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The Last of Us Part II: All trading card locations

The Last of Us Part II has nearly 300 collectibles of varying types. There are 48 trading cards in the game, and collecting all of them will earn you the bronze trophy Starter Set, as well as the gold trophy Master Set. In this guide, we’re going to give you all of the trading card locations in The Last of Us Part II. 

Although we won’t discuss any plot details in depth, some of our descriptions may spoil the story for you, so a huge spoiler warning before diving in. As mentioned, there are 48 trading cards in the game, and you’ll pick up the first 46 of them in the beginning of the game. Trading cards are exclusive to Ellie, so after chapter 21, you’ll need to wait until chapters 43 and 44 to pick up the remaining two.

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Chapter 2: Waking Up


Sony Interactive Entertainment

Early in the chapter, you’ll need to follow Jesse through town. You’ll reach a four-way intersection with the Copper Peaks Inn on your right side. There’s a dog out front that you can pet. Standing on the porch diagonally across from the Copper Peaks Inn, follow it around to the left side. There, on a bulletin board, you’ll find this trading card.

The Keene Twins

Sony Interactive Entertainment

After your encounter at the bar, turn around to find this trading card on top of a barrel next to the dartboard.

Chapter 4: Patrol


Sony Interactive Entertainment

The first trading card comes about a third of the way through the chapter. After the first lookout, Dina will point out a group of houses. Dismount your horse and head into the house on the right. You’ll know it’s the right house if you have to climb up a truck to the roof and into the bedroom. In the bedroom, go to the closet, and you’ll find this trading card on a shelf.

Laurent Foucalt

Sony Interactive Entertainment

Later in the chapter, you’ll automatically pick up a Firefly Pendant. After that, enter the room on the main story path, but instead of following Dina, head straight behind the counter. Slightly to your left, in a side room, you’ll find this trading card on a table.

Chapter 8: The Gate


Sony Interactive Entertainment

Early in the chapter, while you’re riding a horse with Dina, she’ll point out a group of cars. Dismount your horse in this area and go to the bus stop bench. This trading card is hanging on the wall. If you’ve been following this guide, you should earn the Starter Set trophy here.

The Starfire Kids

Sony Interactive Entertainment

Continue riding with Dina, and you’ll eventually reach an overgrown highway. Continue on the highway, but stop short of the Seattle exit sign. To the left, you’ll find a construction trailer with this trading card pinned to a bulletin board.


Sony Interactive Entertainment

Later in the chapter, you’ll need to climb over a wall to open the door for Dina. Follow the main story path and you’ll reach a ladder inside of a watchtower leading down (it’ll be directly in front of you). Instead of going down that ladder, turn around to find a ladder leading up. Climb the ladder, and you’ll find this trading card, along with an artifact and five parts, on a table.


Sony Interactive Entertainment

Later on, you’ll need to turn on a generator and connect the power to a door. Instead, take the yellow cable and throw it over the building the generator is behind. Run to the other side or unlock the nearby door, and use the cable to climb on top of the building. You’ll find a lot of goodies on top, including this trading card.

Chapter 9: Downtown

Doctor Uckmann

Sony Interactive Entertainment

This chapter is a big open world section, so the order in which you tackle the trading cards is up to you. For this one, head to the building on the corner of Marion Street and 6th Avenue. Climb the stairs and head for the balcony straight in front of you (the stairs past this point are broken). Jump across to the right to another balcony, and you’ll find a path to the top of the destroyed structure. At the top, you’ll find this trading card on the floor.

Das Wort

Sony Interactive Entertainment

Between 5th and 6th Avenue, you’ll find the Valiant Music Shop. Enter through the front and you’ll find this trading card behind the counter in a drawer.


Sony Interactive Entertainment

On Madison Street, between 4th and 5th Avenue, you’ll find the Gate West 2 checkpoint. Squeeze your way through the front gate and look to your right for a safe. The combination is 04-51. In the safe, you’ll find a bunch of parts and supplements, along with this trading card.

Big Blue

Sony Interactive Entertainment

Go to the top of 5th Avenue until it intersects with Spring Street. On the right corner is a Ruston Coffee Shop, with a bunch of wanted posters tacked on the windows. Break the window and head inside. You’ll find this trading card in a drawer behind the counter.

Know It All

Sony Interactive Entertainment

Continue through the chapter until you reach the Serevena Hotel (marked on the map as “WLF?”). Go inside and head upstairs to the second bedroom. In a nightstand, you’ll find this trading card.

Chapter 10: Eastbrook Elementary


Sony Interactive Entertainment

Late in the chapter, you’ll need to jump from a roof onto an apartment balcony. Head inside the apartment and go to the bedroom. You’ll know you’re in the right spot if the bed is overgrown. Look in the nightstand drawer to find this trading card.

