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How to increase reputation in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

Henry of Skalitz looks at the camera.
Deep Silver

The vast lands of Bohemia await you in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2. As you head out on another adventure as Henry of Skalitz, you’ll face off against bandits, haggle with merchants, and interact with the nobility. Eventually, people will hear of your exploits and, naturally, of your misdeeds as well. As such, you might be wondering how to stay in everyone’s good graces. Here’s our guide on how to increase reputation in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2.

Skills and info that affect reputation in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

The Player menu showing reputation values with each type of NPC.
Deep Silver

You can find everything related to reputation in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 by checking the Player tab in the menu. The Reputation page shows all the towns you’ve visited, as well as the types of folks that you’ve met–i.e. the nobility, civilians, and men-at-arms in specific large settlements, or the shepherds, fishermen, and hermits in the wilderness. A yellow smiley face icon means that you have positive relations with these people, while a red angry face means that you’ve really ticked everyone off.

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As for skills, some of the most impactful ones can be found in the Stats: Main Level section. These include “Charming Man,” which increases reputation gains by 10%, and “Good-Natured,” where you’re given a bonus to niceties through the Persuasion, Impression, and Presence dialogue skill checks. There’s also the “Memorable” perk, where news of your deeds spreads far and wide, though this also applies to your notorious actions.

Dialogue skill checks

Henry of Skalitz has two available dialogue skill checks.
Deep Silver

Speaking of dialogue skill checks, these heavily influence your Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 reputation. The system itself is not only derived from the numerical values (i.e. levels) that you see, but also from a combination of factors including the disposition of the NPCs that you’re talking to and Henry’s own standing. For example, the Impression option might be viable if people think highly of you due to your Charisma, whereas the Presence option would work more effectively if your gear pieces are in good condition and of high quality.

In most cases, passing a successful skill check increases your reputation. Conversely, failing these skill checks causes a decrease in reputation, as Henry is made to look like a bumbling fool.

Regular dialogue conversations

Chatting with an NPC and sharing your expertise.
Deep Silver

As you progress through the campaign, you get to chat with all manner of NPCs. When tackling quests or talking to folks, there are dialogue options that aren’t tied to any particular Speech skill check. Instead, these are primarily to add flavor and flair to the conversation itself. For example, if a character is a scholar, you can ask them about their studies. If someone has explored a far-flung location, you can show your interest in their travels.

Giving something extra to merchants

Haggling with a merchant when selling goods.
Deep Silver

Haggling is a given when you interact with merchants, and it’s also one of the best ways to increase reputation in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2. Here’s how it works:

  • You earn reputation whenever you pick the Sell option to trade your wares with a merchant.
  • You can hold the Sell button to switch to the Haggle interface instead.
  • In the Haggle interface, increase the value by a small amount–i.e. you’re buying at a slightly higher price or you’re selling at a slightly lower price. This is considered as a tip given to the merchant, netting you additional reputation gains.

Assisting people in need

A random encounter while fast traveling.
Deep Silver

While fast traveling, you might trigger random encounters where hapless civilians are getting harassed by bandits. Help out these individuals by eliminating the hostiles. If the civilian is still alive after the bout, talk to them to gain a boost to your reputation.

Paying indulgences for your sins or going on a pilgrimage

Asking a priest for forgiveness.
Deep Silver

Assuming you’ve done harm to other folks, you can still boost your reputation by talking to a priest:

  • You could be asked to go on a pilgrimage and a shrine will be marked on the world map. Travel there and pray to gain absolution.
  • Alternatively, you could put money in an indulgences box to ask for forgiveness.

What negatively impacts reputation and what are the consequences?

Henry's punishment is being sent to the pillory.
Deep Silver

Since we’re on the subject of increasing your Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 reputation, we feel that it’s a good idea to discuss factors that can negatively impact your standing:

  • Poor dialogue responses – This concerns failed skill checks, crass or rude replies, and “evil” reactions. For example, if you threaten a defenseless peasant using the Intimidation option, that’s likely to cause a slight reputation drop.
  • Dishonesty – In certain situations, NPCs might ask you to repay a favor or commit to a deal. If you renege on these or backstab them later on, such an action would show that you can’t be trusted.
  • Evil and cruel acts – There are also parts of the campaign where you can decide to do heinous and unspeakable acts, such as torturing a prisoner. While you might get the information you need, this, too, will cause a reputation loss.
  • Merchant woes – If you’re trying to lower the amount you have to pay, the merchant will tend to reject it at first. If you keep at it, the merchant will be angered. This causes a reputation drop and the merchant will refuse to haggle with you for a time.
  • Committing crimes – Crimes include killing innocent people, stealing goods, trespassing in restricted areas, and poaching animals (except for wolves and hares). Getting caught usually leads to a reputation drop.  Likewise, guards will ask you to pay a fine or accept a type of punishment, unless you’re able to convince them otherwise. However, if you commit crimes without anyone’s knowledge, then you might be able to get away scot-free.

Major drops in reputation will cause NPCs to avoid you, unless you go on a pilgrimage or pay indulgences for your sins. Furthermore, if you keep committing crimes, guards may send you to the pillory (light offenses), tie you up and cane you (moderate offenses), or brand you (serious offenses). If you’re already a branded criminal and you continue to engage in acts of violence, well, then Henry could end up on the execution block. He’ll really get a one-way ticket to kingdom come…

That does it for our guide on how to increase reputation in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2. If you’re looking for additional help, feel free to read our beginner’s guide, moneymaking guide, and stolen/damaged items guide.

Jason Rodriguez
Jason Rodriguez is a freelance reviewer and guides writer from the Philippines. It’s a country in Southeast Asia, where…
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