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I Am Legend producer brings Robotech out of the ’80s into movie theaters

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Marvel Pictures is on to phase two with Guardians of the Galaxy coming soon and Captain America, Thor, and Iron Man sequels on the horizon. Michael Bay is doing laps around the 1980s with both Transformers and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. G.I. Joe 2 is finally hitting theaters. Warner Bros. is already talking about rebooting Batman as The Justice League comes closer to reality. Even a Voltron movie is in development. There are no action fantasy properties left for Hollywood to adapt! The well is dry. Even Disney has simply resorted to bringing back Star Wars.

Never say never: Here comes a Robotech movie.

The Hollywood Reporter reported on Thursday that Warner Bros. is going to make a major adaptation of the 1980s cartoon series on the scale of Paramount Pictures’ Bay-produced Transformers movies. Producer Akiva Goldsman (I Am Legend) and Tobey Maguire (Spider-man) have hired commercial director Ni Mathieu to helm the movie.

Robotech is a particularly strange cartoon to adapt, as the series was actually made using re-appropriated footage of a Japanese cartoon called Macross. The two share in common the central hook: The humans of the future pilot enormous bi-pedal robots to do battle with aliens seeking a fotress that crash landed on Earth and inspired a wave of new technology, including the mech-ships. Guillermo del Toro is already making Warner Bros a humans-in-robots movie called Pacific Rim, but unlike that movie, Robotech’s pilots are fighting aliens rather than monsters – plus: its giant robots also turn into spaceships. The studio is banking on audience hunger for giant robots to be limitless.

Robotech has producers and a director, but that’s far from a guarantee that the movie will actually get made. Warner Bros. has been reticent to fund a number of Akiva Goldsman’s more ambitious, effects-heavy projects. Just two years ago the producer teamed with Ron Howard to begin work on a multi-film and television series adaptation of Stephen King’s The Dark Tower novels. An obscure property like Robotech will likely be pushed aside if more lucrative projects require the money. For example, Goldsman is also producing a movie of DC Comics character Lobo. As Warner Bros.’ is desperate to recreate the success of The Dark Knight, films like Lobo may hit theaters long before Robotech does.

Anthony John Agnello
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Anthony John Agnello is a writer living in New York. He works as the Community Manager of and his writing has…
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The announcement of a new Civilization game is one of the only things that strikes both joy and fear into the hearts of fans in equal measure. On one hand, they know they're about to begin one of the most engaging, frustrating, rewarding, and deep 4X game ever created. On the other, they know that booting this game up has the mystical power to fast forward time multiple hours in the blink of an eye. You might start a game at 9 p.m. and only plan to play a few rounds, only to look back at the clock and see that it's 6 a.m. the following morning. Before you start coming up with excuses to get out of work and stockpiling microwavable food, here's everything we know so far about Civilization 7.
Release date window
The release window for Civilization 7 is currently 2025. If we were to guess, we would say it would be a fall or winter release that year, but more details will help narrow down the timeframe soon.

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