Chapter 11: Capitol Hill

Kinnard Esq.

Sony Interactive Entertainment

At the start of the chapter, head around the houses until you find one marked with a “3” (the front door is missing). On the ground floor, next to the couch, open the drawer with a pair on headphones on top to find this trading card.


Sony Interactive Entertainment

When you reach the Capitol Inn complex, head behind the structure on the left side. There’s a “rules must be followed” sign by this area. In the back alley, climb through the third window on your right. On the floor in the unit, you’ll find this trading card.

Doctor Stem

Sony Interactive Entertainment

After the motel, you’ll climb a fence into a large open area. Head to the left until you see a gas station (multiple enemies are patrolling the area, so be careful). Across from the gas station, head into the book store. In the coffee shop section of the book store, look to the back to find a white door with an exit sign above it. The trading card is behind this door on a crate. Caution, though: When you open this door, some Infected will break out and attack you.

Sergeant Frost

Sony Interactive Entertainment

Head out the back of the book store and continue down until you reach the Olive Street Market. There are human enemies outside and Infected inside. Once they’re dealt with, you can find this trading card in a locker inside the store.


Sony Interactive Entertainment

Later in the chapter, you’ll come to a liquor store. Continue forward until a Clicker runs into a trap by the front door (Ellie and Dina share some dialogue about it, so this one is hard to miss). Head inside the store and go to the far left corner. You’ll find this trading card on a shelf there.


Sony Interactive Entertainment

You’ll reach a point in the chapter where there’s a stretch of road with a lot of traps on it. On the left side of the street, head into the Donation Center. On a shelf labeled “Children’s,” you’ll find this trading card.

Chapter 12: Channel 13


Sony Interactive Entertainment

This one is pretty easy to find. Follow the main story path into the TV station. Eventually, you’ll need to walk a narrow ledge on the outside of the building to progress. Once back inside, head to the office diagonal of the one you entered to find this trading card on the desk.

Chapter 13: The Tunnels

The Imp

Sony Interactive Entertainment

Early in the chapter, you’ll need to crawl under a train to progress. After, you’ll start running down a long tunnel toward a red light coming from a room on the right side. Instead of going in, head past the room to the blue train. Crouch near the middle of the train to find this trading card stuck between two trash bags.

Dr. Daniela Star

Sony Interactive Entertainment

A little later on, you’ll have your first encounter with some Shamblers. Continue past this point until you need to lift a chain door for Dina. Inside the next area, run down the hall until you see a blue door with a “storage” sign beside it. Inside the room, go to the far right corner and crawl under the desks. At the end of this path, you’ll find the trading card under a mouse pad.


Sony Interactive Entertainment

Toward the end of the chapter, you’ll need to climb on a red vending machine that’s tipped over. This is on the main story path, so you can’t miss it. Instead of climbing up, crawl under the collapsed train to your left. Inside, you’ll find this trading card in some luggage.

Chapter 14: The Theater


Sony Interactive Entertainment

On the ground floor of the theater, head to the desk at the back of the area. Behind it, smash the glass on the cabinet farthest to the right to find this trading card on a shelf.


Sony Interactive Entertainment

From the last trading card, head up the stairs on the left. Continue straight at the top of the stairs to follow a long, dark hallway. At the end, under a flipped couch, you’ll find this trading card.

Chapter 15: Birthday Gift

The Nighthawk

Sony Interactive Entertainment

Inside the first museum, in the main dinosaur exhibit, head to the far left corner for the Dimetrodon display. To the right of this display, on a bench, is the trading card.


Sony Interactive Entertainment

Later in the chapter, you’ll reach the Natural History Center. Joel will boost you through a window to get inside. Continue into the museum, and you’ll come upon a display with a bunch of wolves around an elk. The trading card is to the right of this display under a bench.

Chapter 16: Hillcrest


Sony Interactive Entertainment

At the very start of the chapter, instead of continuing into Hillcrest, turn around and drop down. You’ll find this trading card in the seat on a truck. Note, you must smash the window to get the trading card.

Sahir the Sorcerer

Sony Interactive Entertainment

Shortly into the chapter, you’ll come to a Ruston Coffee and bookstore next to each other. Facing Ruston, head all the way left to find Caroline Paper Co. Smash the window and head inside. In some boxes behind the counter, you’ll find this trading card.

Naledi the Youthful

Sony Interactive Entertainment

Later, you’ll need to jump from a rolling dumpster onto a building (this is the main story path). Inside the building, you’ll see a workbench straight in front of you. To the right of the workbench, in the wheel on a bike, you’ll find this trading card.


Sony Interactive Entertainment

Much later in the chapter, you’ll see some black smoke in the distance. Continue on the main story path by jumping over a fence into a backyard. In the backyard, look behind the toy house for this trading card.


