Have you ever seen any of the official promotional materials for Indie Game: The Movie? Those things are straight up festooned with awards this flick has won. We don’t casually toss around words like “festooned” here at Digital Trends — such frivolity is so bush league — but what else could one say about a documentary that was a hit at both Sundance and SXSW, and took home the award for best documentary editing in Park City?
Bottom line: Indie Game: The Movie is an excellent film for anyone who wants an insider’s viewpoint on a segment of the gaming world that, while ignored by mainstream gamers and their giant bags of cash earmarked for the next Call of Duty sequel, is consistently the best place to find true innovation, novel ideas and creators who build games purely for the love of doing so.
More crucially for this story, the film is also now available for purchase.
By visiting the movie’s official site, prospective viewers are offered a host of user-friendly options for acquiring the flick. For only $10, you can download Indie Game: The Movie in almost any video format at up to 1080p resolution. Subtitles are available in French, Italian, Chinese and English (with Arabic and Protugese coming soon). Alternately, if you don’t feel like pulling down a huge video file, you can stream the film directly from the website. Then, in the future, if you want to watch the movie again, you need only visit the site to either download the video file or view the streaming version once again.
Additionally, Indie Game: The Movie is available for download through iTunes and Valve’s Steam service, though both options bring with them unique DRM hassles that are not present in the version available for purchase directly through the movie’s website.
If you’re somehow still on the fence about dropping your cash on this movie, we recommend reading this interview we conducted with directors Lisanne Pajot and James Swirsky. Or, for that matter, watching any of the clips available in this section of the film’s site. The word “important” gets attached to almost any documentary of arguable quality, but if you’re interested in video game creation or merely want to watch a video game movie that isn’t a mere Hollywood bastardization of an existing property, Indie Game: The Movie should be a no-brainer purchase.