What is Facebook up to?
The social network has sent out invitations for something, as ABC reports. Facebook’s likely getting ready to release a new product, although in true Facebook fashion, the details are sparse and the team is remaining cagey about the June 20 event.
The invite reads: “A small team has been working on a big idea. Join us for coffee and learn about a new product.”
Snail mail is an unusual move for the company. Could the paper invitation be a sign? Typically the company goes for digital, albeit still mysterious, invites.
With Facebook having launched hashtags, which is still technically in its early trial-and-error phase, this new product might have something to do with that new feature. But what we’re guessing is that the product announcement just might have to do with the discovery of an Facebook RSS reader hidden inside of Facebook’s Graph API code. Facebook hasn’t commented on the bit of code alluding to an RSS reader that was found, and come July 1, Google Reader will officially be killed off. The timing lines up pretty well.
Would you use a Facebook RSS service? Most users get plenty of news links from the News Feed as is, and it would certainly be interesting to see how Facebook used social data to create a reader.