Sony Interactive Entertainment

Shortly after the last trading card, you’ll have an encounter with an Infected carrying a bow. After the next enemy encounter (human enemies), head down the street to the last house on the right. Go upstairs and head inside the second bedroom on the right. Go prone and crawl under the bed, and you’ll see this trading card lying there.

Chapter 17: Finding Strings

The Austinger

Sony Interactive Entertainment

Follow the main story path until Joel and Ellie go out on horses alone. The game will force you to dismount at some point, and you’ll need to climb over a barricade on the side of a road. Immediately after climbing it, head left toward the Jackson Music Center sign. Climb over the U-Move trailer in your path to find a car with this trading card in the backseat.

Chapter 18: The Serphites

Randy Styles

Sony Interactive Entertainment

After going through the revolving door at the start of the chapter, you’ll need to enter a Quickmart. Head to the side opposite of where you entered to find this trading card on a shelf.


Sony Interactive Entertainment

Later, you’ll enter the Conference Center, with “feel her love” smeared on the wall in blood. Left of the blood, head into the broken elevator shaft and climb the ladder. After climbing, jump across the elevator shaft. Continue into the area and smash the window farthest left. Then, pick up some bottles from the area — there are a few lying around — and throw them at the glass panels just above the window you smashed (the one immediately above it, and the one to the left of that). Grab the rope lying nearby and throw it over the broken panels, creating a rope Ellie can climb up. Swing on the rope to reach an otherwise unreachable balcony, and head inside the connected room. You’ll find this trading card immediately inside, on a couch.

Star Sign

Sony Interactive Entertainment

Continue on the main story path until you see a cat running down the street (this happens just after you cross under an overpass). Climb the truck the cat runs by to reach the covering of an apartment building. Jump to the ledge on the right and break the apartment window. Inside, you’ll find this trading card in a nightstand drawer by the bed.


Sony Interactive Entertainment

After a mini-cutscene where Ellie points out the hospital, break the window on your right to head into the Seattle Conference Center. Use the scaffolding to reach the ground floor and check the right side for a small room. The door is locked, but you can make your way in by breaking a high window on the side. Do so, and you’ll find this trading card in one of the drawers inside.


Sony Interactive Entertainment

Later, you’ll be attacked by Scars when exiting the sewers. After this, leave the park and go to the left side of the area. There, you’ll find a Garden Suites apartment building (numbered “113”). Inside, head upstairs to find this trading card on the floor in the back right corner.

Bhat M’Andarr

Sony Interactive Entertainment

Toward the end of the chapter, you’ll have a mini-boss encounter, and after, Ellie will point out the hospital again. Jump down from the roof where this happens into the water, and head toward the Weston’s Pharmacy sign. In the store, you’ll find multiple collectibles, including this trading card, which is in a display right in front of the counter.

Chapter 20: Road to the Aquarium


Sony Interactive Entertainment

At the beginning of the chapter, follow the path until you reach the red curtain. Before passing through it, look to the left near some lights to find this trading card.


Sony Interactive Entertainment

Later in the chapter, when you’re outside with Jesse, go to the WDL building. Crouch under the rubble in the front and head for the door straight in front of you to the back of the building. Through this door, in the left hallway, you’ll see an open door with some rubble in front of it. Crouch under it to find a workbench, as well as this trading card on a desk.


Sony Interactive Entertainment

Shortly after, you’ll need to enter Kingston’s Bookstore to progress the story. Go straight from the window you entered and drop down on a broken piece of floor (directly in front of a security gate). Crawl under this broken floor to find the trading card.


Sony Interactive Entertainment

Toward the end of the chapter, you’ll need to lift some mangled pipes to progress. Don’t lift them yet! Doing so will lock you out of the collectible. Instead, look in the desk you had to jump over to reach the pipes. The trading card is sitting on one of its shelves.

Chapter 21: The Flooded City


Sony Interactive Entertainment

Shortly after the start of the chapter, the game will force you to leave your boat to open a chain door. Instead of using the chain, head to the open door just behind you. Look in a desk drawer inside this room for the trading card.

Kazakh Bright

Sony Interactive Entertainment

Much later in the chapter, you’ll fall through the floor and fight a Bloater. After the fight, look for the Prize Zone inside the battle area. Inside the Prize Zone, you’ll find this trading card under the cash register.

Chapter 43: Pushing Inland


Sony Interactive Entertainment

A little ways into the chapter, you’ll see a Clicker on the roof of a house. Deal with the Clicker, and climb to the roof via the car parked out front. In the house, head to the upstairs bedroom on your right to find this trading card on a desk.

Chapter 44: The Resort


Sony Interactive Entertainment

Toward the end of the chapter, you’ll have an enemy encounter in an enclosed area near a large house. You’ll need to go inside the house to progress the story. Upon entering, look to your right for a set of speakers on a table. To the left of these speakers is the trading card. This is the last trading card in The Last of Us Part II, and upon picking it up, you’ll unlock the Master Set trophy. Congrats!

