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Forspoken nail designs: all nail design locations and abilities

It might be the last thing you guess you need, but your nail designs in Forspoken will be a major factor in how your adventure goes. Frey’s nail design isn’t just for style here — they function as a very important accessory. You will want to constantly be assessing which nails best serve your current situation, but also synergize with your other pieces of gear, those being your cloak and necklace. You don’t want to break any of these nail designs, so check out our guide on where to find them all in Forspoken.

What nail designs do

The nail design menu in Forspoken.
Image used with permission by copyright holder

Nail designs are the most abundant gear type in Forspoken, over cloaks and necklaces.. You will get them through a variety of tasks, such as defeating bosses and completing quests, as well as simply finding them in the world. Unlike the other types of gear, you can (and should) equip up to two types of nail designs at once to stack their effects.

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All nail designs, what they do, and how to get them

Name What they do How to get them
Bounce Healing item effects boosted

All damage -5%

Complete the Brome Guild in The Moulderings area of Avoalet
Slay Support Magic deals more damage when Surge Magic is fully charged

Frey spell damage +5%

Unlocked automatically during Chapter 3 of Forspoken
Lit Attack magic deals more damage when Surge Magic is fully charged

All spell damage +2%

Complete the Zakto Village in the Tanta’s Demesne area of Visoria
Clutch Healing item effect boost when health is low

All spell damage +2%

Complete the Reeve Village in The Blessed Plains area of Cipal
Jet Support Magic recharges more quickly

Frey spell damage +5%

Complete the Ruins of Sommay in the Golden Hills area of Avoalet
Blue Flash Attack spells charge more quickly

All damage -5%

Unlocked automatically during Chapter 3 of Forspoken
Beaucoup Surge Magic recharge rate boosted based on the number of spells learned

All damage -5%

Complete the Ruins of Alda in the Inner Visoria area of Visoria
Savage Damage boosted based on the number of spells learned

All spell damage +2%

Complete the Upril Village in the Visorian Isthmus area of Visoria
On Point Top-level Attack Magic deals extra damage

Frey spell damage +5%

Complete the Abandoned Merchant Convoy in The Sacred Peaks area of Cipal
Nightshade Top-level Attack Magic can poison enemies

All damage -5%

Complete the Ruins of Lepsi in the Fields of the Fallen area of Praenost
Ignite Top-level Attack Magic can set enemies on fire

Sila spell damage +5%

Complete the Ruins of Zelenina in The Path of Glory area of Praenost
III Debuffs from Frey-specific spells last longer

Frey spell damage +5%

Complete the Kloros Guild in the Middle Praenost area of Praenost
Passion Damage boosted based on number of Sila-specific spells learned

Sila spell damage +5%

Complete Fort Optima in the Mount Garrison area of Praenost
Frostbite Top-Level Attack Magic can freeze enemies in place

Prav spell damage +5%

Complete Fort Sestina in the Visorian Plateau area of Visoria
Heavy Debuffs from Prav-specific spells last longer

Prav spell damage +5%

Complete the Perle Village in the Samum Coast area of Avoalet
Honor Damage boosted based on the number of Prav-specific spells learned

Prav spell damage +5%

Defeat the Amphicynodon Abomination in the South Plateau area of Visoria
Dig Deep Improved Surge Magic recharge rate

All damage -5%

Complete Fort Wielki in The Guardians’ Way area of Praenost
Wired Top-level Attack Magic can electrocute enemies

Olas spell damage +5%

Complete the Biichu Village in The Blossomwoods area of Junoon
Wisdom Damage boosted based on the number of Olas-specific spells learned

Olas spell damage +5%

Complete Fort Laayak in the Physic Garden area of Junoon
Twisted Debuffs from Sila-specific spells last longer

Sila spell damage +5%

Complete the Ruins of Eskii in The Fountainfields area of Avoalet
Aftershock Killer Blows generate a shockwave

All spell damage +2%

Unlocked automatically during Chapter 5 of Forspoken
Tease Debuffs from Olas-specific spells last longer

Olas spell damage +5%

Complete the Ruins of Teharnaa in the Nearcoast Terrace area of Junoon
Hope Damage boosted based on the number of Frey-specific spells learned

Frey spell damage +5%

Complete Fort Chahiye in the Crosstide Coast area of Junoon
Escalate Enables Killer Blows to be chained together

All spell damage +2%

Complete the Ruins of Koshish in the Nowhere area of Junoon
Amped More damage inflicted when more enemies are present

Frey spell damage +5%

Complete the Ruins of Calme in The Untrodden Forest area of Avoalet
Flaunt More damage inflicted when HP is high

All spell damage +2%

Complete Fort Gabb in the Yonder Cape area of Visoria
Fatale Enemies can be knocked to the ground more easily based on the number of spells learned

All spell damage +2%

Defeat the Gigas Abomination in the Mount Garrison area of Praenost
Blessed Improved critical hit rate

All spell damage +2%

Complete the Chichek Village in The Water Garden area of Avoalet
Grit More damage is inflicted when health is low

All spell damage +2%

Complete the Plateau Hollow Cave in the Shepherd’s Meadow area of Visoria
Spectrum Critical hit rate boosted based on the number of spells learned

All spell damage +2%

Defeat the Deinosuchus Abomination in The Moulderings area of Avoalet
Trigger Happy Support Magic recharges faster when Surge Magic is fully charged

All spell damage +2%

PlayStation 5 Preorder Bonus
Overclock Support Magic recharges faster when Surge Magic is fully charged

All spell damage +2%

PC Preorder Bonus

Best nail designs to wear

  • Cipal: For an early game set, this buff to spell damage will help you get to grips with the game and power up faster.
  • Lit: Not only does this set give you a flat buff to your attacks, but if you hold onto your Surge, you get even stronger.
  • Fatale: This is a great scaling set since it gets easier to knock enemies down as you learn spells, plus it buffs all your spells from the start.
  • Flaunt: As long as you can keep your HP up, which is easy when paired with the right cloaks and necklaces, you’ll be enjoying plenty of bonus damage.

How to change nail designs

Changing out your nail design is as simple as going into the Nails tab on your menu, selecting your currently equipped nails, and then cycling through all the ones you’ve unlocked and equipping whichever you choose.

Jesse Lennox
Jesse Lennox has been a writer at Digital Trends for over four years and has no plans of stopping. He covers all things…
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