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How to clean the Roborock S8 MaxV Ultra

The Roborock S8 MaxV Ultra is a highly automated robot vacuum. Capable of vacuuming, mopping, and cleaning itself after each cycle, the premium gadget lets you go for days (or even weeks) without providing any manual input. However, like all electronics, it still needs regular maintenance. And while maintenance is fairly simple, there are still a lot of tasks you’ll need to keep track of.

Here’s how to clean the Roborock S8 MaxV Ultra. This includes everything from checking its brushes and mops to cleaning its sensors and checking on its water reservoirs.

Check all the brushes, mops, wheels, and filters on the robot

The bottom of the Roborock S8 MaxV Ultra.
Jon Bitner / Digital Trends

Roborock recommends cleaning your main brushes every two weeks and replacing them at least once or twice a year. To do this, take your robot out of its dock, flip it over, and press on the two latches near the brush to open the brush chamber. You can then fully remove the brushes to untangle any hair or clear out any debris that has built up. If tough debris is stuck to the rollers, you can use a wet cloth to help remove it.

Once you’re done checking the brushes, simply place them back into the robot and replace the cover.

Next, you’ll want to clean the flexible side brush. This should be cleaned monthly and replaced between two to four times a year. Cleaning this is as simple as checking it for tangles.

The Roborock S8 MaxV Ultra on hard floors.
Jon Bitner / Digital Trends

With the brushes taken care of, it’s time to clean the mops. Since these are largely cleaned by the docking station, there really isn’t much to do. However, they should still be monitored for foreign objects that may get lodged in their fabric. You’ll also want to swap out the edgewise mop and main VibraRise mop every three to six months.

While checking your brushes and mops, it’s a good idea to clean the rest of the robot. This includes its wheels and dustbin, both of which should get a quick wipe with a rag to remove any dust. You’ll also find a washable filter that should be cleaned every two weeks and replaced every six to 12 months. To clean the filter, simply rinse it with water, then leave it to dry before reinserting.

After checking everything on the bottom of the robot, you can flip it right side up and wipe down the sensors on its sides. Keeping these clear of debris is the key to accurate mapping and detection.

Cleaning the Roborock S8 MaxV Ultra dock

The dustbag of the Roborock S8 MaxV Ultra
Jon Bitner / Digital Trends

The docking station for your Roborock S8 MaxV Ultra is just as important as the robot itself. If this starts to malfunction or isn’t properly cleaned, it won’t be able to empty, wash, or dry as intended.

There are four components to worry about with the dock — the clean water tank, the dirty water tank, the disposable dustbin, and the cleaning chamber where the robot physically docks. Start by cleaning the clean water tank, which requires nothing more than a quick wipe with a towel to ensure nothing is building up on the inside. There’s no set time frame for this action, but consider doing it every few weeks or every time you fill the reservoir.

Next, move on to the dirty water tank. Again, there’s no time frame for performing this cleaning, though these can get nasty pretty quickly (so try doing it as often as possible). Cleaning the dirty water tank requires you to empty its contents, fill it with clean water, close the lid, and gently shake it to remove buildup. You can then dump out the water, give the walls a quick wipe with a cloth, and then reinsert the reservoir into the dock. Note that Roborock recommends only using cold water with the dirty water reservoir.

Once the water tanks are clean, open the latch on the front of the dock and check the dustbin. This will typically last up to seven weeks before needing to be replaced, but it may fill up faster if you have a large home or one filled with pets. Replacing it is as simple as pulling out the existing bag and pushing a new one into place. You can also grab the edges of the bag and pull outward to fill the entire dustbin chamber, ensuring it fills evenly.

The docking station of the S8 MaxV Ultra
Jon Bitner / Digital Trends

That last part of dock cleaning is the base that houses the robot vacuum. With the robot removed, you’ll find a small water filter screen on the right side of the unit. This can be lifted out of the housing by pressing a latch on its side. Simply dry the filter with a cloth and reinsert it — you’ll hear a clicking noise when it locks in place. If you have pets, you’ll probably notice pet fur clogging this up, so be sure to clean it frequently.

Next, check the maintenance brush, which is located near the back of the docking base, directly in the center. In the above picture, it’s the unit with the red hinge. Look for anything that’s caught in the brush, remove it, then wipe it down with a soft cloth.

Wrap up your cleaning by checking the edgewise mopping module, located on the left side of the dock. This unit is responsible for cleaning the tiny mop on the side of the robot. This can be pulled off the dock and rinsed with cold water.

If your Roborock S8 MaxV Ultra is connected to your plumbing, note that some steps won’t apply to your model. Instead, consider checking your water and drain lines to ensure nothing is leaking or loose.

Roborock S8 MaxV Ultra cleaning chart

Need help keeping track of all your Roborock S8 MaxV Ultra cleaning tasks? Here’s a quick recap of when you should be cleaning each component

Frequency Components
Every two weeks Main brushes, washable filter
Monthly Flexible side brush
As required Wheels, dustbin, mops, sensors, water tanks, maintenance brush, dustbag replacement

Keep in mind that most of these components are to be cleaned “as required,” so it’s fairly easy to fall out of routine and lose track of when you last checked all the hardware. Because of this, we recommend checking all components each time you fill the clean water tank. This happens regularly, and it’s a great reminder that the Roborock S8 MaxV Ultra still needs manual input to continue running at its best.

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Jon Bitner
Jon Bitner is a writer covering consumer electronics, technology, and gaming. His work has been published on various websites…
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