Last year, Amazon introduced a brand-new way to get excellent customer service for your Kindle Fire HDX tablet. The Mayday feature lets users contact Amazon customer service representatives, 24 hours a day, for any reason. According to a new report issued by Amazon, Kindle Fire HDX owners have been using the feature a lot for some pretty amazing things. After all, sometimes excellent customer service isn’t just about fixing tech issues and bugs.
It turns out that the vast majority of Kindle Fire HDX customers now ask for assistance using the Mayday feature, instead of calling the Amazon customer service line. Mayday is not only quicker, but it’s simply more practical. If you need assistance with your tablet and are terrible at following verbal directions, the Mayday rep can actually draw on the screen to show you what to do, where to click, and so on.
“When we set out to invent the Mayday button, we wanted to revolutionize tech support – and we’re happy to report it’s working!” Scott Brown, director, Amazon Customer Service, said in a statement. “Seventy-five percent of customer contacts for Fire HDX now come via the Mayday button. Even as the Mayday button has grown to become the most popular way for customers to ask questions, the team’s been able to beat the response time goal of 15 seconds or less – our average is just 9.75 seconds.”
Of course, Kindle Fire HDX users also enjoy calling Mayday for really random reasons. Amazon says that one user looked to the service for help in defeating a very tough level of Angry Birds. Apparently, the customer had been stuck on the same level for an entire week and just couldn’t take it anymore. Luckily, the Mayday rep was an Angry Birds pro and helped the customer win.
Another user called to request that the rep sing “Happy Birthday” while they gave a Kindle Fire HDX to someone as a present. People also really like asking Mayday’s tech advisers to draw rainbows, unicorns, and other crazy things on their screens. One customer even enlisted a Mayday rep in a marriage proposal.
Over all, Kindle Fire HDX users who have tried Mayday seem very enthusiastic about the service, calling it “sensational” and “terrific.”