Jacob Roach
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Jacob Roach is the lead reporter for PC hardware at Digital Trends. In addition to covering the latest PC components, from…
Naughty Dog confirms its working on a new single-player game in odd apology post
Abby screaming in The Last of Us Part II

The Last of Us developer Naughty Dog has confirmed that it's working on a new single-player game in a fairly odd manner. The news came in the middle of an apologetic post explaining why the studio didn't show its upcoming Last of Us multiplayer project during this week's PlayStation Showcase.

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The Last of Us finale makes a subtle change from the game to set up season 2
Joel holds the surgeons at gunpoint in The Last of Us' finale.

HBO viewers were rocked Sunday night by the finale of The Last of Us, which brought the iconic ending of Naughty Dog's critically acclaimed game to life in live-action. It was an extremely faithful adaptation, with no huge deviations from the source material. However, a key change was made that will help the show more gracefully transition into its adaptation of The Last of Us Part II.
Note: Spoilers for The Last of Us TV show and The Last of Us Part II video game to follow.
At the climax of The Last of Us Season 1's final episode, we see Joel annihilate most of the Fireflies and doctors at the Salt Lake City hospital as they prepare to operate on Ellie to get a cure, which would have killed her in the process. It's a chilling sequence that hits the same dubious, morally horrifying notes as it did in the game, and little is changed.
We see Joel kill the surgeon about to operate on Ellie after he picks up a scalpel and says he won't let Joel take her. Joel shoots him in cold blood, but does not kill the nurses assisting him. As he walks out of the room with Ellie, a shot lingers on the face of the now-deceased surgeon, punctuating Joel's massacre.

That may sound like a small cinematic altercation, but that lingering shot is very meaningful to those of us that played The Last of Us Part II. In the original game, we don't think much about Joel's victim; he's just some nameless doctor. In Part II, however, we meet that doctor's daughter, Abby, who's on a quest for revenge. What's a thoughtless action for Joel becomes deeply personal for someone he's never met.
By adding in that extra shot, the finale more confidently sets that up. Even if casual viewers don't know it yet, the groundwork is being laid for something that will be very important in the next season and makes it clear that the show knows where it's going.
The finale further teases what's to come with a smart bit of casting. Eagle-eyed fans may notice that one of the nurses during the scene is played by Laura Bailey, who portrays Abby in The Last of Us Part II. It's likely just the show paying tribute to the game's cast (as it did in episode 8 with Troy Baker, who voiced Joel in the video games), but it's also another way to tease what's to come in the next season. Abby is coming for Joel. Prepare your golf balls.
Of course, when Naughty Dog released The Last of Us in 2013, it didn't yet know that this doctor would play such a pivotal part in the sequel's story, so not as much focus was put on him in the game. The developers retroactively tried to correct this with a retelling of the sequence from Abby's perspective in The Last of Us Part II and updated models in the game's remake.
Showrunners Craig Maizin and Neil Druckmann have the benefit of knowing this moment's importance from the start and not being locked to Joel's third-person perspective. They can now take the time to linger with a shot like this, emphasizing what Joel has done and laying the groundwork for what comes next. It's a short and subtle shot that slightly deviates from the original game, but it's also something that could only be done in this TV show and will certainly be hugely important for the show as we head into season 2.
The Last of Us is available to stream on HBO Max.

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The Last of Us TV show will return for Season 2 at HBO
Ellie stares at Joel and Tess in the The Last of Us TV show.

HBO has confirmed that the critically acclaimed The Last of Us TV show will return for a second season.
This announcement comes from a tweet posted after only two of the series' episodes have aired. That said, the show garnered critical acclaim, broke some HBO viewership records, and doesn't yet appear to incorporate many plot elements from The Last of Us Part II, so it shouldn't come as too much of a surprise that the series is continuing. According to the tweet, the second season of the show will air on HBO Max (or whatever that service ends up becoming later this year).
No release window, story, or casting announcements were made in relation to The Last of Us Season 2, although that isn't very surprising as the show's first season is still airing. That said, it seems extremely likely that it would follow the plot of The Last of Us Part II, which sees Ellie go on a quest for revenge after an extremely traumatic event that we won't spoil here. While the second game in this series proved to be much more divisive than the first, there's certainly no shortage of dramatic moments and intriguing plot developments for Neil Druckmann and Craig Mazin to adapt to television in another season. The Last of Us is currently airing on HBO and streaming on HBO Max every Sunday night. Digital Trends gave the series a four-star review, with Alex Welch writing that The Last of Us is a "lovingly made, often emotionally riveting adaptation of what is one of the most treasured titles in video game history."

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