Horror indie game hit Dredge is getting a surprise film adaptation

A boat sails through a passage in Dredge.

Black Salt Games and Story Kitchen announced their intention to make a movie based on the 2023 horror indie game hit Dredge.

Story Kitchen is one of the media production companies behind the recent push for film and TV adaptations of video games. The Sonic the Hedgehog movies and upcoming Netflix show Tomb Raider: The Legend of Lara Croft are its biggest successes in actually getting these adaptations made, but it also has multimedia projects in the works based on games like Streets of Rage, Toejam & Earl, It Takes Two, and Disco Elysium. It’s adding a horror movie based on Dredge to that list because Story Kitchen thinks the game has “a captivatingly eerie and profoundly rich story that had us completely hooked from the very beginning.”

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If you’re unfamiliar with Dredge, it was one of 2023’s surprise indie hits, having sold over 1 million copies within its first year of release. The core gameplay loop of Dredge is that of a simple fishing and boating game, as players go out, catch fish, sell them for money, and use that money to upgrade their boats. The game’s Lovecraftian undercurrent doesn’t take long to expose itself, though; before long, you’ll be catching weird fish and seeing horrific things out at sea if you stay away from shore for too long. It’s a memorable experience and one of Digital Trends’ favorite indie games of last year.

This project does not appear to be in active production at any major studios, but Story Kitchen is hoping the following logline catches their attention: “Think The Sixth Sense on the water. A grounded atmospheric cosmic horror blend of HP Lovecraft and Ernest Hemingway.”

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Tomas Franzese is a Staff Writer at Digital Trends, where he reports on and reviews the latest releases and exciting…
Nintendo Switch’s weirdest launch game is getting a surprise sequel

Nintendo has quietly announced Everybody 1-2-Switch!, a sequel to one of the oddest launch titles for Nintendo Switch.
1-2-Switch! was a Nintendo Switch launch title that served as a tech demo of sorts for the Joy-Con controllers, with players completing minigames based on direction from actors in live-action clips. It's a very quirky and critically divisive Nintendo Switch game, so it's a bit surprising to see a follow-up. According to the eShop listing for Everybody 1-2-Switch!, this game lets players use their Joy-Cons or smartphones to complete a variety of team-based minigames. And that's about all we've seen or know about this $30 game ahead of its June 30 launch alongside some new pastel Joy-Cons.

Everybody 1-2-Switch!'s announcement was quite unorthodox for Nintendo. It simply tweeted about the game's existence and opened up preorders on the eShop. This all happened with no reveal trailer less than a month before the game's launch. It's unknown why Nintendo's taking this approach instead of including the game in a Nintendo Direct or other major showcase, but a 2022 report from Fanbyte may reveal the answer. According to that report, Everybody 1-2-Switch! tested horribly, and Nintendo worried that the game could "damage the company’s reputation as a great software developer." 
Almost a year after that report, it seems that the game has improved enough to release, or maybe Nintendo is just willing to take the hit after the impressive launch and critical reception of The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. Either way, this is a weird sequel to a weird Nintendo Switch launch game that's being mutedly marketed so it doesn't elicit much hype. We'll just have to wait and play it for ourselves if we want to know whether Everybody 1-2-Switch! is an enjoyable game or not.
Everybody 1-2-Switch! will be released physically and digitally for Nintendo Switch on June 30.

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Three League of Legends indie game spinoffs will release in 2023

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Riot Forge Games 2023 | The Year Ahead Trailer
The next Riot Forge game to come out will be Double Stallion Games' Convergence sometime this summer. The game is a 2D platformer with time-based platforming and combat that follows Ekko, a character you'll recognize if you watched Arcane. Finally, Song of Nunu will launch this fall. It's a third-person adventure game from Tequila Works, a developer that's mastered that formula with titles like Rime and Gylt. It follows a young boy named Nunu and his yeti Willump as they search for Nunu's mother, so this game is bound to pack an emotional punch. 
While only two games have come from Riot Forge so far, its catalog of games finally seems to be ramping up this year. The Mageseeker, Convergence, and Song of Nunu will all be released for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, and Nintendo Switch over the course of 2023. 

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Indie devs say they were offered ‘exposure’ (not cash) to port games to Tesla vehicles

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