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targeted advertising

kinsa smart thermostat selling data clorox

This smart thermometer takes your temperature while its maker sells your data

All of the data gathered by internet-connected devices can be great for your own personal use — but it's also useful to advertisers. Kinsa, maker of a smart thermometer that can remind you to take medication and call your doctor, has reportedly been selling customer data to companies like Clorox.

That phone game you’re playing while watching TV may be secretly tracking you

A program called Alphonso may be secretly tracking you through your phone while you're watching TV, and selling that info to advertisers.
facebook news hire

Facebook under fire for “ethnic affinity” ad targeting option

Facebook is once again drawing controversy over its ad targeting tool that includes the option to exclude specific users based on “ethnic affinity.”
snapchat targeted ads memories

Snapchat plans to use your behavior to target you with ads

Snapchat is reportedly planning to introduce ad targeting options based on your in-app activity to its API (application programming interface).
facebook targeted ads web browsing history

Facebook to create better targeted ads based on Web browsing history

Facebook will use Web browsing history to offer better targeted ads, but it will also allow users to opt out of ad tracking, and control which ads they see.

Controversial EU law bans unauthorized cookies