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The best weapons in Armored Core 6

Time to load up for your next mission, merc. Your mech is your real character in Armored Core 6, and the different components you attach to it can completely change how it functions. There are different legs, cores, and all types of ways to change up your mech, but the most immediate and important has to be your weapon loadout. These can range from melee weapons and shotguns to massive missile launchers and Gatling guns. Since your mech can hold weapons in both hands and on each shoulder, there’s a lot of room to experiment and give yourself options. Still, weapons aren’t cheap and credits aren’t always easy to come by as a gun for hire, so here are the best weapons in Armored Core 6 to invest in first.

Best Armored Core 6 weapons

A mech flying in the air shooting missiles at another mech.
Bandai Namco Entertainment

Vvvc-774LS Laser Slicer

Let’s begin with a melee weapon, which is far more useful in a game with rifles and lasers than you might expect. This is great for cleaving through mobs of smaller enemies thanks to its wide attack range and the fact that each swing counts as two hits. With an attack power of 1,615, that’s a lot of damage coming out very fast — and that’s not even considering the ability to charge it up while advancing. It is on the heavier side for its class, and takes a while to “reload,” but is a perfect way to get some breathing room if you get swarmed.

VP-60LCS Laser Cannon

If you need an early shoulder-mounted laser weapon, the VP-60LCS is a great one you can pick up in Chapter 1. They do decent damage, but the real usefulness comes in their staggering ability. Their rate of fire is essentially as fast as you can pull the trigger, and without a need to reload, you can rely on them whenever you need to so long as you don’t overheat.

DF-GA-08-HU-BEN Gatling Gun

Sometimes we just want to hold down the trigger and make our problems go away. That’s what Gatling guns are for, and this one ranks among the best. Each round will obviously do little damage, but with 1,300 rounds to chew through, not much can hold out against its sustained fire. Having one or two of these in your hands to follow up after stunning enemies with a laser weapon results in the perfect combo.

Songbirds Grenade Cannon

You won’t have access to heavy explosives like the Songbirds until around midway into the game, but it is a must-buy as soon as you can. As you would expect, these explosives deal a ton of impact damage that has a decent area of effect if you’re firing near a group. As a cherry on top, the grenades also inflict a high amount of stagger, so they’re quite useful against bosses as well.

BML-G1/P07VTC-12 Vertical Missile Launcher

We couldn’t close out a list of best weapons without a missile launcher, could we? For your money, this model is king. This shoulder-mounted weapon of mass destruction houses 12 missiles in its case that are ready to track your targets down, even behind cover and around obstacles. Just lock on to up to a dozen targets and let the missiles do the work from there.

Jesse Lennox
Jesse Lennox loves writing, games, and complaining about not having time to write and play games. He knows the names of more…
The best armor in Helldivers 2
A soldier in silhouette in Helldivers 2.

Armor sets in Helldivers 2 will affect more than just some stats and numbers behind the scenes. Just like your primary weapon, the type of armor you pick will dictate your playstyle and needs to be heavily considered before each mission. Each one comes with a different rating in three stats, plus there's a passive that makes it stand out, but all fall into either light, medium, or heavy roles. While the number of options isn't terribly overwhelming, comparing and contrasting all those stats and abilities on top of things like Boosters and Stratagems can become tedious. If you just want to get out there and blast some bugs, here are the best armor types to pick in Helldivers 2.
Best armor types
As of now, there are 19 different armor sets you can unlock with Medals and Super Credits, but more are likely to be added to the game in the future. When and if that occurs, we will update our rankings.
TR-9 Cavalier of Democracy

Especially when you're a fresh recruit in Helldivers 2, you can't go wrong with the Cavalier of Democracy if you happened to preorder the game. If not, it isn't a huge loss here since it is more of a great starter armor. It will give you very balanced stats for a medium build, with 100 Armor, 500 Speed, and 100 Stamina Regeneration. However, whether it's this one or any other you unlock early, make sure to get the Democracy Protects passive. This gives you a 50% chance to survive a lethal amount of damage and prevents bleeding damage from chest hemorrhages.
SC-34 Infiltrator

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The best weapons in Helldivers 2
Co-op gameplay of Helldivers 2.

When it comes to your firepower in Helldivers 2, the weapons you procure during missions easily trounce whatever you're deploying with. The only downside is that you can never count on which ones you will find, if any. Therefore, whatever you slot into your loadout needs to be able to keep up with the threats you're likely to encounter. Most weapons tend to have a stronger utility when facing different enemy types, but there still exists a hierarchy of guns that simply outclass the others.

If you're in need of the strongest weapons to spread democracy across the galaxy and make Super Earth proud, here are the best weapons you should drop with in Helldivers 2.
Best Helldivers 2 weapons
Depending on what enemies you expect to face in a mission, mainly either bugs or robots, you may want to change up your weapon to give you an edge. Any of these weapons are perfect to pick based on the threat or are generally good in all situations so you don't have to think too hard.
PLAS-1 Scorcher Plasma Rifle

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The best weapons in The Finals
A man in a skull mask with glowing eyes.

A shooter is only as good as its weapon selection. Without an armory stocked with fun, satisfying, and powerful guns to pick from, even a game as dynamic and unique as The Finals would grow stale. Thankfully, that isn't the case as the game launched with an impressive list of weapons to unlock and experiment with alongside its gadgets. The tricky thing about picking a "best" weapon in this game is that they are divided up between the three classes: light, medium, and heavy. That means you may have to learn to use a new weapon or adapt to a new class if you really want to play the meta. Of course, we expect balance changes and new weapons to shake this list up, but for now, these are the best weapons in The Finals.
Th best weapons in The Finals
As of the time of writing, there are 21 total weapons in The Finals. We've narrowed down our list to the top five to give players in each class an idea of which ones are dominating the competition.

This pistol is currently the king of light builds. Pistols usually have a reputation for being weak, but the V9S is by no means underpowered. It is a semiautomatic pistol, so you can shoot fast as long as you feel confident in your aim, and it's deadly accurate at medium and long ranges. Being so light, it will keep you mobile and out of danger for hit-and-run assaults.

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