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Health & Fitness Features

Awesome Tech You Can't Buy Yet 4-16-2017

Awesome tech you can’t buy yet: Chain-free bikes and a spherical Segway

awesome tech you cant buy yet carvon tribotex wheel

Awesome tech you can’t buy yet: AWD electric skateboards and anti-surveillance shades

lightweight robot exosuit luke

Harvard’s robotic exosuit uses science-fiction smarts to put a spring in your step

Think a robot exoskeleton has to be a bulky piece of kit? Investigators at Harvard Biodesign Lab will make you think again.
fitnessgenes interview int 01

It’s in the genes: This company uses DNA to craft your ultimate fitness plan

Awesome Tech YCBY 01-20-2017

Awesome tech you can’t buy yet: Webcam covers and one-handed shoelaces

Awesome Tech You Can't Buy Yet

Awesome tech you can’t buy yet: LED guitar tutors, electric scooters, and more

Check out our roundup of the coolest crowdfunding projects and product announcements that hit the web this week.
awesone tech you cant buy yet waterproof backpack heng balance lamp xo 6 2 0001

Awesome tech you can’t buy yet: Submersible backpacks, magnet lamps, and more

Check out our roundup of the coolest crowdfunding projects and product announcements that hit the web this week.
how tech saved me on christmas heart valve kp

Remembering the Christmas when technology saved my life, and my family

awesome tech you cant buy yet lingozing swash flexr 122516

Awesome tech you can’t buy yet: A VR bike generator, smart bidets, and more

future of biometrics beyond the wrist tracker science banner crp feat

The future of biometric tracking will make step counters look like antiques

Rumpl PUFFe-

Awesome tech you can’t buy yet: Origami microscopes, electric blankets to go, and more


Awesome tech you can’t buy yet: Custom LED sneakers, invisible drums, and more

awesome tech you cant buy yet crio ilumibowl2 nexo 111316 kjasbf9weagpsdfb

Awesome tech you can’t buy yet: Airless bike tires, LED toilet lights, and more

heck out our roundup of the coolest crowdfunding projects and product announcements that hit the web this week.
awesome tech you cant buy yet spud chip stealth 110616

Awesome tech you can’t buy yet: Collapsible monitors, measuring spoons, and more

awesome tech you cant buy yet holovect aer skunk lock 102316

Awesome tech you can’t buy yet: Smelly locks, holograms, a hydration wearable

Arc'teryx Voltair Avalanche Airbag

How Arc’teryx uses tech from vacuum cleaners to save your life in an avalanche

The Arc’teryx Voltair avalanche airbag uses an electric blower system that's the result of designers playing with RC helicopters and vacuum cleaners.
awesome tech you cant buy yet 2 101616

Awesome tech you can’t buy yet: Levitating turntables, a tent-hammock hybrid

Check out our roundup of the coolest crowdfunding projects and product announcements that hit the web this week. You can't buy this stuff yet, but it sure is fun to gawk!
Awesome tech you can't buy yet

Awesome tech you can’t buy yet: Mesh antennas, portable AC, and more

awesome tech you cant buy yet 9 11 2016 091116

Awesome tech you can’t buy yet: A crazy new MMORPG, hackable frisbees, and more

bmw team usa swimming nathan

How BMW’s self-driving car tech will give American swimmers a leg up in Rio

BMW is lending its automotive computer vision expertise to helping Team USA develop cutting-edge technology for improving their swimming.
Thin Ice vest plate

A closer look at Thin Ice: the magical weight loss vest that siphons heat off your body to burn calories

Startup Thin Ice estimates its wearable vest can burn up to 500-1,000 calories per day simply by wearing it, using a patent-pending cooling technology.
interview spcarbon custom bike builder shawn powell

Meet the guy who ran away from Wall Street to build bikes

SPCARBON recently made a full carbon bike for Red Bull Racing Eyewear, and its president just launched Blueprint bikes offering beautiful planned builds.
wally gpx gps art baltimore

Meet the guy who makes GPS geoglyph art by riding his bike around Baltimore

Michael Wallace makes art with the city as his canvas, a bike as his brush, and a myriad of GPS location tracking apps as his paint.
climbing everest with nvidia vr thumb

Climbing Mt. Everest in VR is so terrifying that my knees wobbled

why you should try using a treadmill desk at work lifespan tr1200 nick 1

Can you really walk and work? I tried a treadmill desk for 6 months to find out

clinicloud smart stethoscope thermometer thermo

This smart stethoscope and thermometer make your bedroom a doctor’s office

top tech of ifa 2015 award winners best digital trends

Digital Trends Top Tech of IFA 2015 Award Winners

Wellcoin lifestyle

Can a virtual currency make you healthier? The founder of Wellcoin thinks so

lexus hoverboard photos details specs slide hoverpark 9

10 tech stories you missed this week: Lexus hoverboard unveiled, Jon Stewart signs off

awesome tech you cant buy yet july 26 2015 snotbot

Awesome tech you can’t buy yet: Whale snot, space suits, and giant 3D printers

awesome tech you cant buy yet july 19 2015 071915 feat

Awesome tech you can’t buy yet: Programmable drums, LED helmets, and more

Hydro Hammock

Awesome tech you can’t buy yet: Hot tub hammock, smart luggage, and more

Thync Vibes

Zap yourself awake: Thync’s mind-altering, brain-jolting band is now on sale for $300

Apple vs. Asthma

Apple vs. Asthma: How ResearchKit is ‘unshackling science’