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As the Apple Watch ticks closer, experts await a fatal flop

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Apple Watch
A flop. A failure. A fiasco.

Concerns and skepticism are growing towards the Apple Watch, which experts believe Tim Cook and Co. will reveal Monday, March 9, during a special event in San Francisco. Few people have seen the wearable, and even fewer have actually worn one. When the company unveiled the Apple Watch last September, I was able to wear it but not touch it — an Apple employee pushed the buttons and sent simulated text messages for me. But that hasn’t stopped fanboys and hecklers alike from predicting the imminent downfall of the yet unreleased gadget.

Take the recent Fast Company article, titled “You guys realize the Apple Watch is going to be a flop, right?”

“This feels more like it was designed by committee.”

”Apple may have built out the watch to satisfy the urges of a designer who has become more obsessed with Bentleys and Rolexes than making attractive, functional technology that will actually make life better for the 99 percent,” wrote Mark Wilson, echoing sentiment heard ‘round the Web.

Hell, even Apple doesn’t like the Apple Watch.

Last September after the company’s splashy unveiling event, a former Apple designer who asked not to be named told The New York Times he thought the Watch looked boring.

“It’s very hard to make big things small,” he told The Times. “This feels more like it was designed by committee.”

Technology challenges

After reporting that Apple had dropped many of the intriguing technologies that could have helped the Watch stand out from the crowd, The Wall Street Journal’s Daisuke Wakabayashi reported on the issues the company was likely to face. Executives were left “struggling to define the purpose of the smartwatch and wrestling with why a consumer would need or want such a device.”

CNNMoney’s David Goldman had a similar opinion, explaining that “nearly 70 percent of Apple’s revenue comes from the iPhone, iPad sales are slumping, and Apple needs a new product to reduce its reliance on one core product.”

“It won’t find that with the Apple Watch,” Goldman said.

While the Watch may sell more units than any other smartwatch on the market (which frankly isn’t saying much), it will be hard pressed to transform and legitimatize the space as they company once did with the iPhone and iPad. Heck, even the diehard are reluctant to rush out and pick one up.

Tim Cook Apple Watch
Jeremy Kaplan/Digital Trends

In a defensive editorial on MacWorld UK, (titled “Why it doesn’t matter if Apple Watch is a flop — it will still change the world”) the site’s top editor Karen Haslam admitted she had no plans to buy one.

“Right now, I’m just not that sure I really need an Apple Watch. I just can’t see what it can do for me.”

One of the biggest challenges is doing something interesting, and as Wakabayashi reported, the more interesting health and fitness sensors simply aren’t good enough. Apple tested sensors to measure blood pressure, the amount of oxygen in the blood, and conductivity of skin, useful for heart-rate monitoring, people familiar with Apple’s plans told the Journal.

Even the diehard are reluctant to rush out and pick one up.

“But these features didn’t perform consistently on some people, including those with hairy arms or dry skin,” Wakabayashi wrote. I’ve heard the same sentiment echoed from many others in the wearable industry.

Battery life is the other huge challenge facing wearables, and far from solving the issue, Apple seems to be struggling with it — as is the rest of industry, of course. The company has said nothing about battery life to date, but predictions cite numbers as low as 3 hours of active use. Those figures come from Mark Gurman at, and have been widely reported.

The well-respected John Gruber of Daring Fireball characterized the math to get to those numbers as “willfully obtuse,” yet admitted that this area remains a tough nut. “Battery life may well be a serious problem for Apple Watch. It’s no surprise that it was and will remain one of the hardest engineering problems on the project,” he wrote.

Where does this leave Apple?

The Apple Watch we will soon have is “pedestrian,” according to the Wall Street Journal. Ouch.

But that’s for a real reason: The challenge, the experts note, is that the Apple Watch looks astonishingly like every other smartwatch on the planet, products that have been out for years ahead of Apple. That was certainly my take on it, after wearing an Apple Watch briefly after the September event.

Frankly, the innovative work in the world of technology is going on elsewhere, noted a recent editorial on Engadget.

“Its latest project, the Apple Watch, sure looks like a smartwatch, and it might be very successful, but is it doing anything totally unique? Is it really exciting? No,” wrote senior editor Aaron Souppouris in a column titled “When did Apple become the boring one?”

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Jeremy Kaplan/Digital Trends

Peter Cohan, a financial analyst with Forbes, wrote an article last month noting that Wall Street has dramatically scaled back expectations for the Apple Watch. The solution, he claims, is innovation. And the company hasn’t been innovating, he states bluntly.

“Apple under Tim Cook has yet to prove that it can innovate.”

And that’s just the problem here. The Apple Watch isn’t a game changer: It looks like the competition and suffers the same flaws as the competition. Ultimately, is that enough to make it a success? Remember that Macworld essay, “Who cares if it’s a flop”?

“The Apple Watch will have to do a lot more than notifications, tell the time, and monitor our fitness if it is to change our lives and justify its [$349] price tag,” wrote Haslam.

Apparently it won’t.

But that’s just the pundits: What do you think? Let us know in the comments section.

