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Latest by Nick Mokey

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How to Upgrade your Laptop

We offer up some creative ways to move your notebook up in the world without buying a new one.

Nokia N97 Review

The super-capable N97 can do it all, but still lacks some of the polish of cheaper competitors.

Apple’s 2009 MacBook Pros

Better battery life, color reproduction and connectivity improve the new, cheaper MacBook Pros.

Apple Unleashes iPhone 3G S at WWDC

The latest iPhone will offer a faster processor, better camera, and more memory.

Apple iPhone 3GS Disappoints at 2009 WWDC

A better camera, overpriced memory upgrade and a compass aren't really cutting it for us.

Hottest Trends from E3 2009

We step back and examine some of the bigger trends that developers have brought to the table this year.

Most Shameless E3 2009 Booth Babe Award Winner

The competition was fierce, but one company emerged victorious.

Sony Rolls Out Heavy Hitters like Heavy Rain for E3 2009

God of War III, Heavy Rain and Fat Princess all drew players by the truckload for a taste.

An Inside Look at Halo: ODST

We drop into the Covenant-controlled city of New Mombassa alongside a rookie shock trooper in a behind-the-scenes demo.

Highlights from Ubisoft’s 2009 E3 Booth

Assassin's Creed II, Ruse, and COP: The Recruit all dump gamers into massive, free-form environments with few restraints.

Konami Flips off the Lights for new Silent Hill and Saw Game

Both games offer exploration, puzzles, and some gruesome scares, while the new wardrobe options in Karaoke Revolution are gruesome in their own right.

Warner Bros. Surprises with Scribblenauts, Awes with Arkham Asylum

The company's least-and-most hyped games both left a good impression, and Lego Rock Band isn't as pointless as you think.

Tecmo Shows Off Ninja Gaiden 2 Sigma, Quantum, and Undead Knights

Tecmo's dark new line up of action games revolve around fantasy and bloodshed.

Forza Motorsport 3 Adds Training Wheels

Turn 10 Studios has peeled back the hardcore sim shell on the franchise to offer a more approachable title for casual car fans.

Eidos Parachutes Gamers into Paradise in Just Cause 2

Beautifully rendered environments and a complete disregard for realism crank the fun factor to high.

Beatles Rock Band Predictably Rocks

It's hard to pack 45 of the greatest songs ever written into an already-popular music game and fail.

Bethesda Finds Time for Shooting with Wet

The resurrected version of Wet calls to mind Max Payne on steroids (and lots and lots of painkillers).

Shooting, Smashing and Soaring with Capcom at E3

We go hands on with Dark Void, a new Resident Evil and Spyborgs at the Capcom booth.

Star Wars Old Republic Promises Jedi Slaying, Dialogue Galore

Meaningful NPC interactions, fully voiced dialogue and dramatic action sequences make the upcoming Star Wars title a stunner.

Warhammer 40K Space Marine, Homefront Shine Behind Closed Doors at THQ

THQ's most closely guarded titles promise a more granular new look at the Warhammer universe, and the disturbing premise of a war fought in our own backyards.

Classic Nintendo Franchises Live on with New Tech at E3

Zelda: Spirit Tracks and New Super Mario Bros. may not be innovators, but that doesn't make them any less enjoyable alongside new offerings like Wii Sports Resort.

Inside Activision’s Biggest Hits at E3

Prototype offers fast-paced action and relentless violence, while Blur blends fun kart elements into a more mature racing title.

First Impressions of Tony Hawk RIDE’s Board Controller

We jump on Tony Hawk's new plastic board controller to see what it's like to shred carpet.

The Agency Packages James-Bond-Style Thrills into an MMO

SOE's upcoming spy thriller moves stealth games into a persistent online world.

EA Reinvigorates Madden, Need for Speed and Crysis for E3 2009

We outline the biggest releases in Monday's EA press conference, including Madden NFL 10, APB, Star Wars Old Republic, and an MMA fighting game.

Nintendo’s E3 2009 Press Conference Wrap Up

We run down all the new games and hardware Nintendo has pulled out the bag for this year, including new Super Mario and Metroid titles.

Sam Fisher Smashes Faces Through Urinals in Splinter Cell: Conviction

A few new moves for our hero heap even more violence onto the upcoming Splinter Cell title.

Pandemic Hijacks Nazi Hijinks in The Saboteur

A neck-snapping gameplay demo from the upcoming stealth title had us pining for Nazi blood.

Xbox Live Gets Tuned up with On-Demand HD, Twitter, Facebook

Future upgrades will allow Live users to tweet, watch 1080p videos instantly, and check Facebook from their consoles.

Microsoft to Kill Off Controllers with Project Natal

Advances in motion-capture technology using cameras may completely eliminate the need for controllers in future games - if Microsoft's Project Natal lives up to its hype.

Microsoft Rolls Out Red Carpets for Beatles, Other Stars at E3

Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, Tony Hawk and Steven Spielberg all made appearances at this year's E3 press conference

Tiger Woods Goes Web 2.0 with Subscription-Based PGA Game

EA's latest golf title will allow gamers to play from a browser window - and they'll pay monthly for the privilege.

Eidos Teases Three Major E3 Titles

Ninjas, superheroes and exotic tropical locales are all in the mix for this year's expo.

Square Enix Outs E3 Lineup

The Japanese developer's suite of games will include a handful of new names, some sequels, and of course, plenty with the Final Fantasy name.