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The Division 3: release date speculation, news, and rumors

The Division 2 Warlords of New York

For many fans of looter-shooters, it’s hard to find a series quite as compelling as The Division. With two successful games in the franchise already under its belt, Ubisoft is clearly aware that it’s a meaningful part of its ever-expanding catalog, so it’s unsurprising that it’s hard at work on a third entry. With the advent of newer hardware and a heap of lessons learned from the first two games, The Division 3 is all but certain to land with a bang and further cement the franchise as one of Ubisoft’s most beloved.

We know The Division 3 is in development at Massive Entertainment with Julian Gerighty as the executive producer. Beyond that, though, not much has been shared about what to expect from the game yet. Even so, here’s everything we know about The Division 3.

Release date

The Division 3 does not currently have a release date. And since the game hasn’t even received any trailer yet, it’s safe to assume we probably won’t see it until at least 2025 — though stranger things have happened.

As of May 15, Ubisoft canceled The Division Heartland, which was set to be a free-to-play spinoff set in the same universe as the first two titles in the series. However, because that game was being developed by Red Storm Entertainment, it doesn’t appear that the cancelation will speed up the development of The Division 3. Instead, Ubisoft has stated that Red Storm Entertainment “will be transitioning to new projects within our company, including XDefiant and Rainbow Six.”


No announcement has been made regarding The Division 3’s release platforms. Judging by previous entries in The Division franchise, however, we expect that the game will land on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X, and PC. Given the potential for the next Nintendo console to finally house a bit more power than the Switch, there’s even a small possibility we could see it finally make its way over to that platform, too. Only time will tell.


The Division series can largely be played solo, but it’s designed around a mix of cooperative and competitive gameplay. If The Division 3 follows in the footsteps of the first two games — and we have no reason to believe it won’t — fans can expect to team up for missions and raids, as well as fight other players in the Dark Zone.


The Division 3 is currently not available for preorder, but based on previous Ubisoft releases, players should expect multiple editions with tiers of extra add-ons. More expensive editions will likely include versions sporting a season pass for future DLC, as well as additional in-game goodies.

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Billy Givens
Billy Givens is a freelance writer with over a decade of experience writing gaming, film, and tech content. His work can be…
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