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Sprint: The iPhone 4S will have unlimited data plan

iphone-4-sprintAs expected, Sprint has confirmed that it will offer an unlimited data plan for the iPhone 4S (as well as for the iPhone 4, which it will also carry). The company tells All Things D there will be a $69.99 unlimited data and text message option (which will also include 450 calling minutes). There will also be an $89.99 plan that offers all of that but with 900 calling minutes, and a $99.99 plan with unlimited access to all of these features. Keep in mind that Sprint charges a $10 premium data add-on fee for smartphone users.

Prior to the iPhone 4S launch, Sprint announced it would be keeping its unlimited data plans for the time being–however, these unlimited plans have an important footnote. There have been rumblings that the carrier’s plans will be subject to change when it announced its 4G LTE network, which will be later this week.

Like AT&T and Verizon, Sprint will try to capitalize on offering the iPhone without restrictions. Also like AT&T and Sprint, this will likely be a temporary deal. Less than a month after introducing the iPhone, Verizon cut its unlimited plan for the smartphone and began tiered pricing. AT&T offered the option for three years, but struggled with bandwidth hogs and began throttling heavy data users.

Verizon was able to secure a bit of spotlight when it first began carrying the iPhone, in part for its unlimited plan, and Sprint is likely to as well. How effective this will be and how long it will last, however, remain to be seen. 

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Molly McHugh
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Before coming to Digital Trends, Molly worked as a freelance writer, occasional photographer, and general technical lackey…
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