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Pokémon Scarlet and Violet breeding guide: How to breed Pokémon at picnics

A Meowscarada and a Ditto at a picnic.
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Breeding in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet has been completely reworked. Instead of dropping your compatible Pokémon off at daycare and waiting for your couple to produce a single egg, you can now breed them on your own in the wild and have several eggs in your inventory with way less effort.

All you need to do is set up a little picnic for them. We'll show you how to do it.

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10 minutes

What You Need

  • Two Pokémon with compatible Egg Groups

Pokemon have a picnic together in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.

How to breed Pokémon in Scarlet and Violet

Breeding Pokémon in this generation is easier than ever, but there are a few subtle actions you need to take that aren't explained outright in the game.

Step 1: First, take the two Pokémon you'd like to breed and make sure they are the only Pokémon in your party. For more info about Egg Groups and to know whether or not your Pokémon are compatible, check out a guide like this one on Bulbapedia. Of course, you can always use a Ditto.

Step 2: While it's unclear if it's 100% necessary, we've had better luck breeding if you snag a snack that gives your party Egg Power. Go to a city and check out the local food vendors in search of a food item that gives Egg Power. Then buy it, and your Pokémon will gobble it up.

Food vendor in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet.
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Step 3: Next, find a flat area out in the world and start a picnic. You can do this by pressing X and selecting Picnic from the menu.

Step 4: Once the picnic is setup and your Pokémon are released, press + to recall Miraidon or Koraidon.

Step 5: Now all you have to do is wait a bit. There's no hard, set rule on how long it takes Pokémon to produce eggs. We recommend just going AFK for a few minutes.

Step 6: When you've waited for a bit, you can check the picnic basket sitting on the ground next to your table to see if any eggs have been produced. The longer you wait, the more eggs will be produced. You will be able to take them one by one.

When asked if you want to take the egg, choose Yes. Choosing No will give the egg to someone at the academy.

All eggs taken will be immediately sent to one of your PC boxes for storage.

Picnic in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet..
Image used with permission by copyright holder

Step 7: Just like any other Pokémon game, you'll need to put your egg in your party and roam around with it to hatch it!

Pokémon egg hatching.
Image used with permission by copyright holder
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