola
The best early guns for Zombies mode have a large magazine, fast reload, or both. Running out of ammo at the wrong time and not being able to get more rounds in the chamber fast enough has ended many a run, but Speed Cola is the solution. It will speed up your reloads and armor plating by 30%. That's not a massive number, but fast enough to make the difference.
These zombies aren't the shambling types. They will chase you down like sprinters, and some of the monstrous ones can outpace you even at full tilt. Stamin-Up sounds like it would let you run for longer, but actually just lets you run faster since you have no limit on sprint in Black Ops 6. Positioning is everything in Zombies so being able to get where you need to be faster is never a bad thing, especially if it's a downed teammate bleeding out.
Deadshot Daiquiri
Every zombie has a weak spot, which is most often the head. Deadshot Daiquiri makes a critical hit hurt even more than normal, plus increases your auto-aim on those weak points when you aim down sights (ADS). That second part shouldn't factor much if you've got good aim, which is why this is only a decent Perk-A-Cola.
PhD Flopper
Not being able to hurt yourself is situationally useful, and the ability to cause an explosion by diving is a risky move. Yes, it's cool, but you don't want to be lying prone surrounded by zombies. This is a cool gimmick, but save yourself the Essence and skip it.
Elemental Pop
When Elemental Pop works, it's great. The problem with it is that you can't rely on it. It gives a small chance on every shot you take to add a random ammo mod effect, which is cool but impractical. If you have spare Essence on you, sure, it won't hurt you to have, but it isn't something that will turn the tide for you or your team.
Melee Macchiato
Finally, Melee Macchiato bottoms out the list. It is fine in the early game when the hordes are small and you're better off meleeing enemies since it will smack enemies away with each hit, but quickly drops off in usefulness. When the zombies get too strong and too numerous, you will need a lot more than a strong punch to deal with them and end up forgetting you even have it.

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