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All 'Mass Effect: Andromeda' multiplayer maps will be released for free

MASS EFFECT™: ANDROMEDA – Official Cinematic Trailer #2

Mass Effect: Andromeda

, like the rest of the games in the series, puts the majority of its focus on its lengthy, ambitious single-player campaign, but multiplayer serves as a great way to mix things up. The mode will only get better over time, as well, as all additional multiplayer maps will be released completely free.

BioWare general manager Aaryn Flynn confirmed that Andromeda‘s maps will be free on his Twitter page, saying that they will work “just like” those in Mass Effect 3. The latter game released two additional multiplayer maps, “Firebase Condor” and “Firebase Hydra,” at no additional cost through its “Resurgence” content pack. The pack also added a few new characters for the multiplayer classes as well as new weapons and consumables — assuming Flynn was also referring to these freebies in his tweet, we expect to see Andromeda follow suit.

Details on Andromeda‘s multiplayer mode remain relatively scarce, though the game is just two weeks from launch. A multiplayer “tech test” originally planned for February was completely canceled, and BioWare will instead show off the mode at PAX East from March 1o through March 12.

The link between the multiplayer and campaign portions of Mass Effect: Andromeda will not feature the same story-heavy link that was present in Mass Effect 3. Shepard’s swan song used a “readiness” system that would eventually be used in the game’s final mission, but Andromeda instead uses a “missions” reward system that unlocks additional experience and items for playing both. You can also use “strike teams” in place of entering the multiplayer mode yourself, letting you still reap the benefits while Ryder and his team defend humanity directly.

Mass Effect: Andromeda is out for

PlayStation 4


Xbox One

, and

Mass Effect: Andromeda

on March 21. The PlayStation 4 Pro is supported, with high-dynamic range and “crisper” visuals.

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Gabe Gurwin
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Gabe Gurwin has been playing games since 1997, beginning with the N64 and the Super Nintendo. He began his journalism career…
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