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Executive producer confirms upcoming Mass Effect game

Mass Effect 2
Image used with permission by copyright holder

“We’re in early stages of designing a completely new Mass Effect game. What would you want to see in it?”

That message appeared on the official Twitter account of Casey Hudson, a man who is best known as the executive producer of the Mass Effect series. Given his position (and the fact that he’s become something of a spokesman for the series over its past few entries), we’re inclined to believe Hudson, though none of this comes as much surprise.

As you might recall, we published a story in October examining an interview with BioWare Montreal producer Fabrice Condominas. VG247 had asked Condominas where BioWare might go with the Mass Effect series following the conclusion of Mass Effect 3, and while his answers were vague, he did say that the company would be exploring the Mass Effect universe in greater detail in the future. However, Condominas also explicitly stated that Commander Shepard, protagonist of the Mass Effect series to date, would not return to headline the series’ next entry.

“There is one thing we are absolutely sure of — there will be no more Shepard, and the trilogy is over,” Condominas said. “This is really our starting point. Now, the Mass Effect universe is vast, and very, very rich. So at this point in time, we don’t even know what kind of time frame we’re going to be in. All we’re doing is more gathering ideas from the teams, gathering feedback to see several things.”

Given that quote, and Casey Hudson’s Twitter comment, we feel safe in confirming the idea that BioWare will be bringing us a new Mass Effect game relatively soon. Of course, by “relatively” we mean “at some point in the next three years,” and even that is mostly an assumption, so while you have permission to get a bit excited, don’t try holding your breath until you see Mass Effect 4 (or whatever it’s inevitably called) on the shelves of your nearest GameStop.

That aside, there is one odd quirk about all of this that we feel should be mentioned. It might be entirely meaningless, but prior to the last 24 hours Casey Hudson hadn’t used his Twitter account since March 17. Then, today, he offers up the aforementioned message, along with at least six others. All are related to Mass Effect, so it’s entirely possible that Hudson just isn’t a fan of Twitter and only uses it when necessary to promote the series he’s working on.

Honestly that’s probably the explanation here, but we also like the idea that BioWare drops Casey Hudson into cryogenic stasis when the company doesn’t have an imminent Mass Effect title to promote. Now that the firm is working on a new entry in the series in earnest, Hudson has been thawed out, and we can expect to see him offering up little snippets of info on the title until shortly after it hits store shelves at which time Hudson will again take up residence in the massive cryogenics facility housed beneath EA’s Redwood Shores campus.

Fun fact: This is also where EA stores the Road Rash and Dungeon Keeper franchises.

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Earnest Cavalli
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Earnest Cavalli has been writing about games, tech and digital culture since 2005 for outlets including Wired, Joystiq…
Nightingale studio lead explains the game’s BioWare roots, card system
nightingale interview aaryn flynn bioware art 6

Survival crafting games have a habit of coming out of nowhere and being really enjoyable and popular. In 2021, Valheim took the gaming world by storm. This year, V Rising's vampiric take on the formula is one of 2022's biggest gaming surprises. Inflexion Games and Tencent's Level Infinite hope that Nightingale is the next one of those hits. This first-person survival crafting game makes players a Realmwalker, someone who forages, fights, creates, and survives in the Faewild realms of their own creation in hopes of finding the titular, mythical city of Nightingale.
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Gameplay Reveal Trailer - Summer Game Fest 2022 | Nightingale
Digital Trends: Nightingale is much different than anything you worked on at BioWare. What are some of the biggest lessons you took from BioWare for this game? 
Arynn Flynn: One of the things we made sure we did, having learned some things at BioWare, was that around the topic of worldbuilding. We created a world of our own creation, full of interesting characters and relatable elements. That's why we chose a contemporary fantasy setting. When you do something more like high fantasy or sci-fi, you have to establish the rules of that universe more fully, so players understand them. With contemporary fantasy, we get more relatability from the get-go, and from there, we can layer on great worldbuilding, interesting characters, and stories to engage with. 
What are the biggest challenges you've encountered switching from creating traditional RPGs to a survival game? 
We've definitely learned a lot and are still learning. One of the most important elements in a survival game, in my mind, is player autonomy. Players get to go where they want to go and do what they want to do while engaging with the building and crafting. We need to make sure the player always feels like they always have options and have something to do is fundamental to the experience. 
When you think about it, great role-playing games also offer choice, right? And so we're trying to adjust a lot of the lessons we learned about giving players meaningful choices but put it closer to the gameplay and things that are important to survival crafting players. It's been an interesting challenge for us, but hopefully, players will really appreciate what we did. 
How has the recent success of games like Valheim and V Rising influenced the development of Nightingale? 
The success of Valheim and V Rising is very encouraging and is really great for those wonderful teams and inspiring for our developers. Unlike Valheim, which has the rich Nordic lore to draw upon, and V Rising, where pretty much everyone knows what vampires are, we have to establish a lot more background information so players can appreciate the Victorian gaslamp setting.
That's why we chose alternate history, where a lot of our world's history is present, but we added in the complications of magic and the Fae. That ultimately become the fun of worldbuilding again. 

Could you explain the Realm Card system that lets players create realms to explore in more detail? 
Realm cards are a way we give players more agency in their experience. We procedurally generate Nightingale's realms, so all of the realms you see in our trailers were created by our software stack after our environment artists worked hard to create the components of it. The Realm Cards allow players to manipulate, control, and change those things from a huge pallet of options. It lets players choose things like what biome they're going to go to, whether it's daytime or nighttime, what weather challenges there are, and what bonuses or buffs there might be.
When you open a portal and go through it, what's on the other side is reflective of what you played with the Realm Cards. It's also very social because if we were playing together, you could put a card down, I could put a card down, and they will be mixed together. So it encourages cooperative play and becomes the way we offer more agency to our players. 
So, does that make it a survival game where you're supposed to be constantly moving, or can players settle down and build if they want to?
We definitely want you to settle down so you don't have to move your estate. I think a lot of players will want to do that and keep growing it. One thing players can do is go through realms and bring back resources to continue building their estate. Or, you can leave your estate behind to build another one in a new realm with some friends. Both options are available to you.

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