Jeremy Kaplan
As Editor in Chief, Jeremy Kaplan transformed Digital Trends from a niche publisher into one of the fastest growing…
The best Apple Watch Series 6 tips and tricks
Apple Watch Series 6

The combination of the Apple Watch Series 6 and WatchOS 8 software is powerful. The last generation Apple Watch comes with a variety of useful features that can help in your daily life -- if you know how to use them. We offer a list of our favorite tips and tricks for getting the most out of the Series 6 in conjunction with WatchOS 8.
Zoom in and out using the Digital Crown
The Apple Watch Series 6 lets you zoom in or zoom out to have a closer look at the contents of your watch face. To use it, open Settings and scroll down to Accessibility. Tap to open it, and you’ll see the Zoom control, which is off by default. Toggle the switch on to launch Zoom and then double-tap on the screen using two fingers to enable size adjustments with the Digital Crown. You can also use the settings to specify the maximum amount of zoom you want. To zoom out, double-tap on the screen using two fingers and it will return the screen to normal viewing.
Ring your iPhone
Where, oh where, is your iPhone? If it's in silent mode and you've misplaced it, you can use your Apple Watch Series 6 to ping it. Open the Control Center on your watch and tap on the iPhone button. Your iPhone will then make a loud dinging sound -- even if it is silent mode -- signaling precisely where it is located.
Use your watch as a camera remote
Open the Camera Remote app on your Apple Watch 6 to automatically launch the Camera app on your iPhone. Then tap the shutter button on your watch or use the timer to snap a picture.
Use the always-on display more effectively
The Apple Watch Series 6 has an always-on display, which allows it to show useful alerts and data without the need to activate or unlock. With Series 6, the always-on display is much brighter than previous models and incorporates direct control capabilities. You can tap for basic features  -- complications, notification center, and Control Center without unlocking the watch.
Activate Siri with wrist motion
Do you give Siri commands via the Apple Watch? The Series 6 has a super-handy intuitive feature for this -- simply lift your wrist at any time and say your Siri command -- no need to say “Hey Siri” first. The wrist motion automatically lets Siri know it’s all right to start listening, without unlocking the watch, so you can give immediate commands or ask quick questions.
Track blood oxygen levels
For the Series 6, Apple redesigned the way it measures certain health indicators and added the ability to measure your blood oxygen levels (or Sp02 data). You can find this option in the Health app under Respiratory information, or you can visit the dedicated Blood Oxygen app within the WatchOS. Your Watch also monitors background blood oxygen levels several times a day, which allows you to check how much oxygen your body is getting over time. While this shouldn’t be used to diagnose any specific condition, it can offer insight into overall respiratory health, which your doctor may be interested in checking, alongside other testing.
Use the improved altimeter
Apple redesigned the altimeter in the Series 6 to track your elevation and provide real-time elevation changes via a more powerful, accurate sensor. The tool is much more useful to hikers, climbers, skiers, and even surveyors for tracking real-time elevation changes, even if it’s just a foot or two of difference.
Control universal volume with the Digital Crown
Digital Crown is the fancy name for the large rotating dial on the side of the watch that you use to go to the home screen. On the Series 6, any time you are in Now Playing mode for any kind of audio, you can twist the crown to control the volume.
Theater mode controls screen brightness
If you are ever in a location where you need to lower the light or noise from your Apple Watch, the Control Panel now includes a Theater Mode option that enables your watch's silent mode. Activate it to keep the screen dark regardless of alerts or notifications. If your Apple Watch suddenly starts making noise or disrupting a meeting, just cover it with your palm. The Watch will sense this and automatically stop this action, leaving you to carry on in peace.
Wash your hands with confidence
Hand washing has become a critical health protector, and the Apple Watch Series 6, combined with the WatchOS 8, can play an important role. It uses the array of sensors to detect when you are washing your hands -- listening for running water and hand movements, for example -- that initiate a hidden 20-second timer for your handwashing action. If you stop before the 20 seconds are up, the watch sends a quick vibration to signal you to keep going. The 20-second goal is a guideline both the WHO and the CDC agree on.

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What you can (and can’t) do on your Apple Watch without your iPhone
Apple Watch Series 7 in a pocket.

The Apple Watch has seen enormous success. In fact, it’s the most popular item in Apple’s quickly expanding Wearables, Home, and Accessories division, which also includes Apple AirPods.

Since the Apple Watch was released in 2015, the smartwatch has gone through a number of makeovers and gained several new features. People love the Apple Watch for its durability, water resistance, and fitness-tracking abilities. Early versions of the watch could measure your activity levels, heart rate, and several other health metrics. Later versions even come with tools like ECGs (electrocardiograms) that can tell you when your heartbeat is abnormal and oximeters that can measure your blood oxygen levels.

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How to build a fun and varied Apple Watch band collection
A collection of Apple Watch bands.

You could just buy an Apple Watch and only ever use the band that comes with it, but to ignore the amazingly varied world of bands, straps, and bracelets available would mean missing out on the chance to truly make it your own. Building a small collection of bands means your Apple Watch never looks out of place with what you’re wearing or the activity you’re engaged in, and it keeps things fresh and interesting.

If you’re new to the Apple Watch and aren’t sure where to start, I’ve spent a little time building a core collection of bands that I find are suitable for all situations. If you do the same, get ready to change the band on your Apple Watch on a very regular basis. I assure you it's worth it.
A band apart
What’s wrong with the basic Apple Sport Band or Sport Loop that comes with most Apple Watch models? Absolutely nothing, and one of these bands is so good it makes it on to my essentials list. It’s limiting yourself just to this one band that I’m suggesting you avoid. Changing the band on the Apple Watch isn’t time-intensive, there’s no risk of losing bits when you take it apart, you don’t need any special tools, and the end result is a completely different look and feel on your wrist.

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